Chapter 21

It was around the same time and everyone was continuing the conversation.

Neville looks very anxious

Neville- " Hagrid, you are the one who knows how to get past fluffy right? you wouldn't tell anyone, not even the teacher?"

Hagrid looked very proud.

Hagrid- "Not a soul knows about this except Dumbledore and I

Adam-"He'll go to sleep by playing music"

This causes everyone to snap their heads towards me, Hagrid looked suspicious.

Hagrid- "You!....How did you know?"

I shrugged.

Adam- " Greek mythology, Legend of Orpheus, the poet Orpheus was able to put to sleep the cerbeus and enter the underworld by playing his lyre, although he was supposed to be supernaturaly great. I won't be able to tell of he can put down fluffy the same way."

I actually wonder if Greek mythology exist. I wouldn't be surprise since Norse does.

I know that Greek mythology exist in the Marvel Comics universe but not sure if they exist in. this one I mean It could be possible as Marvel exist as well and I met the highest one.

Hagrid started to look more and more crestfallen by the second.

I sighed.

Adam- "Hagrid look, the legend of the Orpheus isn't well known in the wizarding world, I may know it others won't as well so don't worry I won't tell anyone."

Hagrid looked relieved.

Hagrid- "Thanks Adam, I don't care what other people say, yer a good person."

I smiled in response.

Neville- "Hey Hagrid it's boiling out here could you open the window?

"does it have to do with the dragon egg in the fire?"

Everyone but me- "WHAT!"

I swear it was not me who did it

Hermione- "where did you get it?"

Hagrid- "I won it,...I was down in the village last knight having a few drinks and got into, he was quite glad to get. it out, I think.

Hermione- "But, what are you going to do with it when it's hatched?"

Hagrid- "Keep the egg in the fire cause their breathe on them and when it hatches feed it with a bucket of brandy mixed with chicken blood every hour. It even describes what dragon. norweigian rIdgeback there rare them."

He looked veey pleased. with himself Hermione however did not and said.

Hermione- "You have a wooden house Hagrid."

Hagrid ignored her as he went up and merilly stroked the fire with a stick.

Sorry for the short chapter I have to go hut please, before you leave. read this note.

You will never be flowing. unless you flow that flow. because without that flow your flowing will be flowless all ways remember to flow that flow or your flow will never be flown. Keep your flow or else your be flown you don't want to flow that flow now do you?
