Why? Why are tears falling? Sadness? Is it sadness? What is this humungous being in front of me? Why do I call it father when I laid my eyes upon it?

Von? Where are you? Why can't I speak, why is my voice unable to escape my mouth?

What is happening right now? Tell me, Von, what is happening?

As tears fell, I could hear the clanking of metals coming from my neck and ankles. I looked down and saw myself chained to the wall.

My body was bruised up, and the pain I ignored is beginning to show. More questions flowed in my mind, and this made me feel worse than it should.

A soft hand touched my back, and I immediately flinched and jumped backward. With my back touching the wall, I gain a good view of the woman beside me.

The woman looked seemed to be a member of the human race. She showed me a smile and spoke in a way that made my chest ache.

= "The monster is vanquished, it will no longer torment you. Pitiful child, you are now free, do not shed tears for your suffering has ended." =

What was she saying? Suffering? I know the meaning of that word, and I know that I was not suffering.

Why is she comforting me with the death of that beasts? That beast might be my guardian, my parent, my father, do not speak ill of him before I confirm it.

Who do you think you are?

I am someone who does not understand emotions. It is a foreign and odd feeling for me that I have no cognition of as to what kind of reaction I should create when I feel one.

But right now, I wanted to tear this woman apart. I want to hurt her. I want to cut her tongue.

Something rose from my chest, and my vision began to turn red. I could feel something, and my Mana Core was responding to my 'emotions'.

But something made the flow of my mana to stop. My body then constricted, and I could feel my limbs lose its strength. I fell on the ground. I squirmed as I tried to move. I tried to bite down, but even my jaw lost its power.

What is happening to me? My body is strong. It is unique: how come I cannot use it properly?

My hands, my legs, and head, please...move, I beg of you. Please, get this horrible feeling out of my chest.

The woman came to my side, and she cut the chains that 'bound' me. She looked at me with pity, = "Do not worry, little one, we will get you out of here. You are injured, we will get our Mage to heal you." =

I became even more incensed, but I could do nothing but stare at her with hate-filled eyes with my body out of strength.

As I was held in her hands, I heard someone yell out, = "Mynia, there's something wrong!" =

A scream echoed.

I turned over to the scream and saw the body of the monster light up in dark color. A translucent dark figure appeared from its body.

The dark figure rose into the air and roared. The monster resembled that of a salamander with wings, it had long fangs, and its eyes were piercing…just like his.

The woman frowned, but I smiled. Yet my smile vanished once the monster roared out and started to speak. And as it spoke, my heart sunk.

* "….Xir…I know that…you are awake…I can feel your presence…listen…I love you my child, and I am sorry for I will be leaving your side…please become strong, both mentally and physically. We will meet again." *

I screamed as my tears began to gush out even more. I wailed and wailed, I wept and wept, I grieved at the fact I could not answer, and the only thing I can do is watch his figure vanishe.

I do not know who or what Von truly was, but that does not matter. For his message to me was clear, his race or species mattered not and he will always be a father to me. And I confirmed the sadness that I felt as the figure began to dissipate.

As the woman held me, I heard her make commands for a retreat!

= "What is it saying!? Is it calling its allies over? This is not good! We are leaving, go and store its body away!" =

The woman ordered, and the humungous body of the monster disappeared. Only its blood pool remained, and that blood disappeared shortly after as it seeped into the earth.

The woman left with seven other people. They did not know what the monster's words were, and Xir was the only one who managed to understand. And as tears flowed, I left the forest and the dilapidated house Von and I lived in.

The woman and her crew were fast and left the forest after the passing of a moon. And as the sun rose and the light blinded me. My tears finally stopped. I confirmed Von's death, yet I do not know why he died and why I was tied and beaten when I awoke.

But these thoughts of mine would have to wait. After all, when I was brought to what they call a town, the woman and her crew returned triumphantly and was celebrated as heroes.

On the other hand, a parade was made, and Von's corpse was paraded and celebrated around town.

I was made to watch as they devour the flesh of the man I call father.