Quinn maxwells' past

She was born on the 15th of September 2007,

She was young for her first.. Trauma

She was roughly 6 when her parents began to treat her differently.. Not like how they used to

She ran away when she was eight and never turned back she ran through forests and cities and towns and maybe even conturies she was happy being alone she was a misplaced person from a lost family she was a young and independent person, she did care about her parents but she knew if she didnt start anew she would be preoccupied by the pain they indured as children her mother an ethanol abuser and her father was an addicted nicatine user, she felt as if she never existed to them, Quinn felt so alone in a addicted family she had no rights and it felt like she had no freedom, Quinn then found craig she was abused daily by him. Night and day. Every single day!