Struggles of an Assistant?

Soon, I finished my lunch and the bell rang.

Welp. Looks like I won't be able to research today. That's just dandy. I can't do it after school either because I have to help Tatsuya, so I just have to wait another day. Great.

"Suzuki-kun, I'd like to have a word with you." Tatsuya spoke as we cleaned up. "Alone." He emphasized as he coldly leered at Ryuu.

Ryuu scowled back.

"Okay. You go ahead, Ryuu-kun." I tried pushing Ryuu towards the entrance, but he didn't budge.

"Whatever you have to say, you can stay it in front of me." Ryuu didn't back down one bit.

Oh, boy. Here we go again.

Tatsuya disdainfully stared back at Ryuu before looking at me impatiently.

"It's alright, Ryuu-kun! It'll be quick! Get to class first." I pushed him again before finally realizing it was useless. He was a hunk of muscle, and I was but a stick next to him, after all.

"Haruka." Ryuu was really reluctant.

"Trust me. I'll be fine." I said exhaustedly. "We're just going to chat real quick, okay?"

"...Fine. I'll wait in the hall." Ryuu growled at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya stood unfazed and merely waited until Ryuu was out of sight. Once he was gone, Tatsuya's piercing eyes stabbed into me like icicles.

I stiffened.

Geez, it's been a while since he looked at me that coldly.

"What was that?" His tone was biting.

"Uhm, well." I fidgeted. "You know how I was eating with Ryuu-kun?"

"But you didn't eat." Tatsuya crisply cut in before I continued. 

I gulped.

Why was he so agitated!?

"T-That's because we ended up talking about something serious during lunch." I did not want to mention the fact that I passed out, so I won't. "Uh, things got heated near the end, and when the bell rang, I ran away, forgetting my lunch in the process." I rubbed my neck sheepishly.

"So, you two are just friends?" Tatsuya asked skeptically.

"Yeah?" I replied with confusion.

"Very odd. I've never seen two males friends touch each other as intimately as you two did." Tatsuya folded his arms and raised an eyebrow. "In front of another person, no less."

I looked at him puzzled before I remembered I had pretty much cupped Ryuu's cheek with my hand.

God! Why is there so much physical contact between me and Ryuu!?

I looked down in embarrassment and blushed lightly.

"Uhm, well, he has...certain circumstances." I vaguely explained while wringing my hands. "I swear we're just friends."

I recently found out that Ryuu might not be satisfied with that, though...

"So, he does not know you are female." Tatsuya stated coolly.

"Oh, no! No, he doesn't." I shook my head in strong denial.

I worry what would happen if he did, though...

"Hm." Tatsuya pushed up his glasses. "And you do not like him?"

My jaw dropped.

Excuse me?

"If you don't answer me, I'll take that as a yes." Tatsuya glared icily.

"No! No, I don't! We're just friends! That's all!" I quickly denied again while flabbergasted.

"Hn, good." Tatsuya slightly smirked before it was replaced by his usual frown. "This incident better not repeat itself. He was a distraction and very rude."

"Yes! It won't happen again!" I nodded frantically.

"Also, make sure to eat lunch on time." Tatsuya lightly scolded me before walking off. "Be prepared for after school."


Uhm... With how Tatsuya reacted and what he said, how should I take it? What is our relationship? I'm lost?

"Haruka, you okay?" I exited my mind when I heard Ryuu call out to me. "The bastard left, and you didn't come out."

I was worried.

I grinned at the unspoken words that were shown obviously on his face.

I really, really hope Ryuu can be okay. He just needs to fix his issues, and he'd be just the sweetest guy!

"I'm fine. Just got lost in some thoughts. Let's head to class." I patted his arm as I walked past him.

Before my butt hit my seat, Akira already asked how lunch went with his eyes shinning in anticipation.

"Uhhh." What do I say? I get the feeling if I tell him about what happened on the rooftop, he'd get a real kick out of it.

"Something must've happened for you to hesitate like that." Akira smirked. "Also, the fact that you don't want to tell me is another telltale."

Damn, he can read me so easily now!

"You know, you can be scarily accurate, Akira." I sweat dropped.

"You're just easy to read, Haru." Akira rolled his eyes. "It's part of what makes you fun, though, haha."

