
"Uwah, thank you." Yuu embarrassingly accepted my statement as a compliment.

"Pft, what are you thanking me for? I'm just stating facts." I giggled as I intertwined our hands. "You have no idea how many people would want to do this with you." I said as I held up our interlaced fingers and swayed our hands in the air.

"That's doesn't matter. Do you want to do this, Haru?" Yuu lightly squeezed my hand.

"I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't want to?" I scrunched my eyebrows together. Yuu blinked before laughing out loud.

"Haha, right, right." Yuu happily grinned as he stared lovingly at me.

Aww, he is cute, haha~

I smiled like an idiot.

"You really are cuter, you know?" I giggled. Yuu lightly blushed.

"W-Well, I think you're the cuter one." Yuu looked at me like I would at a cute puppy. I laughed.

"Then, thank you." I grinned and squeezed his hand back.



"Could we take a picture?" Yuu suddenly asked as he pulled out his phone.

"Huh? Why?" I bluntly asked as I put our hands down.

"Oh, uhm." Yuu looked like he wasn't expecting that answer. "B-Because, I want one." He said while obviously embarrassed.

"Hmmm." I tilted my head.

I don't really want to, but I don't know why?

"Please~ You're just so cute! And I want to remember this moment!" Yuu pleaded with the embarrassment from before gone.

"Ehhh." I cringed.

"If you let me, I'll leave sooner and stop bothering you." Yuu suggested as he tightened his hold on my hand. "Please, Haru~"

"...Fine." I relented with pout. Yuu quickly hopped up to sit beside me.

"Look at the camera and smile." Yuu beamed as he held up his phone. "Cheese!"

I gave a small smile along with a peace sign. Yuu smiled big and wrapped his arm around me, placing his hand on my upper arm, careful of my shoulder.


Yuu immediately looked at the photo.

"Let me see, too!" I leaned over to see his screen.

The selfie came out decent, though I looked like a potato next to Yuu's bright smile.

"Geez, see. I told you you're cuter." Feeling defeated, I groaned as I placed my chin on his shoulder. "Don't send me it. It'll just make me feel bad."


"Yuu?" I lifted my head slightly and turned to look at him.

When I did, our noses brushed against each other.

I could clearly see my brown eyes reflected in his shining auburn ones.

For some reason, I started to feel anxious. The pit of my stomach churned uncomfortably.

Before I could pull back, Yuu pushed forward.

And next thing I know, our lips touched.

I sat there frozen as Yuu pressed his lips on mine. His eyes never left mine.

Uhm, uh, er—

Before I could think anything coherent, he pulled back the next second and smiled.

"Haha, I bet you would've had a more extreme reaction if you weren't so subdued." Yuu gently placed a hand on my cheek. "This is why I don't like using substances. But, at least you'll forget this happened, or you wouldn't come near me again." He softly spoke as he tenderly rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

What's he talking about? I can't keep up. It's like there's dense fog in my brain preventing any clear thoughts.

Yuu could probably tell because he chuckled.

"Don't worry~ I've had my fun for today! Hehe." He placed his other hand on my other cheek and pulled me forward as he leaned forward so that our foreheads touched. "You've been ignoring me lately, so this is only fair."

"I'm sorry." The words spilled out like a reflex. Yuu giggled and shook his head slightly.

"Haha, so cute. I bet the others don't appreciate it as much as I do." Yuu's hands slid down to my hold my hands. "Why don't you just come with me, Haru? We can have lots of fun together."

I wanted to get away, but Yuu's hands held me down.

Woah, he's stronger than I thought!

"B-But, you'll hurt me." I shut my eyes tight in fear. "I don't wanna die."


After a moment of silence, I felt something soft touch my eyelid and then the other, but his hands never left mine. I opened my eyes to see what it was, but I only saw Yuu's face.

"You know more than I thought, Haru-chan~" Yuu's smile didn't reach his eyes and his voice was cold. "How can that be?"

A shiver ran down my spine.

He sighed.

"This only makes it harder for you to be mine. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. Not only are you surrounded by disgusting shit stains, but you, yourself, are an obstacle." Yuu said as he shook his head dejectedly.

