Eventful Day (2)

Sighing I turn around and walk around the building, finding broken windows and glass lying on the floor. Huh! So it was recently broken into. I bob my head slowly as I walk past the broken baby bath and the black bin filled with who knows what as it stinks up the place and the flies are a bit too much. I hesitantly open the lid and see a dead brown cat inside it with maggots all over it.

I dreadfully close the lid and make my way to the front of the building. I open the gate and walk out, closing it behind me. I see Papa sitting on the porch looking my way with a frown on his face. I feel a tug on my pants and look down. There's a little dark skinned boy, with snot running down his nose.

I bend down and raise my top to his nose and wipe his face. He's glaring daggers at me which make me smile. He pushes my hands away and whines, "Naw ma, you can't just rub yo dirty clothes on my face," my smile widens.

"Who you calling ma boy! You better show me some respect before I hang you upside down by your ankles," I say and he looks at me in horror. I start laughing and rub my hand over his oily curls. I point to my top and say, "Boy look, my top was clean before your nose messed it up."

"Naw ma, you did that yoself," he says and I say, "Yourself."

He looks at me confused then rolls his eyes at me, "Anyway ma, you tha new lady taking over?"

I raise a brow at him. Nodding my head he grins and grabs my breast, squeezing them quickly, he laughs and runs away. I get up and stare at him, yelling after him, "I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR SHORT ASS WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN."

He stops running and turns around. Pulling his tongue out and making monkey ears, he giggles and continues running. I shake my head and head over to Papa.

"What's up baby girl?" he asks me while I sit down beside him. I raise a brow and I, "Why is there a dead cat in the rubbish bin?"

He looks at me with a strange look in his eyes then shakes his head, "I don't know, I didn't see anyone going in there with a dead cat and I sit here every day."

I nod my head and shake it off, "That place, just the outside needs a lot of work and I don't have the money for it." I sigh and get up. I tell him that I'll see him later and walk back to the daycare and see that little shit running back towards me.

He stops in front of me with a grin, "Yo ma, what's your name?"

I raise a brow at him and grab his cheek, "What did I say Imma do to you when I get you again?"

His eyes widen in surprise and smiles at me, "I'm soooooo sorry about that, please tell me what's your name?"

"You'll find out when you return to school now get your ass out of here, I have shit to do!" I say and let him go while he whines.

Walking into the building, I lock the door behind me and switch on the lights. My eyes scan the interior of the building and I sigh at the lack of educational décor. This place wasn't like this the last time I came and it's kind of depressing.

I head to the back where the baby unit is and the smell in here is terrible inside. I switch on the light and walk towards the smell and I see a packet with dirty diapers in it. The blood inside my body boils and I walk out leaving the door open.

I check each classroom and my blood just continues to boil. I head to the bathroom and don't even enter. I track back to the front of the building and enter the kitchen. I look around and can see flies. Heading to the fridge, I see the dirt and grim and shut it – not even the bowls of food are pleasing to the eyes not to mention the beer bottle and box of wine.

I go to the room, that is used for the office and look around. Well let's say, I can see there's shit missing.

I pull out my phone from the bag and go to the group chat I opened with the teachers of the daycare. I type a message "If you want to keep your jobs, get here NOW!"


As I wait for all the teachers to arrive, I look through the files and books on the desk, on the shelves and on the floor. Everything is a mess and I don't know why.

As I'm flipping through everything, I spot the plugs and see the empty spaces. I know for sure that a lot of necessary shit is missing. I take in a deep breath and close my eyes. Leaning back in the chair, I pinch the bridge of my nose and bite the inside of my cheek.

I hear a faint knock on the front door and my head snaps in that direction. It's a continuous knock that's pissing me off. I get up and walk out of the office. I grip the handles and pull it open.

My eyes land on three women who look panicked. I sigh and let them in, telling them to head to the office. As I'm about to shut the doors, I see a red BMW something pull up to the curb and the passenger door flies open. A skinny woman with big breasts gets out in a green dress, showing all her good areas and is open on the sides like fishnet stockings.

