In this world, the only way you can live is by knowing how to move and when you should do so. My act of letting the woman know of my abilities as a Mana Manipulator is not a bad choice, after all, I am weak and the test she was speaking off was obvious.

A battle royal to know who would be the survivor. Those kids had been made to kill one another else they would be killed by the guards.

This act may seem irrelevant and useless, and may only serve as a repulsive sight for the orphans or the kids who were abducted. But doing this is going to let guilt simmer inside their hearts.

If they have blood in their hands at such a young age then they would be unable to easily fit in normal society. If that is the case, they can only live with the Blue Crown, in the underworld organization who introduced them to such a life; they cannot leave its side else they would be ostracized by everyone.

When I walked out of my tent, there were only two lucky people who survived both were boys. They have varying age range as one looked like he was twelve while the other seemed younger at the age of ten.

When they saw me coming out the tenth with clean clothes and clean body. The look of envy flash past their eyes before changing to anger and hate.

The older one scowled as he began to rage, = "What the hell is this!? I know you, you were that last guy who were brought here with us. Why are you here in a tent while we were away killing one another? This is not fair." =

I merely looked at him and smiled ever so slightly before minding my own business. I turned around and then got ready to leave without saying anything to cause this annoying boy and create a scene.

But the boy was stupid. How can I tell? Because he grabbed me by the shoulder and turned my body around. Without both feet, I lost balance and tumbled down.

I have shitty maneuverability now, does he not have eyes? Why would he do such a thing? Because he can? Because his emotions dictate that he has to vent his frustrations to someone who chose better chances to live?

I couldn't care less about his situation. I chose a path where I can survive, and for him to act in this manner because of his circumstances doesn't concern me, so I brought out the wand I had been given previously and pointed it at the boy who was shouting profanities at me.

= "You bastard, it must have been comfortable right? Living like this while others lost their lives. If you know how to live like this why didn't you tell us? The blood on our hands cannot be washed away!" =

= "And? What has that got to do with me? If you didn't want blood in your hands then you should've let them kill you. You sound like the victim when it was your choice to kill them. You shouldn't be here if you truly didn't want to kill. You are alive because of other people's lives, you should be grateful. But if you do not cherish your life, then continue yapping some more." =

I pointed the wand at him and he immediately shut his mouth. I slowly got up and then as I patted myself, I circulate a little bit of mana using a single Mage Channel and casted a spell.

= "Igni." = With that, a little ball of flame about the size of a walnut flew towards the older boy and, *Boom!*, it exploded on his body.

He suffered light burns as he tumbled down to the ground. Now, he was the one to be looked down upon by me, this is not something I want, but if this is the way to gain control and make him shut his mouth every time he sees me then this is not a problem.

He had been to hell while I was living a normal life?

So what? Because he had been to 'hell' he deserves my pity and sympathy? He is not the only pitiful person I know of. And I do not even know him so why should I take pity upon his situation?

= "Next time you do something like that, I will send a bigger one to your head." = A light warning.

I walked away and that would be the last time I would speak to him while we were in this camp. He would always avoid me when I look at him or even come near him by accident.

It was rather convenient when he was acting like that.

We stayed in that camp for another ten days until one day a black hunk of metal called an airship descended from above and we were told to board it.