Abruptly, he grabbed my chin and pulled me forward as he leaned in towards my ear.

"I'll just have to break you, too."

He whispered before pulling back and smiling like an angel.

"But, since someone else already marked you, I'll have to wait until it disappears." He gazed at my shoulder and softly touched it. "I don't want a defective toy, after all. I even prepared some medication to help fix you up faster."

Everything he was saying was too much for me to digest. I couldn't say or do anything except blankly stare at him.

Yuu pinched my cheek with a cheeky grin.

"Don't look so dull! It's doesn't suit you!" Yuu playfully tugged my cheek.

"Sorry." Again, it came out automatically.

Yuu's expression turned dark.

"Just like I thought, these kinds of drugs are no fun." Yuu said with a scowl. "But, I'll need them to claim you." He sighed defeatedly.

"Anyway!" Yuu slipped a smile on again. "Let's take off your shirt, so I can put this on~" he suddenly said as he pulled out a cream from his bag.

I jumped back to life.

"No! I can do it myself!" I almost screamed as I jerked back and held my shirt.

"Aww, Haru, don't be like that~" Yuu purred as he crawled forward. "It's not like I'll see anything I shouldn't, right? You have them wrapped for me, don't you?"

I stopped moving when I heard this sentences.

The fog in my head dispersed.

My heart started beating roughly against my ribs, and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"You..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

I didn't want to.

Yuu merely smiled like a Cheshire cat.

"I've been watching you, Haru-chan~" He merrily admitted without shame.


"Mhm, that was me!~" Yuu continued prowling towards me as I backed up.

"H-How? When?" I asked and hit the wall behind me.

"Come on, Haru. I know you're high, but when was the only other time I've come here? Hm?" Yuu said with a patronizing tone.

That day I came back from Tatsuya's house. When I wasn't there, he planted it.

"I-Is there anymore?" I asked as he crawled on top of me and sat on my lap.

"Hm~ I'm not sure?" He vaguely answered before starting to pull my shirt's collar to the side to expose my shoulder.

"Stop!" I yelled as I grabbed his hand.

"Don't be so loud, boys!" Grandma's voice cut through.

"Tch." Yuu clicked his tongue and pulled back. "Can't let that old bat get in my way." He hissed as he got off me.

I pulled my knees up and hugged them to protect myself.

Yuu laughed.

"Cute~" He softly admired.

I glared.

"Haha, you're still adorable even when you glare at me, Haru-chan~" Yuu giggled before sighing. "Look, I'll leave after I know you've put this on." He held out the ointment.

"How can I believe you?" I growled. Yuu kept his smile.

"You can't, but it doesn't hurt to try, does it? If you're lucky, I'll leave." Yu coaxed as he waved the container around. "Your choice."

I glared at him for a few more seconds before snatching the cream.

"Good girl." Yuu praised. "Or should I say boy? Haha~"

"Shut up." I stood up. "I'm putting it on in the bathroom." Yuu nodded with a smirk and shooed me away.

I did as instructed and returned.

"Let me check." Yuu commanded as he stood up with his bag.

"Go ahead." I had rolled up my sleeves beforehand, so it wasn't any problem.

"Hmm." Yuu looked throughly at both before smiling. "Good. With this, it should be gone within a few days. The bruising is already darkening." He commented with satisfaction.

"You're leaving, right?" I said with clear hostility.

Yuu shivered and his pupils dilated.

It made me feel disgusting for some reason, and I unconsciously stepped back.

"S-Sadly, yes. I'll go." Yuu deflated. "You'll see me out, won't you?" He turned to leave.

"Wait." I grabbed his shoulder. He turned back around. "You didn't plant anymore cameras, right?"

Yuu simpered, undoubtedly enjoying my despair.

"No matter what I say, you won't believe me, right?" Yuu shot back. I stilled. He laughed. "Let's just go, okay?"

Yuu peacefully said his goodbye to Oba-san and left.


What happened? What's happening? Something feels...off?

...I shrugged.

Whatever. Today's Sunday, so I'm gonna enjoy some anime! It's been awhile since I watched any!

I ended up falling asleep during my marathon, and when I woke up, I was very confused.