
Aria carefully lifted her clothes. She glanced at me from over her shoulders with a seductive gaze, and as her ragged breathing filled the room, she and I exchanged glances, "That would be 500 credits, please."


The moment I asked her reason, she already knew that I would not pay up; she clicked her tongue. Aria finished changing back into her clothes, and we sat across each other.

She tilted her head and showed me the most innocent yet deadpan face she could muster… it felt like I was looking at a mirror.

"Do you not know how to show emotions?" I asked.

"I have had not been given a chance to show them; thus, I am quite inexperienced. I was told having the stiffest of emotions leads to others unable to read me; I am merely trying to follow my orders. Besides, you are no better than I am; please stop preaching to me as if you actually know how to do it." She tried her best to show a pouting expression.

It was quite the sightseeing Aria does this. She was trying her best whilst trash talking me. I would have ignored it if not for Lethias' voice echoing on the back of my head, "Why not put her to her place? Try seducing this maiden; resisting charms is not the only thing you know. Seducing others should be practiced, and now that you a woman with you, why not practice with her?"

'I do not know how.' I quietly whispered to her. I may have mastered the ways of the bed, but the art of Seduction was not in my repertoire.

It was a high-end technique of the most sociable person in life… they are also rather unpleasantly arrogant when they could easily be killed as easily as breathing. I find it hard to even try and comprehend why women tend to go for such people; they are quite repulsive, I must say.

Lethias, however, did not care about my thoughts, "Xir, you will experience a lot of hard things in life, and Seduction is one of the many things that could save you. If you against an Empress, would you take the harder path of fighting against an army or would seduce her and conquer her before taking over her Empire?"

She had a point. Seduction, despite what I say, was indeed something that only the best of the best could master. There was a reason why there were stories regarding a Bard who tries to seduce their way out of anything instead of fighting… and I mean anything, including a monster.

In the end, I managed to come to terms with Seduction, and now that I came to accept it, I found a lot of methods to attract the attention of women and take control of their hearts.

One must be pleasing to the eyes to first be affected; thus, I ran my hair back and looked directly in the Aria's eyes. I was but a mere child in her eyes, but even I have my ways.

I pounced at her and pushed her down on the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asked with a calm exterior.

"I am doing what you wanted… but as I am trying to seduce you this time, I reckon there is no payment to have… older sis?"

I leaned into her with closed eyes; the closer I became, the more I felt her warm breathing getting more and more frequent, and before long, she pushed me away and then ran off the bed.

She ducked down below the bed only to slowly creep up and slow her eyes. She looked like she was trying her best to hide everything from the eyes down.

"What have you done to me? What kind of magic did you use? An illusory spell? What is it?"

"I did nothing. I was merely doing what you did. I told you I was seducing you."

"I-I am the only one who can do the seduction here, you child." She was acting like a cat that had its tail stepped on.

I tilted my head and asked her, "Really now?"

Aria got a taste of her own medicine, and she didn't like it one bit. She left our room to take in a breath of fresh air but left a few words, "I shall research my seduction skills, I shall come back." She had yet to give up.

I was left alone in my bed, and after such a thing happening, I had too much energy to even sleep. I have nothing to do, and it would still take a while before we reach our destination, so I flicked my wrist and brought out a dark purple Vajra.

This is the Lightning Beckoner Vajra I received from the Association by having cleared the Illusory World. Although that place was the origin of all my problems, it was still the place that gave me many benefits… it's a place I can clearly remember.

However, faint feelings of power remained in my mind and body. I can tell that when I was there, I managed to draw out most of the powers that remain dormant in my body… I want to feel that much power again.

Also, if I can have such a thing then… maybe, I'll be able to take revenge for the ones who killed my Father — gaining lightning is my first step to such a fate.

The Lightning Vajra was a Tier-7 Artifact. I am a Tier-4 Mage, and if I push my body to near-death, I can summon the strength of a Tier-5 Spell, but that's only if I am sure that it will work without fail.

In a fight, masters do not use their ultimate skills at the very start because they fear the other might counter them, then leaving them vulnerable. A fight has unexpected elements, and I learned this the hard way.

In my fight with Lisa at the Special Examination, I almost died because I thought she only had Fire Element to use. I failed to take note of any possibility.

My rationality is still limited, my experience much more so; thus, I deemed that using a spell to push my body to the brink is much worst than trying my best to escape.

There would be a higher survival rate if I was to try escaping rather than stay to fight and risk my life.

I want to refine the Lightning Beckoner Vajra because it will help me gain more elements. Lightning was one of the strongest assault elements, and if I add this to my specialties, I am sure that I'll be able to increase my power like never before.

And while I am busy getting an element, Aria was somewhere in the Ship going about reporting to someone.