..It'll be hard.

" You did this to spite me didn't you!" he said while getting up

"So, You left me for that 'AmAzInG father of mine" Isaac was stumbling to his feet

"Such a role model huh dad?, treat me and my family like s-" someone had pulled him into their embrace

"Listen.." Lukas said letting go of him "he can change, hunny.."

Isaac stared into Luke's eyes, they were flooding with tears and you could physically see the pain he felt inside

" Isaac-max Katem . I hereby am on your side..Although you are being irrational, It has been a couple of months now since you have seen your father.

I believe it will be a great opportunity to rekindle your family bonding" he murmured softly into Isaacs ear

"I'll think about it, Henry" he considered his options "Fine..let me in."

the small talk was unbearable for Isaac, he was mostly cradling himself in the corner of his dad's recliner

"can I give you something to drink?" Luke whispered to Isaac

"yeah pass it" he sighed rolling his eyes , taking a sip of the whiskey his dad had gotten for Luke while they were chatting Luke and Isaac weren't as slow as they used to be with alcohol. Of course they had Elizabeth to buy them 'Beverages'

because they were a year to young

" thanks.." Isaac mumbled while swallowing his "shot" but he was definitely p*ssed, he was a lightweight and struggled to take something as weak 7.5% wine

he wasn't a person who would enjoy college parties much not like he could afford to go to a private college anyway.

"Isaac!" Henry snapped his fingers to get his attention

"w-wah?" he protested and pity slapped his hand "nahuty! point is bahd!" he bellowed to his father

"haha!" he laughed " anyway-" he continued his conversation

Luke was laughing and so was everyone else..By the time Elizabeth, Quinn and Luke had to leave Isaac had blacked out of course Luke had to carry him to the car