Chapter 30

It is safe to say that I had Gotten out of the hospital ok I met ruby who was also ok which was a relief I had grown quite attached to the Pheonix, unfortunately the same time I had gotten out of the hospital was the same time the exams were underway. that is always bad news especially when you have a study maniac as your friend.

The second we had met at breakfast she didn't even ask if I was okay, she simply. shoved a bunch of study notes in my arms.

When I asked why she said being in the hospital is no excuse to not study for your exam. much less fail.

I could only roll my eyes at her antics.

I was always calm whenever the exams or a test because it was the same in my previous life.

I guess it had something to do with the fact that I had realized that you can only do what you can to prepare to be ready for the day in which you have to test what you have learned.

Hermione however looks like she is about to collapse from stress, is it wrong that I find it kind of funny how she acts around like that?

All in all I cannot wait for the exams to be over don't know why... but I just can't."


When exams rolled around everyone had done, well that's to be expected. considering how hard everyone was working.

Even though worrying over the exams, Hermione had thought she failed all of them, turned out she had passed.

After the final exam which went over the history of magic, we all had headed over to the lake.

Hermione and Daphne were going over the questions of the exams. Tracy was reading her do your own adventure book I had gotten her for Christmas, Blaise had streached his back and laid down watching the crowds. Rose however looked grumpy she kepted wincing while rubbing her forehead in pain.

Adam- "Are you alright?"

Rose- "I'm fine!"

The tone in her voice sounded very agitated.

I took a step back.

Adam- "whoa, calm down it was just a question, no need to snap at me like that"

She sighed

Rose- "I just really wish I knew what this meant."

I had a pretty good guess that it was a hoxurux but I wasn't sure. the fanfiction has had various of reasons to her scar acting up or why it's their in the first place.

Adam- "Did you ever go see the nurse to get it checked up?"

Rose nodded

Rose- "I did actually, she didn't think their was anything wrong with it."

Hmm probably thinking it's just a normal scar.

Adam-"What do you think it is?"

Rose- " some type of warning"


Rose- "a warning of a danger that is set to come"

Yup definitely something to do with voldemort either a hoxcrux or Lilly's magic protection.

Adam- "Danger?"

Rose- "I don't know... can't help but worry that someone's after the stone even though I'm not thinking it's snape like neville and hermione"

She looked really sullen.

Rose-" Maybe I'm being paranoid, it's not like hagrid will tell anyone right?"

Her gaze shifted to hagrids hut and her eyes widened before jumping to her feet and sprinting around the make towards the hut.

Blaise- "Where is she going?"

I shrugged.

Adam- "My guess is to hagrids hut like she had said"

Blaise- "I wonder what's so important that she couldn't wait for"

I shrugged again

And we both laid are heads back on the fuzzy itchy grass. Our face facing the clouds as we closed our eyes and drifted out to sleep.

Adam- 'Be careful out there Rose" was my last thought. Before the drousyness overtook me.

End chapter

Before you guys leave how about a note.

Driftin the drift ain't always so drift when you drift that drift. If you want to drift that drift always be drift, because drifting ain't the way to drift in lest you drift the drifting drift.

Also thanks for the support I'm at over 1,000 followers now this is a cause for a celebration.

peace out guys