

"You..." Tatsuya looked shocked. I blushed as I turned my back to him.

He didn't see, right!? RIGHT!?

"I knew there was something odd about you." Tatsuya said as his voice neared me. I cowered.

"I-I don't know w-what you mean." I curled into myself.

"You're a female."

Tatsuya didn't ask.

He stated a fact.

And I could only sit there in silence, neither denying or confirming. There wasn't a point in denying something he knew and could easily check. I also didn't want to admit to it.

"From your reaction, this is something you want to keep unknown, yes?" I frowned.

He's not gonna ask why?

I silently nodded.

"Hmph, it seems I've gained something valuable in you staying here." I could here the smirk in his voice.

I don't like this.

I lifted my head to see the cold up turn of his lips as his eyes looked like it was regarding at a good deal.

"Tanaka-san?" I wearily said. "What are you planning?"

He only turned around to go to the door. Right before he left, he said some troubling words.

"Don't mind me and get some sleep. I'll let you know my terms for keeping this secret at a later date."

And he shut the door.


I flung my towel across the room.


And then I looked down at my chest.


I rolled onto the bed and buried my face in a pillow before loudly expressing my distress through a series of groans and yelling.

After letting out my more extreme feelings, I turned over and let my head rest in the fluffy pillows as I vacantly stared at the ceiling.


It's over. Done. Finished. Owari. The end.

I'm doomed.

Fate played me like a game. It pushed me into a corner that left me no choice but to raise my favorability with characters, and then it exposed my boobs.

Exposed. My. Boobs.

Should I be grateful it's to the business minded boy, Tatsuya?

Hell no.

But I'll consider myself lucky.

My love meter with Tatsuya is probably a quarter full, which is the lowest out of all the capture targets. At least, I think so. I don't have the guts to ask Akira even if he could tell me.

Fate better not pull another fast one on me and have his meter be decently full.

Now that he knows, I don't plan on filling it up anymore. Also, Ryuu's my friend now. I don't need Tatsuya currently. But, now that he knows my secret, I'm not getting away from him any time soon.

That man's gonna blackmail the shit out of me.

He already has plans for me for the future, so I doubt I can escape without a good reason. Then, I'll have to start acting more coldly with him. No more compliments to butter the man up. I'll also have to be more polite rather than friendly.

This relationship will become strictly profession.

No unnecessary feelings.

I looked down at my boobs one last time.

"Really. Fuck you."

The next morning I freshened up and changed back into my clothes from yesterday before heading down.

It was early, so I hoped no one would be awake. Though, I should have known the servants would already be up and about. I was stopped when I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Suzuki-sama, breakfast will be served in half an hour." A maid informed after bowing respectfully.

"Ah, no need. I'll be going." I waved her off and moved to walk towards the door. The maid stepped in my way.

"I apologize, but the master and madam gave us orders to keep you here for breakfast." Though she remained polite with a professional smile, I could feel the slight irritation radiating off her. I sighed.

"I see. Then, I'll only go to the garden." I sweetly compromised.

"I'll find someone to accompany you." She said through gritted teeth.

"Are the gardeners working now?" I asked, which earned a confused expression. "You could tell them to keep an eye on me." I pointed out. Her eyes lit up in understanding.

"Very well. Let's go." She led the way, handed me my coat and shoes, and opened the door for me.

As I settled in a chair in the pavilion I saw yesterday, I heard the maid ordering the gardeners to keep an eye on me. I couldn't help chuckling to myself in disbelief.

Ah, the Tanakas really are clingy folks, aren't they?

I have to admit, this little garden is a quaint little place. I could imagine just spending a spring afternoon here with a cup of tea and my phone or a book.

The cool breeze. The flowery scent. The cozy atmosphere.

Too bad it's still too cold. The wind was slowly biting through my coat, and the flowers were still yet to bloom. I couldn't keep my hands out of my pockets for too long unless I wanted them to lose feeling.

I praise you, gardeners, for working in this weather since dawn.

"Suzuki-sama, breakfast is about to be served. I ask that you return to warm up before eating." A different maid greeted me at the pavilion.

I just nodded and followed along.

