King’s Arrival (1)

I step back and put my bag on the couch and the keys in the bowl on the table under the mirror. "Your mama raised you well," I say and he grunts.

"That bitch can die and rot in hell, she let her man rape my sis and beat me," he says while throwing himself on my bean bag.

I nod my head, "Well then, good for her," I say while heading to the kitchen. My back faces him as I get out my mixing bowls and the ingredients for the fudge and brownies I'm making for mama and papa.

"You speak easily about rape, it's not a topic to play with," he says and I feel my body tremble.

"I know, I can talk about it because I am a victim, so it doesn't matter," I say and don't hear a reply. I don't expect him to answer, I actually don't want him to. I can already feel my eyes burn and my nose block.

I quickly head to the sink and switch on the table. I run my hands under the water and bring it to my face to wash my tears away. I get to the table and see Travis staring at me. I raise a brow at him and he just sits down.

"What you doing?" he asks and I know he's changing the topic.

"Making brownies and fudge. I'm stressed and baking helps me relax," I say. He watches me mix the brownie batter that I made from scratch and after putting it in the oven, I ask the question that's been bothering me, "Who's King?"

He looks at me lazily and answers, "My boss, Kingpin, the man who owns this part of town and many other places." I mentally take note to make sure I don't piss him off.

"After fifteen minutes, turn the heat to one sixty, Ima go bath then come back and make us supper," I say and hear him curse once again.

As I'm taking my bath I think of all the shit that needs to be done at the centre, it's too much but I think I can manage it all. Heading back to my room I dial the bank's number but it just rings continuously. I then dial my friend's number but she doesn't answer too.

I get dressed in a loose top, panty and grey tracksuit pants then tie my hair up in a messy bun. I look for my biggest pants and roll it up then head to the kitchen. I see Travis standing in front of the oven. He takes out the tray from the oven and pauses as he looks at me.

I notice a nervous glint in his eyes and raise a brow. He closes the oven door and switches it off. I head over to him and as I walk over I see something from the corner of my left eye but don't stop to look at it.

Travis turns to look at me and I hand him the pants, "I don't know if it'll fit you but it's the biggest I have. Go take a bath, you're stinking up my house," I say and he grumbles and reluctantly takes the pants from me.

I watch him leave the kitchen and he turns his head to look into the lounge then continues on into the house. Why does it seem like there is something there? Why did he look nervous?

I turn my attention to the brownies and take it out of the baking tray and place it on the cooling rack. I quickly make the chocolate cake batter and put it in the oven to bake.

I grab carrots, peas, an onion, the defrosted chicken and spaghetti. Chopping everything up and cooking them, I pull together Chicken Chow Mein and just as I finish boiling the spaghetti, Travis walks in.

He sits down at the table and says, "Your phone has been going off the entire time, can't you hear it?"

I look up at him and shake my head. I squint my eyes at him then ask, "Are you joining us for dinner?"

He looks at me with a raised brow then turns to look into the lounge. Travis turns back to look at me and I hear the words, "You've known this entire time that I am here and yet you don't come out and greet me, is this how you host people?"

I don't know who he is but I'll assume that it's this King person. His voice is deep and husky. Just hearing his voice sends shivers down my spine and gives me goosebumps.

I open the fridge and take the bottle of coke out, "Well, I don't treat all my guests like this, just those that show up uninvited," I say and take out drinking glasses.

I hear two pairs of footsteps walk towards the kitchen and I take out another glass. Well it's a good thing I made extra food.

I grab four plates from the cupboard, "Come help me set the table Travis," I say and he grumbles yet again. Turning around, I see the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on.

He's dressed in dark blue jeans with black boots on, a plain white tee with a black jacket over. I scan my gaze over the other man and smile at him, "How's your face? And don't worry, I doubt that you are impotent after our interaction."

That daddy man glares daggers at me but doesn't say anything. The handsome man takes the head seat and I see Travis and Daddy standing. "Sit!" I order and they just look at me.

I turn around and take out the cake as the timer rings. Placing it on the second cooling rack I switch everything off and mix the Chow Mein then head over to the table with the pot. Reaching over, I take the handsome man's plate and dish up for him. I do the same with Daddy and Travis' plates then my own.

After putting the pot in the sink, I cross my left leg over and sit on it as I sit my ass down on the chair. Travis and Daddy are still standing so I pick up the glass in front of me and squeeze it, "I will throw this at the both of you if you don't sit down."

They look over at the handsome man who is sitting to my left and he nods. They both sit down and look between me and him then start eating.

"Don't the two of you know to say grace?" I ask and fold my hands over my chest.

They look at me and I for sure know that they are cussing me out. Turning my head to look at the handsome chocolate man, I ask, "What's your name?"

He looks at me for a moment then says, "The people around here call me King."

I nod my head knowingly and say, "Well I'm Genn, say grace so we can eat."

I quickly close my eyes and bow my head. There's a long silence and I fight the smile creeping at my lips as I feel his eyes on me. He says a quick heartless thank you and we Amen.

I rub my eyes then reach for my fork and start eating. The room is silent while we eat. I look up at Daddy and frown, "What's your name?"

He looks up at me, chews his food finished and answers, "Grim."

I just shake my head not wanting to know the details. I look over at Travis and ask, "If his name is King, this one's name is Grim, what are you called?"

He smiles at me but it's a mischievous smile, "I already told you what my name is Genn, its Travis."

"So no street name?" I ask while chewing on a piece of chicken. He takes a sip from his glass of coke and answers, "Ruthless, I did mention it before."

"I don't care anymore," I say and shake my head. Travis laughs and we finish eating. "Well Ruthless and Grim, the two of you better clean up my kitchen," I say then get up and head to my room.

Picking up my phone I grab my laptop and head to the lounge where I connect the cables and switch my laptop on. I sit down on the floor in front of the coffee table and go through a few documents and print them.

King takes a seat on the couches that I fixed earlier on. After a moment of silence he says, "So you'll be taking over the daycare."

I nod my head, "Unfortunately," I say.

King, "Why is it unfortunate?"

"Well, because there's too many things to do and no funds. It's that and the greedy ass perverted priest that's trying to extort rent money out of me," I answer mindlessly.

I hear a deep belly chuckle and turn to look at him. "So what brings you here?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see who you are," he says with a shrug and I don't believe him.

"Oh, so when are you leaving?" I ask and start printing colourful pictures out.

"When I want to," he answers me in a slightly demanding tone.