Chapter 65

After lunch, we had gone to the class that everyone had been dreading, Lockhart's class.

Because of this, during around lunchtime, Rose kept on bemoaning, while Hermione tried comforting her, it failed.

Unfortunately, it was as bad as I had imagined it to be when the class had first started.

The peculiar man entered the room all sparkly and with the posture of a chicken.

oh and by the way, he was still sparkling. I'm still quite curious about how someone could possibly do that and still keep their pride as a man.

He stretched his arm out, reaching for the teacup with his name engraved on the side in golden ink.

He then hoisted it up for the entire class to see and said.

Lockhart- "Me, I am Gilderoy Lockhart honorary member of the dark magic defense league, the order of Merlin, and five-time winner of the witches weekly most charming smile award."

My eyebrows twitched.

Yes, that's a real thing, that people take pride in, Honestly Its not much different from my previous worlds, they praise the beauty and get more money off of that.

I, however, see no beauty only annoyances and my god man will he stop SPARKLING!!!

Lockhart- "But I don't talk about that I don't get rid of the abandon Banshee by just smiling at her."

He waited patiently for a few laughs.

My eyebrow twitched more violently. A few people did laugh but it was very weak.

Rose was glaring at him the entire time her face slightly green.

It was amusing to see Hermione's reaction its good to see her reevaluating her opinion on that idiotic moron.

Lockhart- "You also seemed to have brought the complete set of all of my books, marvelous job, now I can start you off with a quiz."

He then started handing out quizzes to all of the students.

I stared at what was on the paper in front of me with a blank look, while Rose looked at it in bewilderment.

Rose- "What...the hell?"

I shrugged, Meh why not.

I grabbed my pen and started writing, Rose gave me a look of shock.

Adam- "What?"

Rose- "You're actually answering these?"

I put the paper to her face for her to see

1. What color is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite?

Green, vomit.

2. what is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

Watching gay porn.

3. what is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement.

Putting his underwear on the right way

Rose giggled slightly and starred doing something similar.

Hermione looked torn between amused and disappointed by our actions.

I know its childish but you missed the part where that's my problem.

I just shrugged and continued on, inwardly can't wait to see his reaction

You live for the simple things, you know? the simple things.