The Park

The coworker came back to a scene that clearly disturbed him. I smiled awkwardly at him as I continued comforting the weeping dragon. Understanding what was going on, the coworker took out his phone and tapped away. Once he finished, he held his phone up for me to read.

'The boss said that if business was slow today, we could take off early. I'll take care of cleaning up and stuff. You just take care of him until I finish. Then we'll close up.'

I nodded and mouthed a thank you. He smiled awkwardly in return before getting busy. Ryuu didn't budge one bit the whole time.

I sighed as I continued hugging the big boy and watching his coworker fly around cleaning and organizing. Ryuu had stopped crying at some point, but he didn't let go at all. His breathing was still erratic, so I assumed he was trying to calm himself before letting go.

Soon enough, the coworker waved to get my attention and gave me a thumbs up. I assumed this was his way of saying he's done. I nodded.

"Yamamoto-kun." I called out softly. Seeing no response, I patted his back. "Your boss said you could leave early today. Your coworker already took care of closing up. You should change and get ready to leave."

"..." He murmured something. I blinked.

"What?" I asked as I looked down at the head buried in my collarbone. Ryuu lifted his head.

My heart constricted.

His eyes were red and swollen with obvious tear trailings on his flushed cheeks. A miserable frown marred his lips as he croaked out, "Are you leaving?"

Now, how could I say no to that? Huh?

"I can wait for you, and we could walk home together?" I offered as I gingerly wiped away some wetness off his face with my sleeve. Ryuu nodded as he let go and got up.

When he went to the back to change and get his stuff, I walked out the cafe to wait for him in front. As I waited, I realized how nasty a wet shoulder felt. I was wearing the school blazer over the sweater vest that was over a button up. Ryuu cried so much that it seeped through all three layers.

I sighed as I tugged at it uncomfortably.

It was still bright out. The streets were full of people bustling about. It was a little disorientating coming from the quiet cafe to the boisterous crowd out here. I guess everyone was busy preparing for the break.

"Thank you and sorry." I heard Ryuu say as he walked out the alley way that leads to the back of the cafe with his coworker.

"It's alright. You seem to be going through something." The coworker replied lightly. "Just pull yourself together soon, okay?"

I watched as Ryuu nodded obediently.

How adorable!

"Ah, friend." Coworker patted my shoulder. "Take care of him, yeah?"

"Of course. Thank you for your hard work." I bowed politely. He smiled before leaving.

I turned towards Ryuu. He seemed a bit reluctant to walk home. He must want to vent more.

"Yamamoto-kun, would you like to go to the park for a bit?" I asked cautiously as I peered at his expression. Ryuu's eyes lit up a bit as he nodded. I smiled. "Follow me."

We walked through the streets to the park located nearby. It was one of the bigger parks in this area with plenty of greenery and space for activities. Since people were wandering here and there, I assumed it would pretty empty. Ryuu could speak all he wants without anyone overhearing him, and I doubt any student from our school would be there right now.

Before we found somewhere to sit, I stopped by a vending machine first. I got some water for Ryuu, since he must be dehydrated from all that crying, and strawberry milk for me. When I handed the water bottle to Ryuu, he seemed shocked for a second before accepting it. I merely continued smiling.

I settled on a spot that was enclosed by trees and had a small pond with some koi fish swimming around nearby. It was quiet and relaxing. It was also quite hidden and isolated.

Once I sat on the grass, I looked at Ryuu and tapped the ground next to me. He sat down, and we both faced the koi pond. I stabbed my straw into my milk and sipped peacefully. Ryuu, after seeing me, drank some of his water.

We quietly enjoyed our drinks, the view, and each other's presence.

I wasn't gonna rush him to talk. It was a deep and dark topic, after all. If he decides not to say anything, too, that's fine.

"So, you don't have any other plans besides working for Golden Week?" I started a conversation after I finished my sweet milk.

"...No." Ryuu lowly answered. I nodded.

"That's a shame." I wholeheartedly replied. "It's a break, yet you'll be working."

