The Worst

"U-Uhm." I couldn't get a word out. My brain was spinning too much.

"You need to hold onto me, too, Haru." Yuu lightly scolded. "Here." Yuu dropped his arm from around me, but he grabbed my limp arm and brought it around his back until my hand rested on his waist. "Hold on, okay?" Yuu said as he looked at me with glimmering eyes and held my arm in place with his hand.

Why? Why am I getting touched and touching so often lately!? I can't handle it no matter how many times you make me do it!!!

"Haru? You okay?" Yuu looked so entertained by me. "You're looking a little red even though we haven't done anything yet." Yuu teased with a playful smirk.

Shut up! You know what you're doing! You're playing with me! And you know what? I won't give you what you want!

"I'm fine." I growled out. I swallowed my shyness and embarrassment and grasped onto his side of my own accord.

Oh. While Yuu wasn't hard like Ryuu, he wasn't soft like I expected him to be either. He was surprisingly firm.


"W-What?" I glared at him. "You said I needed to h-hold on!"

"M-Mmhm. You're right." Yuu was holding back his laughter.

I must be a real sight, glaring but as red as can be.

"Alright." Yuu calmed down before wrapping his arm around me again. I couldn't stop myself from flinching. "Do we need to just stand here like this until you get use to it?" Yuu grinned tauntingly.

"No. Let's start walking." I hissed through clenched teeth. "The sooner we start, the earlier we can be done."

"Heh, you really don't like me, do you?" Yuu smiled, but it was obvious he was displeased by what he said.

"...If we're being honest now, yes." I bit my lip as I looked at our ankles tied together. Hah, why does it almost feel like it's a representation of my destiny? 

Also, I just said a really dangerous thing just now, didn't I?


The more the silence dragged on, the more scared I got and the harder it was to look up.

Oh God, did I trigger the bad end?

Nononononono. I can't. I can't. I can't! It's the worst out of them all.

Tatsuya may rape you and slowly deteriorate you mentally, and Ryuu may physically and mentally hurt you with abuse and possessiveness. However, Yuu... his ending was just... It hurt the worst.

For Yuu's ending, he asks if you would be his. Once you say no, his bad end starts with the screen completely changing.

The bright pink sunset fitting for a romantic confession turns stark and colorless. The music changes from upbeat and hopeful to dark and ominous after a pause that made it feel as if time froze. In that pause, you only here the sound bite of the dialogue appearing as three ellipses slowly appear.

As the atmosphere got darker and scarier, Yuu's character just stands there, frozen with his usual smile. The smile that at other times was cute but was now more frightening than anything else.

"Ah... ha... haha... hahahahahahahaha!!!"

The insane laughter of the VA was the most chilling laughter I had ever heard. It left such a deep impression that I've heard it in nightmares ever since.

"No? Did you say no? I must've heard wrong. There's no way you said no! How could you say no to me after all this time? Ah, ah, I must be going insane!"

Another option pops up, a last chance to change your answer, your fate.

- Yes, you're right. Of course, I'm yours!

-> No, you heard me.


Now, Yuu's expression changed. His smile disappeared. His eyes became dull. The colors of his portrait even became bland.

"Where did I go wrong? My plan was perfect." Yuu whispered to himself as he hid his eyes behind his bangs. "I'm cute. I'm popular. I'm nice. How could someone not love me? I didn't do anything wrong. No one's caught me, right? No way. I'm perfect. I'm smart. I..."

His rambling turned to mumbles as his hands slowly rose up to latch onto his hair.

MC, the dumb shit, reached out a hand to comfort Yuu after rejecting him.

Yuu shook before standing still as MC placed her hands on his fingers that were tugging his hair.


Yuu abruptly grabbed MC's hands and looked at her.

Insane. Unstable. Hysterical. Crazy. Out of his mind. Mad. 

His eyes hid nothing anymore. 

"No. I won't let you go. You're mine. I'll make you mine. I can't let you go. No one else can have you. Mine. You're mine. Mineminemineminemine." Yuu's frown turned into a deranged smile.

Yuu then let go of MC's hand and, instead, wrapped them around her throat.


The screen shook and flashed, a sign MC struggled as Yuu strangled her. Choking sounds played as Yuu repeated "sleep" over and over and over.

There was no other sound playing.

Only you choking and Yuu's disturbed voice looping.

MC finally faints. Once you wake up, you find yourself in Yuu's lab, just like in his good ending. However, MC's strapped into a chair and naked. Yes, naked.

MC screams.

"Oh, you're finally awake!" Yuu calls out from the distance. 

When he appears, he's in his lab coat. He's also wearing his usual grin, though the warmth was long gone.

"You know, I—" MC screamed again, cutting him off. "LISTEN TO ME!!!" Yuu yelled as he shoved a piece of cloth into her mouth.

MC moaned as the cloth had been dipped in something to make her mouth burn and itch.

"As I was saying," Yuu carried on with his smile again, "I never experienced the chemical reaction called "love." Well, I don't think I have."

"I learned early in life that I may not be normal. I suppose I lack some... emotions everyone else seemed to have. I realized that, so I tried my best to please everyone. So that they wouldn't notice. I found it felt nice being loved by everyone, and I didn't what to mess that up."

"At the same time, there was one thing that made me feel... alive. