Trial I

= "A Hydra? What is this?" =

A Hydra? What beast is this? It was a beast even I do not know of, this is my Elemental Guardian? With its four legs and black scales, it might look pretty terrifying if paired with a cat, but this Hydra is not even close in becoming terrifying.

= "Xir, what did you get as an Elemental Guardian? What is this little thing? By any chance did you get a baby dragon or something? You are my child, you should have gotten something good correct? My Elemental Guardian's back then was a Blazing Eagle!" = Lethias appeared to brag.

She noticed my face and said, = "Do not worry about what kind of Elemental Guardian you get, you are a Quadra Elemental wielder, you still have three chances. But wait, what is the species of this beast?" =

= "It says it is an Abyssal Hydra." = I answered honestly.

I expected Lethias to be disappointed, but oddly enough Lethias acted surprised for the reason I did not expect, = "I Hydra? Really!? Haha, I knew you were brilliant but for a Hydra to actually come to your side, this is great." =

= "Do you reaction mean that this Hydra is good?" =

= "Good? It's better than good, better than great, better than excellent. The Hydra, the King of the Elements, the Undying Beast of Chaos, The Ancestors of Serpents. The Hydra that answered your calls is a beast that only existed in the oldest record. The Beast that grows one head for each element it possesses. According to Legends the strongest Hydra once had six elements meaning it had six head. Also, aside from having the ability to wield six elements in one body, it also cannot die unless its very being is turned to ashes or a puddle. It is the perfect Beast of Destruction and Chaos." =

With her lengthy explanation, the only thing I got from it was the simple fact that a Hydra is the strongest beast I can ask for. According to the different researches, Elemental Guardians do not come from some magical space but this beast comes from somewhere in this universe. It traveled through space and time by riding the laws of the Universe in order to reach my side, the Hydra, this is the beast that answered my call.

After some checking with the Hydra, I tried connecting to the Summoning World but failed to do so. According to Lethias, it would seem that the Hydra is the peak of my Spirit Energy. The Hydra is a Beast that stands on top of everything else. This Hydra is still a baby, but so am I. I am already satisfied with it and made a Blood Bond with him.

A Blood Bond is a primary contact that directly links the mind of the Elemental Guardian to the Mage making communication possible. I confirmed our connection and said, = "My name is Xiron, do you have a name?" =

It shook its head.

= ":If that is so, then I shall give you one. You have scales as dark as the but have eyes the hue of the sun, the sun amidst the coming night, I shall name you Dusk. Do you like it?" =

Dusk nodded his head, it's a male, I don't need a connection to know that as I had already checked.

Viryon approached me showed off two Elemental Guardians, one of them was the Green Hound and the other was a Black Lynx. The hound was the size of a truck while the Lynx was about the size of Dusk.

I and Viryon have a good relationship with each other. He is not that much of an arrogant bastard like most elves so I think he is a good person. He is also a good person and a talented Nature and Darkness Mage.

He has Nine Mage Channels. I learned of this fact through the test we had days ago. They tested us for our Mage Channels through some device, only I had to undergo a different test because my Mage Channels cannot be seen. Either way, I made them believe I have Nine Mage Channels.

I left with Viryon and went back to my room where I slept (meditated) for a few hours and had Dusk go around the room. According to Lethias, Dusk is still a child and is still lacking in having any [Hydra Spells] (All Elemental Guardians have their own Innate Spells.).

Once again, time passed and before I knew of it, two years had passed and most of the people around me had already reach Silver-grade Rank-2 or Rank-1. The strongest of the Mages was Viryon who was at Gold-grade Rank-1 and the second strongest would be me at Silver-grade Rank-3 at least in name.

In all truthfulness, I have already reached Gold-grade Rank-3 and is about to rise in grade in months. I have twelve Mage Channels and I have the Legacy of Lethias that lets me meditate while I sleep making my advance faster than normal. My real age is 8 but in my information, I am 10.

In the Blue Crown Cavern, the number of youths was decreasing over the years. Most have died as the training after the first year had drastically increased. And as we are about to enter the next stage of training, we were gathered at the gathering area and an announcement was made.

= "A trial will be conducted, to those who will fail, they will be ejected out of the cavern." =