"So, I'm your entertainment." I deadpanned. 

"I wouldn't say that myself, but since you said it yourself, I won't deny it." Akira grinned cheekily. "But that's part of what friends are for, right?"

I glared at him.

Classes resumed and were as boring as ever.

Maybe I should skip one day. Ooo, that sounds tempting. I wonder if I could hide out in the library? Hmmm.

Well, classes ended soon enough, and prep was underway once again.

I glanced back to see if Ryuu left, which, to my relief, he did.

"Let's go, Suzuki-kun." Tatsuya spoke loud enough for the whole class to hear.

All eyes zipped to me.

God, why am I always the center of attention? 

"Coming." I answered back as I hurriedly packed up.

"Don't overwork yourself, Haru." Akira kindly reminded me.

"I'll try not to." I reassured him.

"And remember to call me if you need help." Now, he was starting to sound like a mother.

"Yes, mom." I smirked. Akira pursed his lips.

"How dare you speak like that to your mother." Akira acted offended. I laughed.

"See you later." I said as I grabbed my bag.

"Take care." Akira smiled warmly.

As I walked to the door, it was impossible to miss hearing the class gossip.

"I really don't understand Suzuki-kun."

"He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but the fact that he hangs out with the Dragon and Ice King is..."

"But, he's also friends with Akira and Yuu, right?"

"How can you be friends with such different people?"

"I don't know if I should be scared of or amazed by Suzuki."

I forcefully slammed the door shut behind me.

"Was that necessary?" Tatsuya raised an eyebrow at me.

"Probably not." I answered with a smile. "I do feel better, though." 

Tatsuya studied me for a second.

"You're more violent than you look." He blankly stated before turning to walk away.

Am I? Maybe Ryuu's rubbing off on me. There is some relief after being rough with something. Oh, I think I've come to understand him a bit more. Wow.

"Give me your bag." Tatsuya demanded once we reached the school gates.

I blinked before handing it over.

"Carry these in your hands. This way we can move faster." Tatsuya handed me some papers on a clipboard and a pen.

Oh! Since I can't carry my bag on my shoulder like usual, my hands were full. Now, I just had the documents I needed along with the writing utensil.

I nodded, impressed once again by this man.

"I expect today to be our last day, so we need to move fast." Tatsuya gauged my reaction. "That's fine, correct?"

"Yes, sir!" I saluted. 

"If you're energetic enough for stupidity, then I'll show no mercy." Tatsuya coolly said before turning around and walking.

I shouldn't have saluted.

The man was tall and fit. I was small and unfit.

When he said "no mercy," he meant no mercy.

This suddenly felt like a marathon? Like, every time we stopped at a business, I rested the best I could before we headed to the next one. At some point, I got so hot I had to take off my blazer. 

We finally finished at sunset.

"Good work. We barely managed to finish today." Tatsuya was looking through some papers, cool as always.

"Y-Yup." Meanwhile, I was over here dying for some oxygen.

The floor is starting to look really welcoming. 

"Suzuki-kun, you seem a little worn out." The little fucker had the nerve to smirk at me!

"Yeah... Just... a little." I gave him a ticked off smile.

"Shall we stop by a cafe? I'll buy you some refreshments as a reward for your hard work." Tatsuya said as he neatly put away the papers in files and into his bag.

Huh? Him? Buy me a drink?

"Uh, it's fine. I was just—"


I need to help the Tanakas, right? I never did ask Tatsuya how it went that night I stayed over. He did say he would try talking with his parents that night.

"Well?" Tatsuya asked impatiently.

"Yeah, let's go." I nodded and followed him.

At this point, I was use to the manly, mature cafe Ryuu worked at, so it was a shock walking into a trendy, young cafe.

"Is there a problem?" Tatsuya asked with a raised eyebrow after I stopped moving once we stepped in.

"Oh, n-no. I just haven't been to cafe like this one, haha." I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Is that so? I heard this cafe was doing well in business with teenagers and young adults, so I thought this place would be suitable." Tatsuya emotionlessly explained while we lined up.

While we were here under the excuse of treating me, It was obvious to me Tatsuya came here to scope out some competition.

Well, every situation is a business opportunity to this man.