Soon enough, I sat in the living room again, drinking some hot coco to warm me up. No one else was here, thankfully. The only sounds I could hear were the servants bustling around to get the dining room ready.

"Suzuki-kun, you're up early." A familiar cool voice entered the room. I froze.

"...Good morning, Tanaka-san." I politely greeted as he took a seat on the couch in front of me.

"I suppose you wouldn't like my parents to know?" Tatsuya casually brought up. I nearly spit my coco out before swiftly looking around.

"Yes!" I hissed as I nearly smashed the cup on the table. "In fact, don't tell anyone. Not another soul!"

"Hmm, so you don't want anyone to know." Tatsuya smirked as he lazily lounged on the couch. I glared at him. "Should you really be glaring at the one who knows your secret?" I puffed out my cheeks in frustration before looking away.

Fucking fuckity fuck fuck! You son of a—

"Oh my, you two are already here! Come, breakfast is about to be served." Tatsuya's mother happily motioned for us to follow her to the dining hall. I chugged the last of the now lukewarm coco before walking without another glance at Tatsuya.



I don't think I've ever hated someone as much as I hate him. Nope. No. He's the worst. That's final. There's no room for argument. Nuh uh!

We entered the dining room and sat in the same seats as last night. Luckily, Tatsuya's mother asked me how my night was and such, so I could easily ignore the Ice King. Breakfast was served, and the events were the same as last night. It passed by in a flash.

"I'll be going now." After I cleared my plate, I excused myself.

"So soon?" The madam asked with clear disappointment. I steeled myself.

"I'm afraid so. It may be Golden Week, but I have some chores I need to take care of." I lied as I stood up.

"It can't be helped, darling. Let the boy do what he needs to do." The father shockingly spoke up for me.

"I guess so." The mother sighed. "Let us at least see you off." I nodded with a smile.

As I stood in the doorway ready to leave, I couldn't help but think:

Why is Tatsuya leaving with me!?

"You really don't need to drop me off at the station. I'll be fine on my own." I politely said to Tatsuya.

"You need to get home, right? No need to be polite! Let Tatsu take you there faster." The mother smiled warmly.


"We'll be leaving now." Tatsuya interrupted my inner breakdown.

"Take care, Suzuki-kun. Thank you for everything." The madam genuinely thanked me before softly hugging me. I couldn't help but feel warm inside and out as I timidly returned the gesture.

"If you ever need anything, we're more then willing to help." The father amiably said as he patted my shoulder.

"Mm, it was nice meeting you, Oba-san, Oji-san." I gave a big smile to the couple. They smiled in return. "I'll be going now." I bowed one last time.

"Visit us again soon, Suzuki-kun." I heard the mother say as the butler opened the door. I looked over my shoulder and gave a thumbs up.

Once the door closed, all warmth left me. I stared in front of me impassively, not giving Tatsuya one glance. Even when we entered the limo, I never once acknowledged him.

"Is that really how you should treat someone with blackmail?" Tatsuya cooly asked as the limo moved forward. My eye twitched.

He even said the word "blackmail" himself!

"What? Should I be sucking up to you right now?" I sourly retorted as I stared out the window.

"Not necessarily, but I think giving me the cold treatment isn't in your best interest." Tatsuya flatly said. I folded my arms and finally looked at the guy.

"Then what should I do?" I asked with a pout.

"Just act like normal." Tatsuya said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Whatever." I mumbled as I turned my head to the window again.

"I really don't understand why you resent me now." Tatsuya exhaustedly said.

"I don't think anyone would be happy with the person that holding potential blackmail over them!" I managed to not yell, but my voice was still pretty loud.

"Hm, I suppose so." Tatsuya thoughtfully responded, which only increased my irritation. "However, you know I wouldn't expose you as it benefits me to keep this secret as well. Of course, as long as my conditions are met." Tatsuya calmly explained.

I know that! That's not the problem! It's the fact that there's high chance of you falling in love with me and locking me in a freaking cage! Oh, and you can't forget the raping part!

I sighed.

Whatever. He's not in love with me right now. I just have to keep it that way.

"Mhm." I absentmindedly agreed.

It'll be fine... Right?