Chapter 52

It was the day after that day and I woke up to a voice in my head that was quite unexpected and horrifying well I would be if I wasn't immortal I still don't want him he freaks me out.

???- " hey, could you tell your pets not to eat me!"

My eyes widened at the sound of the voice it was very deep and scary like!"

Adam- "Are you perhaps venom?"

Please please no no.

???- "No"

I sighed in relief.

???- "I am poison I am nothing like my baby brother."

I groaned this makes this worse he sounds exactly like the venom in the movie which freaked me out.

Adam- "do you have a tendacy to eat anyone who looks delicious to you no matter if it's a sentinal being or not?"

Poison- "Yes, there was this one guy that I-"

Their was a sound of explosion

And sound of explosions followed bypoisons screaming.

Posion- "seriously tell your pets to calm down! I mean no harm I need a host to survive!"

I shrugged and sent a calming presence to my living residence inside my head telling them it's fine.

Poison- "Thank you,"

I nodded.

After that event I went downstairs to joinsirius rose woke up eventually and followed.

Poison- "This, Rose looks delicious, can I eat her?"

Adam- "No"

Poison- "Why not?"

Adam- "I like her, and youd probably be burned to a crisp by her mother."

Poison-" and who is her mother.

Adam- "A cosmic entity, known as the Phoenix"


I could sense his shock

Poison- "That probably isn't good idea to eat her then."

I nodded.

and their was silence

Poison- "Is she your mate?"

Their was silence, before I shrugged.

Adam- ", I hope so"

Poison- "Good you should snag her as your mate."

Adam "I mean if she chooses to I guess. but if not I guess look for someone else?"

Poison snorted

Posion- "Pussy!"

Loud snarling and growling was heard.

Poison- "okay okay stop I'm sorry"

The growling was cut short.

I smirked.

Adam- "Whose the pussy now?"


Adam- "Morning Sirius"

Sirius looked exhausted

Sirius- "Morning, you two"

Poison- "That person with the black hair he looks delicious can I eat him?"

Adam- "No"

Poison- "Why not?"

Adam- "He is a friend to the Phoenix and he's good to me so no"

Sirus-" I've been looking at this, sorry if I haven't been making any puns lately"

Rose- "What?"

Sirius- " an audit of the potters. and the blacks vault since the blacks vault has been dormant for 11 years it hasn't changed but the potter vault is another story."

He rubbed his eyes with his hands and sighed.

Sirius- "Its been gutted

My. eyes and Rose's widened.

Rose- "Wasn't my vault almost full?"

Sirius sighed

Sirus- "That's just it rose, that is your vault fortunately the heirloom can only be access by someone of the potters blood the main one is nearly empty,"

Adam-" That's not possible,"

I said causing all attention to come towards me.

Adam- "Rose is the only person to accessit once she turns 16 unless she had a magical Gaurdi-"

My eyes narrowed


Poison- "This dumbledore, this Dumbledore sounds irritating can I eat him?"

Adam- "Yes"