"Then, are you doing anything?" Ryuu asked. I looked at him to see him sincerely focusing on me. I smiled.

"Nope! I plan to relax the whole time." I chuckled. "I've been worn out by school. I deserve some time doing nothing."

"Mm, you do seem busy whenever I see you." Ryuu commented. I laughed.

"Well, whenever you see me, I'm either tutoring you or working on homework in the cafe." I wearily said with a tired grin. "I also have club and other commitments during school. It's rough." I sighed. "I'm sure you have it rough, too, though." I looked him in the eyes.

"..." Ryuu went silent as he glanced away. I lightly huffed with a small smile.

"I won't force you to tell me anything, though I have a faint idea what's going on." I patted his arm to catch his attention. Once he looked at me, I gave a reassuring smile. "But, I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to. I may be your tutor, but I'm also you friend. I promise not to say a word to anyone."

Next thing I know, the air was knocked out of my lungs, and I felt like my back was going to break. Before I could protest, Ryuu gently whispered.

"Thank you."

I immediately swallowed any complaints about to spill out and returned the hug.

"It's no problem."

Ryuu never did tell me about his family situation.

After our hug, we just talked about mundane things. We talked about how our days usually go, what coffee we like, and other carefree topics. Nothing too deep. We fell into silence many times as well, but it was comfortable. There was no pressure on either of us.

When the sun starting setting, we left the park. Before we went our separate ways, I asked two things.

"Uhm, would it be alright to exchange phone numbers?" I asked hesitantly.

Sure, we may have had a grand time and all, but was it enough to get the phone number?

"...Ok." Ryuu seemed taken aback by the question. I chuckled.

"Also." As we handed each other phones, I asked my next question. "Would I be delusional in thinking it would be alright to call you by your first name?" I blushed subtly in embarrassment.

God, I didn't know it'd be this awkward asking!

"..." Ryuu was once again shook. I acted as if I didn't really care as I finished entering my contact info.

After we returned each other's phone, and I still didn't get a response, I was beginning to think he was gonna pretend I never asked. I felt a slightly disappointed.

"Then, I can, too, right?" Ryuu faintly asked. I lit up and looked to see Ryuu was looking at me earnestly. I broke into a huge grin and laughed.

"Of course!" I joyfully answered. Ryuu slightly smiled in return.

After we finished everything, it was time to go to home.

"See you next week, Ryuu-kun!" I enthusiastically said.

"Mm, Haruka-kun." Ryuu nodded with a soft expression different from his usual scowl.

I smiled before walking away and waving back. Ryuu gave a little wave in return before turning around to go to his home as well.


We are now at the friendship level! That's huge!

I have his freaking phone number! That's insane!

Now, I don't need to be so afraid of Yuu anymore! The plan has been a resounding success!

N-Not that I'm only using him. Ryuu's a good guy. I like having him as a friend. Unlike Akira, he's calm. It's nice having that one chill friend, you know? Especially considering there's no one else around like that.

Anyway, now I don't need to be so scared that Yuu might one day abduct and torture me. I have two guys who'll look for me if he does! Since Akira's so obsessed with being my friend, and I'm Ryuu's only friend, I highly doubt Yuu could manipulate them into leaving me either!

Now, I can fully enjoy being a sack of potatoes these next few days and not worry about when school starts again!


Used to the sound now, I pulled out my phone, expecting a text from Akira.

Unknown: This is Tatsuya Tanaka. I apologize in advanced for disturbing your vacation time, but I need you to report to this address at 5PM sharp on Sunday. Be ready for dinner. The dress code is business casual.

And attached below was a location.

Having a bad feeling, I shakily tapped the address to see where it lead to.

The map application opened up and loaded.

The location was pretty far from where I lived, and with the MC's knowledge, I knew that this was in a rich residential area. Even if I didn't have that knowledge, I could tell the big blocks on the map were humongous houses.

I couldn't help holding my face in despair.

Why do I need to go to your mansion for dinner during my precious off time?


Wait, how do you have my number!?