It was true and genuine magic used to destroy one's enemies that stand in your way. To see such good magic coming from that boy with the black hair. It was a treat.

Those flames of his was amazing, it was interesting, it was full of life yet it was also a tool that could reap life.

Fire is an attribute that both provides sustenance to life and comfort, but it was also a tool that can decimate one's opponents, I love its concept.

Humans are the other races all have lives of their own, they have their own cultures and beliefs, they are different from one another and all face different problems.

Yet why do they create trouble for one another?

In this world, what I learned from the books, people are stupid who only cares about their gains and benefits and those who try to become heroes are stupid people who had brains stuck on their soles other than their head.

Basically, those righteous people are stupid. One such proof of this is someone known as Lance who killed his way through a fortress of his enemies and then spares the leader saying killing the leader is not something a person should commit.

He said such words as if he had not just killed hundreds of people in the story. It was stupid and agonizing read.

My point is, fire, destruction, and life is connected to one another in one way or the other. Fire destroys and creates heat and provides a source of heat other races need.

But in that beauty of sustaining our lives, the fire still has the power to decimate what is in front of me and claim the lives of others.

It was an interesting concept and my chest began to feel hotter and hotter as I sensed something began to change inside me.

Sharp pains assaulted my body. Starting from my chest, I could feel the pain spreading evenly across my body. It was hot and painful, it reminded me of that time when I received the scar on my left arms and torso.

I would have screamed if these happened years ago, but now, I knew I had to endure as pain is something that will always be a part of those who wants to tread a path in this world.

Pain is something that shapes a being that has a breath of life. For a creature to feel pain, it might not like that pain, but it would learn from it.

I know I am weak to pain and I detest feeling it. But I know that must change, so, I endured.

I bit my lip and blood started coming out. Shit, this is painfully hot. My brows twitched and I clenched my fist so hard that I managed to dig through my skin.

The hot and scorching feeling enveloped my body and as the pain traveled all over my body and reached my eyes. Something began to change. The world is changing right before my eyes, the world is burning right before my eyes tiny sparks of flames surrounded me.

I-is this what [Fire Mages] see? Is this the world of a mage that is described in the books?

A world dyed with flames of varying color. A world that is full of life and destruction, a world that s scorching yet merely lukewarm. The world every Fire Mages see, the [Fire Origin World].

A world that connects the Mana Core to the mages, a world that lets Mages and Martials draw out fire attributed mana. It was the origin of all flames and this is where everything begins.

The pain all over my body began to slowly vanish as every pore in my body and Mage Channels bathed in flames. Slowly, I regain my strength and I woke up with a pool of sweat around me.

If the others see me now, I would surely be mocked. Those brats would be convinced that I have pissed myself.

I looked around and saw the wall clock above the doors of the library and found out that it was already near 12 o'clock. It was time for food. So, I hurried over and cleaned up the mess I created before leaving. After finishing the clean-up, I was famished.

I left the library and as I did, I saw the boy with the black hair about to come in. He looked at me and I looked at him, we were looking at each other. I did not break eye contact, because that would be a sign of weakness. I learned that from Von.

As if he noticed something, the boy stared intensely at me and then at the library behind me. He looked perplexed and then nodded his head as if he was implying on something. I noticed that our eyes were no longer meeting one another so I left and went to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, I went to grab food and ate silently at a table where only I choose to sit on. I ate quickly because I could not stand the rowdiness of the children and their joyous conversations. Cleaning up, I left and was about to head to someplace quiet.

But as I was leaving, I met with Solstice. I have been in contact with this woman for the past year, although she makes stupid decisions from time to time, she was kind and kind of caring.

She was also hardworking, it was reflected at the fact that she was the only one looking after the whole orphanage that had fifty-three children in it. This orphanage was built by the Seeker Union as something that houses the children with special circumstances.

I heard her call out to me, = "Xir, have you thought about the thing we talked about?" =

= "Yes, I have. But it is still a no, Sol. Give the opportunity to the other children, I do not need it." =

I call Solstice, Sol. Because it was short and easier to say. As for how she reacts when I speak to her informally, she had gotten used to it over the year. The other children refer to her as Sister Solstice, I do not want to call her that.

Sol tilted her head and touched her cheek, = "I see, I think that does it. Oh yeah, I have sent a new person in the library, mind your actions and do not beat them up or else. Also, the books you have asked the Seeker Union is coming with a few Seekers visiting us." =

My face lit up as I asked, = "Visit? Does that mean she will come as well?" =

Sol shook her head, = "She will not come, your savior is rather busy. But do not worry, one day, you will be able to see her again. You know Xir, you should do something about your tone, it is rather flat and emotionless, what do you say about another lesson with me about emotions?" =

= "Don't need it, I cannot learn anything from it. I appreciate the thought though." =

She ruffled my hair and she went away. I think I'm beginning to see why she is liked by the children.

I left and head to the library, I read a book and head out when night fell. The boy with the black hair (the one who could use magic) was staring at me intently. I did not like his stairs so I took the book I wanted to read in the room I slept.

I went to the room and then slept in my bed. It was a good night like always, but when midnight struck, I could feel movement in my bed. I gained cognition about what is happening around me even though it was dark. I could feel someone breathing on my face.

My eyes began to adapt to the darkness, I was not panicked, I could feel no hostility on whoever is mounted on me.

My eyes adapted and an oddly handsome(?) face was the thing greeted me. It was that boy with the black hair.

I looked at him and asked him flatly, = "What are you doing?" =

The boy with the black hair tilted his head as I heard him asked, = "I am mounted on top of you. I have answered your question, now answer mine. You're a Fire Mage aren't you?" =

I was silent for a moment, but still answered = "No." =