Isaac what happened?

Isaac walked into the room, looked around and smirked

"I am so happy right now..' he said

"ARE YOU REAL? ISAAC-"Elizabeth screamed being interrupted by Isaac

"B*TCH please. I know how you can get out I'm here to help you, what do you think about that?"

Izzy looked at him in awe and asked "how do you know how to get out?" he nodded to Luke Luke nodded back and gave Elizabeth keys "one of these keys open the room" Luke smirked she was heart struck and took the keys, "which one?" she asked "I'm not sure. BUT!! ONE OF THESE HAVE TO BE IT RIGHT!!" Isaac giggled

Quinn walked up to Luke and stared at the "boy" next to him, not knowing who he was she greeted him "My name is Quinn Maxwell! what is your name?"

"Nice to meet you Quinn" he put out a hand " my name is Isaac Cartwright. I'm Elizabeths brother." they both shuck hands, satisfied that they were both good people, Elizabeth was trying all the keys, while Luke was taking off the keys that didn't work Quinn walked away to come back with a backpack

"Guys. Put all the keys in this bag, maybe they will work for something else , of course this is dangerous but after all F*CK this" Quinn continued "Look normally Craig comes back in an hour or so, Be quick there is a lot of keys so be careful"

Quinn turned to Isaac "Your a good person, Thank you." Quinn thanked him and went toward Luke and signed for him to put all the keys they had tried already in the bag " then we won't get mixed up" she told him and walked into the room and grabbed her dairy and also all the clothes.

Elizabeth finally got the right key and ran outside, It was a forest covered head to toe in leaves and trees.

Everyone grabbed all there belongings including Luke

"now listen" Lukas began " I need you all to be careful and get as far away from here as possible, you are not safe at home. hell I'm not even safe at home. Craig and the others are very persistent, C'mon"