My name is Xiron, Xir, for short. I got that nickname after a year of spending some quality time with Von.

In the past year, I have understood many things, just like the concept of time. Either way, I also learned that I am currently still an infant and is still a year old.

I based my age when I was found by Von, which happened to be the seventh day of the fourth month.

Back when I was three months old, I already learned how to crawl, and that experience managed to open a whole new world for me. I can now move and observe more things.

But it was revolutionary for me when I learned how to walk when I was eight months old. Only then did I knew that the world was terrific.

Though I am quite proficient in learning to control my body's motor skills, there are still things I could not control.

One of these inabilities was my control over me pissing and when I want to poop. It is quite troublesome, not for me but for Von who had to clean up the mess I made.

Because of one incident, I am now made to wear a diaper. I was made to wear them a day after I made a mess…you can imagine that on your own.

According to the [World Cube], I was using; infants were not supposed to have any capability to speak or make intelligent conversations. That means I am special. It must have been because I am a half-breed of an elf and a human.

I learned all of these in an item people call a World Cube, an object where information about the world is documented. Though to be fair, the information it had was limited, and I had to be taught how to read and speak the world's language.

Oh, if you have not caught up yet, I can speak two languages. One is known as the [Alvish], and a language Von does not want me to know where it originated.

The latter language was my base language, and to this day, I still do not know how I managed to learn that when every word in a language is technically made up.

How can something remain intact in my mind when it's origin is something made up?

Yes, the language in my head is weird, and I became intrigued about its origin. But Von does not want me to use it too much, so I now speak the Alvish language after a year.

Oh, speaking of Von, I finally managed to describe his countenance. A man with a square jawline and bulky build, he wears ragged clothes and resembles a drunken hobo when he leaves for a drink.

The white garments he wore would occasionally be dyed with the blood of beasts he hunted.

The blood of the beast he managed to hunt is mixed in my milk, although I wanted to dine on meat like him, Von would curse and say that I am too young to eat meat.

Though I was rather displeased, I had to admit that the milk and blood combination I called [Blood Milk] was indeed a sublime taste that I fell in love with.

It was excellent and the best drink an infant could ask for, though to be honest, I could not compare it to any drink except regular bland milk, so don't take my word for it.

I once read that an infant should not consume anything other than milk. I say they are stupid. The Blood Milk was a masterpiece. I look down upon the man who wrote such nonsense.

Another year came to pass, summer, fall, and winter came and went, it was now spring. I am two years of age, but my body was comparable to that of a four-year-old. I can also control the time I piss and poop now.

That was what Von is proudest of what I have accomplished.

Von explained that the Bloody Milk he fed me was a concoction to help my body grow and mature faster than what's normal. He said he had to hunt many [Imperial Monsters] for the last two years and cursed at me for being so much of a headache.

I had no idea what a monster is much less an Imperial Monster. The World Cube did not include such information.

Oh, on that day, I finally learned the glorious [Curses], a phrase that encapsulates one's emotions in a single word that may or may not piss one's opposition.

Such curses included bullshit, fuck you, dumbass, and so much more wondrous words. But I also learned that I should not use those words against Von because I got my first spanking when I tried to 'use' them against him.

He asked me once where I learned such things, and when I answered I got from him, he spanked me again even harder this time. Though two days after that, he apologized and said that it was good that I was taking after him, curses can be directed to anyone else but him because he's my parent.

I was surprised to hear him say such a thing. But I merely tilted my head when I listened to the word parent. I know what a parent is, but I just couldn't find the so-called parental connection.

Emotions were a weird concept for me even after I learned what they are. I know what is sensations, such as pain and comfortability, because they are technically tangible.

But emotions are vague expressions people use to describe what they are feeling. I fail to understand them, and I could not feel these so-called emotions.

= "...You will understand why, later in your life, my son." =

He was a little disappointed for some reason.

The day I became two years old, I received something from Von called a gift. It was a gift, a gift for my birthday. He got me something called a [Book] and a [Role Affinity Tester], the book possessed the title [Mana Core and Mana Path: The Basics of Magic].

The book was rather old.

As for the Role Affinity Tester, that was something I can only use that after I master the contents of the book. At least that's what Von told me. I thanked Von for the gifts. He seemed satisfied with me thanking him.

Before he left me of my own devices, Von left few words to listen and understand; = "In the past, I managed to teach you how to read and speak the Alvish language because I am knowledgeable enough. But what you are about to read is something even I am incapable of learning because of my circumstances. But you, you were given life to experience both worlds. And no one in this world can help you other than yourself. Comprehend it to the best of your ability." =

Von stopped speaking and placed his hands on my shoulder. I could feel the heaviness of his hands, he looked at me in the eyes and spoke even more seriously than before, = "Xir, listen to me, this is not just your typical learning and comprehension studies. This is something that you must take seriously and learn this as fast as possible. Got it?" =

I could see the seriousness in Von's eyes. So I nodded my head and answered with certainty, = "I will learn it as soon as possible, do not worry." =

Von was satisfied with my answer and left with a smile on his face. I was left alone with a book in hand. Von decided to keep the Role Affinity Tester for later.

