
December 29, 2019

Uhhhh... another boring day again?? I mean not "again", since I just started writing this book today, but the boring day loop is happening all over again!!

So you're wondering why did I created this book, or should I say, my semi-journal (P.S.: my grammar is realllyyyy terrible coz I'm a Filipino citizen). To be frank, I'm a terrible writer. I didn't have a good background at writing, and I'm a lazy ass fucking procrastinator. So if you're looking for some Shakespeare-like style of writing, then that's not me. Plus, I always swear in this book, because it's the real Greg you're looking at.

I can see my writing style as a "write and post" dude. I don't settle for drafts and revision shits, because I'm a lazy ass writer!! I just want my first-hand opinions to be posted immediately, if I'm not lazy. If I forgot something to write out, then it's okay, because I can check this chapter out the other day and update it, or maybe I'll just post my thoughts to the next chapter so that I'll have my book's content properly served for my audience.

Speaking of my audience, what should I call you? Maybe... Gregorians? Nahhh, it's taken by the Gregorian chant. How about... GREGORITAS *insert I Like It by Cardi B* (just imagine playing that music while reading that gReGorITAs). So yeah, wazzup Gregoritas!! (Yey)

Going back to the really main question, why did I came up with this book? Well, I see this book as my rant book. My life is fucked up. I have no friends and even my family doesn't support my passion, which is being a Twitch streamer and a YouTuber. I'm proficient at playing League of Legends, but my boomer mom always warns me not to play that game due to my terrible eyesight. She always says that playing video games only give me sickness, and I won't profit from it. As a typical Asian boy, I minimized my playing time and still obeyed my parents, because I still love them, even though I get salty for a mean time.

It's hard having strict Asian parents like mine. They expect you to have a very high grade and good performance in school, but at the same time, they don't want you to review very late. Like why the fuck would they refrain me from reviewing at 3 A.M if they want me to have 99 100 98 on the report card. It's just ironic to me.

I always tell my parents, specifically my mom that I'm not the Young Greg that can have instant 99 on the card, because high school is a tough life. After graduating in a conservative Christian school back in my junior high school, they put me in a science high school, though it's my 1/2 decision coz it's for my future also.

My first impression in my science school was "Dammmmnnnn, I think I can handle this shit coz I got raining 99s and 98s on my Grade 10 report card." But now, being a Grade 12 student, chilling from my "unproductive vacation", my impression was like "Fuck this shit, man. I'm out. I just wanna graduate with my OG friends (shout-out if you're reading this, you're awesome)."

Being in a science school is tiring, man. If today was an ordinary school day, I can't write these damn 500 words in just one sitting. I'll be having random Messenger pop-ups like, "Greg, how's the research doing", "Greg, can you please edit this shit", and so on. I have endless workload in my school and I can't escape from it. Currently, I have a research running up ahead and my missed physics lessons, but since my classmates and teachers are on vacation mode, then fuck it, I'm just gonna do my passion right now, which is writing this book.

Yes, that's right, I love writing, but I lack skills in writing thrilling and adventurous writing, so I wrote my life. I also lack the sense of humor, so I wrote this life, since my life is a big joke (you should be laughing right now, coz this is fucking literal).

I think this is enough for my Day 1 of my rants and stories, because I want to divide my content properly so that I can have another content the next day. Since this is daily, I also keep track on my number of words to determine if I went too much or too little. In every chapter, I keep the number of words lowkey on 500 to 1000 words, depending on my time allotted to my writing, but since it's my vacation and this is a prologue chapter, then fuck this shit let's go 1000 words!! Nah, just kidding, I'm becoming lazy again.

Speaking of "just kidding", sometimes this phrase boggles up my brain cells as a Filipino philosopher.

How can you say "just kidding" as an adult? You can't just say "kidding" if it's not appropriate for your proper age. Why not say "just adulting"? That way, the relationship between you and the word is correct, but if you're an adult who acts like a kid, well you can say "just kidding". Nah, just joking.

Okay, my battery right now is just 2%, and I am typing this sentence near my charging station. I just want to finish this chapter, but as a prologue and an attraction to my future Gregoritas, I'll make it a thousand words for you, hehe.

Shit! I didn't realize it was 1 A.M of December 30, a Rizal Day in the Philippines. Damn, I miss this late night typing in my phone. The last time I was doing this "late night typing" is when I am talking to my crush, which then on the latter part she rejected me, then after a few months she apologized to me saying, "Greg, I think I'm starting to like you". At that fucking moment, my love for her was gone; I moved on. I realized that I was only infatuated to her. Nevermind, it's a long story, and I reached more than 1000 words *insert yehey sound effects*.

Maybe tomorrow, I will tell the whole story, since I moved on from that cringy past of me. Past is past. I don't want to fall into traps anymore. I learned a lot this 2019, so 2020, bring it on. Give me your best shot, 2020!