Chapter 37

Appearing upstairs I noticed something that made my blood boil in anger.

I guy who strongly resembled that of a walrus stood over a familiar Red haired girl who looked worse for wear with a bloodstained belt.

This was Rose whose wounds were way more and a lot worse than before considering that she was covered in blood man it looked like a horror movie

Vernon seemed to have noticed me and jumped.

Vernon- "Who are you?! get out before I call the police!"

I walked past him in favor of getting to Rose.

Vernon grabbed my shoulder violently

Vernon- I said-"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence as he was sent flying across the room with a blast of magic which he landed inside the cupboared which closed and locked.

I reached over to rose and gently touched her shoulder I ignored the fact that My hand was now bloodstained as well as her flinch.

She slowly fluttered Her eyes open revealing her beautiful emerald green eyes. which widened in shock upon my sight in front of her.

Rose- "A-Adam?!"

I smiled gently

Adam- " hey rose."

Rose- "What are you doing here?"

Adam- "I grew concerned I had my house elf look after you because you seemed so scared."

Rose sniffed before throwing herself into my eyes smiling before she went limp.

I checked her pulse and sighed in relief.

Adam- "Dobby take her and put her in my room, tell my mother where she is and get her to contact st mundus."

Dobby- "Yes mastar adam...what would you do?"

I smirked coldy at the violently shaking cupboard my eyes showing barely contained rage.

Adam- "I have certain business I need to attend to"

Dobby took Rose's hand and nodded.

adam-"also I'll decide your pubishment so don't go and punish yourself that is my final order."

Adam- "Yes master Adam"

Suddenly the cupboard flew open just as Dobby disappeared


I chuckled darkly and said in response you call me spawn of SATAN and yet you don't even recall what you just did to rose a few seconds ago? I have met SATAN and I could tell you that your a lot worse.

I blasted him with a nother blast of magic sending him flying across the room into a wall.

I slowly walked until my menacing shadow loomed over him

Vernon- "Don't KILL me!

Adam- "Kill you?"

I chuckled darkly before it set into a scowl

Adam- "you don't deserve the mercy of death."

I grabbed him using one of Loki's tricks I through him into another dimention.

You don't want ro know where he ended up it nah screw it involved gay men and fucking.

You don't mess with my rose like that or you suffer the consequences

My? where did that come from ?

I shook my head grabbed chaos edge and disappeared

Vernon came back through the portal a ghostly pale and his expression stained into a horrified look.