= "Why hello there little one, my name is Solstice, I am the caretaker of the Smiling Sun Orphanage. What is your name, little one?" =

= "Xiron, that is my name." =

Solstice's face suddenly became quite interesting as she asked me something weird.

= "Do you feel something wrong, Xiron?" =

= "No, why?" = I answered honestly, lying in this situation brings no benefit to myself.

= "Then why not smile? I know that you are sad as we have failed to find your family, but the Smiling Sun Orphanage would be your new hope from now on. So, why don't you show me your smile?" =

Solstice smiled at me with her white teeth showing. But I did not feel the need to smile so on the back of my head I thought to ignore her. But in my time in the hospital, I read about something called socializing with other people.

So, with the best of my ability, I made an attempt to show a smile to the woman. My smile resulted in her making an expression of surprise and confusion.

My smile disappeared because smiling felt tiring to do. I still could not understand why so many humans and other people of different races force themselves to smile? And the look Solstice had after seeing my smile made me quite displease so I asked, = "What is wrong?" =

The woman snapped out of it after hearing my question and said, = "Um, I just thought you have such a unique smile." Her voice was awkward sounding. It sounded just like those times when I ask Von what my base language was.

I stared at Solstice in the eyes, she avoided my sight which made me think of her being rude. But the next thing she did manage to make me wonder if her mind was on the right track.


She slapped both her cheeks and she showed me a smile. Let me repeat those words, she slapped her cheeks and smile at me.

I registered the woman before as someone dangerous.

= "Xir, I welcome you to the Rising Sun Orphanage." = Solstice said and she opened her arms. Her action made me jolt in surprise so I jumped backward, is she trying to corner me for failing to smile?

Is her words a cover-up for her real intentions? I can't have her have the chance to take me out, so, I must create some distance. With me not knowing about this place called the orphanage, I must become very alert of what might happen.

= "Oh, I must have startled you. Pitiful child, to be held captive by such a monster… oh, what am I saying? Let us forget about the past, shall we Xiron?" = she gave an awkward laugh but I did not lower my guard.

The interaction between was short and after some time she led me to somewhere called a cafeteria where I saw many children of varying height and shape. Some were tall some were small, some were thin, some were wide, but almost all of them were surprised to see me appear.

I heard Solstice speak, = "Everyone, look over here and pay attention, this is Xiron, he will be staying with us from on. Say hello to him." =

= "Hello Xiron." = I could see many were smiling as they greet me. But there were some who merely showed me fake smiles. I know they were fake because I could feel some faint hostilities towards me.

I know what hostility is, Von taught it to me when I was merely five months old. He showed me what a true killing intent was, what bloodlust was, and what a hidden blade behind a smile truly meant.

Von my teacher who wanted to prepare when the time comes and I come out of his wings. But the hostility they are showing me is kind of soft. The one that Von showed was pure to the point that it made me poop and piss my diaper.

I chose to ignore the hostility and focus on staring at the children around me. I remembered something and tried to smile, that elicited the same expression as Solstice. I think I nailed my smile.

Three months passed in the orphanage and I found myself forming a routine in the orphanage. There were things called chores, it was merely menial tasks.

In the first few days, I spent in the orphanage I tried fitting in. According to the book of socializing with others, in order to properly socialize, I would need to properly have to act accordingly.

What I got from that is form a mask that people would accept. I tried doing that, but there were three unintellectual boys who tried pushing their chores into me. These boys also tried pushing me when I showed them the best smile I got, they were looking down on me.

I tried to tell the problem to Solstice, but she merely called them and had a talk to these boys. But after that talk, they lay low for the time being before resuming such acts.

I was not taught to take taunts lying down so as they continued to treat me in such fashion, in the second week of my stay, I started to feel irritated.

When the second week came around and they brought me to someplace where no one could see and repeated their previous deeds.

They pushed me around and hit me on the body. They thought it would be the same as before. I do not like pain so this has to stop.

As a punch flew towards my face, I took dodged and took a step forward before hitting one of the three boys on the neck impeding his breath.

The other two was startled and that gave me the opportunity to make the first move and give them each a hit on the stomach. These made them kneel on the floor in pain.

They looked at me with displeasure in their eyes, I did not like that so I hit their faces to make them stop.

They groan in pain and I did not like that, so I hit them again and again until they lost consciousness. I tilted my head and left.

Later that night, I received a summon to the office of Solstice. When I got there, I saw the three boys I punished with their faces swollen and bruised. They saw me and they trembled. That made me smile.

But this sight made Solstice fume in anger, she looked at me and spoke loudly as if she was trying to intimidate me, = "Xiron, why would you do such a thing!? How can you beat them up like this!? And why are you laughing!? Are you taking pleasure in such an act? They are your family!" =

I looked at her with my eyes filled with confusion. With my head tilted I answered, = "They were the first to act against me so I fought back. I tried to get help from you, yet you failed to stop their acts of hurting me. So, what is the matter of taking the matters of my own hands in order to punish them and make them learn their lessons?" =

I asked as the three boys trembled. I only did the right thing.