I opened the book and on the first page already had an introduction regarding something called [Mana]. I was interested, so I began reading.

= "Mana exists everywhere and surrounds us." = A short line and that was it.


= "It is a tool that can be manipulated by a select few. [Elves], [Dwarves], [Humans], and [Titans] have slight chances of becoming a [Mana Manipulator]." =

= "Although these four races only have small chances to wield Mana, there are beings that innately can control them. These beings are called [Monsters]. However, even though monsters can control Mana, they are not considered mages because unlike the four races, most of them do not have the intelligence to use [Spells] and even those who have the intelligence chooses not to use spell and instead use their [Innate Skills] for their survival." =


= "Monsters also possess an innately strong body. In the eyes of others, they are stronger. But the four races also have their strength, and that comes in the form of [Roles] Mana Manipulators can take." =


= "There are two common roles, [Martials] Mana Manipulators who specialize in augmenting their bodies and enhancing their strengths bypassing the body's limitation. They have great strength and agility, but their weakness lies in their limited range. They can also use the elements, but their manipulation of them is limited." =

= "… [Mages], masters of the elements who have varying abilities. Manipulating the Mana on the atmosphere to conjure spells of varying effect, they have immense destructive capabilities and a long-range. Their weakness lies in their frail bodies and the long-time they needed to cast spells depending on the level of spells they cast." =

The words were oddly complicated but also relatively simple. There are four races and monsters are a different species that are stronger than any of the four races in all aspects. But the four races can fight them by specializing in one of the two roles, which are Mages or Martials.

It is weird when I think about it because why not train in both roles if their specialties coincide with one another's weakness. But as I read further, the more I understood why this was the case.

= "Martials focus on increasing their [Mana Core] 's depth and purity so their mana reserves will last longer. Also, the art of the fair distribution of Mana is not as simple as it looks. The amount of Mana distributed in the body correlates with the amount of strength that will be augmented. They distribute their Mana in a channel know as [Martial Channels and Mana Pores]. Speed, precision, and insight regarding one's body, and the physical and mental fortitude of a Martial is taken into account. Mages do not have [Martial Channels] scattered in their bodies to augment their bodies." =


= "Mages casts spells of varying strength, and these spells need varying amounts of Mana. A Mage's worth is measured by their comprehension of spells and the effectivity of their [Mage Channels and Mana Pores] in their bodies. For them to casts a spell, they must first understand the element they are attuned with and then gather enough Mana in their Mana Core by using their Mage Channels and Mana Pores, before transmitting the Mana into [Conductor] of some sort and saying the incantation to let the spell get casts. The use of [Magic Circles] is only applicable for [Tier-5] Spells and above. [Note to aspiring Mages: Against popular beliefs shouting the incantations louder does not correlate to the strength of the spell.]" =

Aside from the reminder, I believe I managed to understand what roles are and their difference.

Becoming a Mage and a Martial is basically decided the moment one is born.

These roles are different, and they have their own strengths and weaknesses. I want to know their limitations.

= "To determine if a young child is a prospective Mage or Martial can only determine after they undergo [Awakening]." =

How to undergo Awakening:

= "The time of Awakening varies by age for a race. Humans awaken at the age of ten to seventeen years old: Elves awakens at the age of eight to twenty years old: Dwarves awakens at the age of nine to fifteen years old: Titans awakens at the age of six to twenty years old." =

I was getting a little frustrated at the age variable basically meant I would be unable to awaken before I turn eight or ten. I am, after all (according to Von), a half-breed between an elf and a human.

But I still went through the method of Awakening

How to go through Awakening.

= "Although the age rate varies, one can start feeling the Mana around them as early as they can meditate. This way, the chances of Awakening earlier than normal is possible." = This statement put a smile on my face.

= "First sit cross-legged and close both eyes. Breath in accordance to the instruction…" =

I started reading the instruction with great intent, and I followed them down to the dot.

Take in deep breaths and hold it for five seconds before taking in deep breaths once again and then this time hold it for five seconds. Once I reach the twenty seconds mark…I would see the lights…there it is.

I saw a particle of white light surrounding me. But something was wrong because as soon as I saw these white lights, I saw a condensed mass of silvery ball of light on my chest.

Twelve azure channels were attached in the silver ball of light. These twelve channels seemed to be at the brink of exploding. The instant I laid my eyes upon these channels, a powerful burst of energy escaped my body.

This powerful force passed through my bodily pores. This resulted in sharp pain assailing my entirety.

Abruptly opening my eyes, I screamed in pain. The pain overtook, and I lost my mind. The last few lines of the book flowed in my head.

= "The Awakening will be known as completed when a burst of Mana escapes the body through the Mana Pores, this burst of Mana will come from either the Martial Channel or the Mage Channel. The crimson Martial Channel and the azure Mage Channel will appear. The highest number of channels will be nine. Once the channels appear and the pores open, it will be time to create the Mana Core." =

I began to lose consciousness as I hear Von's voice hurrying to my side.

That fucking book lied to me. There are twelve mana channels goddammit. And that was my last thought before everything blacked out.