Grabbing him by the waist and pulling him in for a couple of minutes before eventually letting go of him

'lukas! Inappropriate'

'shut it, darling i want to give you something'

"Hehe Luke!!"

Quinn had gotten out of the house with Elizabeth after Luke pulled Isaac into his arms, luckily it was roughly 10am when they left so they didn't have to worry about strange people on the street or long lines of traffic

"hey, Elizabeth"

Elizabeth looked at her in concern

"You don't normally call me 'Elizabeth' are you okay Quinn...?"

Quinn had always called her Izzy when she was happy so this brought Izzy to believe something was wrong or something had happened

"I-I I wasn't sure to ask you this..but can I meet your dad I mean.. Grandad?" Quinns breathing was shakey and unsteady

"what do you think I want to say?" she replied

"is that a no?...its okay " she had tears in her eyes"I want to know him since you are so kind ,generous and thoughtful so the person who raised y-"

"He never raised me, I never let him, he ruined my life. but you deserve to meet your family" she said softly

They had gotten to "Henry's house" as Elizabeth called it, Quinn was so excited to meet Henry

"Can I knock??" she asked

"go ahead Quinn, just step back after.…' she said recoiling backwards hiding on the opposite side of the garage door

A large tall muscly man appeared on the other side with a mighty grin on his face

"Hello?" he greeted Quinn

"hello sir! my name is Quinn Katem! " she went to shake his hand

"what brings such a stunning young girl to my door" he asked

"my dad knows you, his name is Isaac I'm here with my auntie" she answered

"Isaac? why does he- he was..God! come in, Where's Elizabeth?" he was shocked

"Lizzy" she shouted

"I'm" she answered coming out of her hiding spot

"Darling! IM SO SORRY PLEASE FOR GIVE ME" he begged bursting into tears..

she was tearing up trying to keep her confident façade she looked at Quinn.