
New volume out I suppose it is pretty interesting in a way.

Lets recap shall we?

Adam a 8 year old kid died from a car crash was reborn into the world of magic and wizards with 3 wishes.

Slow world building and all.

Rose is not really human but most her abiities locked away by guess who?

Adam turns out to not only be the kid reincarnated but a god as well...

He is very powerful and his sword can make him as powerful if not More powerful than Thor

Your forgetting one simple term that causes the sword to shift it is imagination, with the imagination like Adams the form is basically limitless.

Adam has trained in his mindscape as it is basically his own personal dimension.

he can also make it so mortals cant sense his godly presence and make him seem mortal.

His is stronger than he seems he just doesnt feel its appropriate to show

Also for the marvel

All spidermen will appear Tobey Andrew And tom in this story so be on the look out in like volume 5 or 4

People people, this has been a pleasure to write and Ill start writing longer chapters

this Novel I have a lot of plans for I do

Stay tuned in and Have a good day