A man gets out of the driver's side with no shirt on, and I can see the shine of the pistol as he puts it in the back of his pants. Two other men get out from the back seat and close the doors. The woman kicks the gate open making it fall and my jaw clenches.

"Are you the bitch sending threats huh?" she yells my way. I let go of the doors and fold my arms in front of my chest. I count to ten as I watch them walk up to me. The loud mouth glares at me as I stare dead into her eyes.

I see her nose flaring and my eyes don't move from her even though I can feel the other three's pairs of eyes on me. She starts waving her hand in my face and speaks, "Ya deaf bitch, I asked YOU ARE.YOU.THE.ONE.THREATENING.MEEEE!"

I take in a deep breath and can smell the alcohol on her breath. "This bitch deaf bruh," one of the followers says and I slowly turn my head to look at him. I harden my eyes and turn my attention back to the woman.

In a calm and low voice, I ask her, "Who are you?"

Her head cocks to the right. "I'm Laniesha Everitt hoe, who you?"

I nod my head and press my lips together. Sucking in a deep breath, "I'm your boss."

"You aint no boss of mine!" she snaps her fingers and I swear I can see steam coming from her ears, I actually don't remember seeing this woman here two years ago so she must be new. There's only one qualified teacher here and she's already inside, so this woman…

"You are correct. I wouldn't want such a foul-mouthed woman working under me knowing that she'll be using vulgarities when she speaks about me to others." I say and watch as her face twists.

"Bitch what did you just say?" she asks.

I raise a brow, "Do you not understand English?" I ask her.

She doesn't answer me and instead looks at her man pleadingly… I guess, "Daddy, shut this bitch up for me."

The man looks down at her and nods his head. He steps forward and grabs me by my arm. My gaze returns to Laniesha. I smile at her as I feel her 'Daddy's' hand grip tighter around my arm. My heart is beating fast but I keep myself clam.

My free hand tightens and loosens. I whip my head to the Daddy man and bring my hand over and slap his face. His hand loosens around my arm as he quickly steps back from the sudden attack. I pull back and raise my leg, kicking him in the balls.

He yelps and leans forward. My hands swing for his head, I grip it tightly and knee his nose. His hands grab his nose with a grunt and my foot meets his balls again. I step back as one of the men who came with them grabs me by the waist and picks me up.

"Mother fucker let go of me, I'm not finished with him!" I yell and he pulls us against the wall. He has his hands around my waist with my back against his chest and his back against the wall, "Naw shawty, I think you did enough," he says. I feel his arms loosen slightly and his breathing hitch against my back and neck.

The other man helps his friend up and so does his girl. He stands up and glares at me. Daddy quickly pulls out his pistol and the man holding me sucks in a deep breath while pushing me behind his back.

"Nigga, get out of the way!" he yells and the man presses me against the wall.

"Naw bruh, did you forget what King said?" he asks and my brows furrow, who the fuck is King?

"Yea bruh, go against his orders and shit will pop," the other says.

I suck in a deep breath and say through gritted teeth, "All of you, get the fuck off my property and make sure you never show your faces in front of me."

"Oh we'll see each other again ma," the one holding me against the wall says. I close my eyes and just keep quiet. The three are mumbling to themselves, well not really, I'm just not listening. I hear the car drive off and frown.

"Why are you still here?" I ask the man while pushing him away from me. He steps forward and I turn and head inside. I can hear him walking behind me, "Should I close the door?" he asks and I nod my head.

I shake my hand out that slapped that Daddy guy and walk to the office. I stop at the door and turn to him. He has a cautious look on his face and is staring down at me.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask him and he smiles.

"No offence ma, but you just slapped one of the gang members. It's I stay with you and watch your sweet ass or you get shot," he says. I rub my temples.

"Speak English so I can humour you," I growl lowly.

"Uh? You hit someone you shouldn't have," he says. I cock my head to the side and shoot back, "So he has the right to manhandle me?"

I see his mouth open about to say something but he pauses with a frown. "You see there? He had no right to grab my arm and squeeze it tightly as he did, all because his girlfriend wanted him too. I honestly did nothing wrong yet I am in the wrong, why is that? – what's your name?" I say and ask him while stepping into the office as he follows me.