Chapter 42

Rose and I had quickly evacuated my bedroom and went towards the dining room where my mother sat with tracy and Daphne

I joined my mother in the dining room table and picked up the daily prophet.

(Sirus black xonerated, Peter Pettigrew is alive)

madam bones sure works fast.

I also saw two images that dominated the front page

One was Peter pettigrew the other was sirus black. it showed Peter being dragged into Azkaban while sirus looked very Ragged and had a surprised look on his face.

I had opened the paper and started reading the story.

(Earlier yesterday the aurors received a call from an unknown source. wishing to support a suspected amnigus. as it's standard practice the aurors immediately released the transformation.

They had expected it to be some young man doing a prank or whatever, Imagine their surprise when they spotted a wizard who was supposed to be dead 11 years ago.

I'm sure I do not need to remindyou what had happen all those years when the girl who lived vanquished he who must not be named."

It was believed that the reason he was able to find the potters family that night was because of sirus black had betrayed them..but as it turned out it was not sirus black who betrayed them but Peter Pettigrew.

It was then believed that Peter Pettigrew attempted to track down black and get revenge only for black to blast him to bits. that caused the aurors to see what had happened on the sight and naturally sent Sirius black to Azkaban.

However after this recent discovery numerous truths has been brought to life, all of them proving sirus blacks innocence. that potter had been hiding under the fiddlieus charm with pettigrew as the seeker cast by albus dumbledore. which means ladies and gentleman's that our chief and warlock knew that Sirius black was innocent and still allowed the noble house to be sent to azakaban with out trial.

That's right dear readers. Sirius black was never convicted his supposed crime. nor was he given a trial It was even given to. like the likes of bellatrix lestrange.

What does this mean?does it mean the ministry can just sling people to Azkaban because they ended up at the wrong place wrong time?!

or is their something sinister going on this reporter intends to find out so stay tuned for more, readers!)

Hmm sadly, yes,it happens everywhere even in my past life people were out in prison because of they were at the wrong place in the wrong time, it's unfortunate but it is true.

There was a bunch of pages below that but I had already stopped reading the three strikes were already out as this was the last one Dumbledore Cannot be trusted and this is exactly like a bashing Dumbledore fix to means I'm almost glad that I had the mental defense system planted in my brain.. I'm glad Rose's mother is a cosmic entity that's currently inside of her that way she can protect him from intruders like dumbledore who will most likely enter her mind for evil intentions.

Because it's as he says for the greater good.

???- "Adam!"

I looked up to see the table shooting looks as though they expected me to answer something.

Adam- "Oh sorry I spaced out, what were you saying ?"

Cue the loud groaning it didn't bother me at all in fact I took quite pleasure in seeing Tracy so annoyed.

Mother and Rose smacked the back of my head

Adam- "Ow! what was that for?!"

Mother/Rose-"Pay attention/Idiot!"

(End Chapter)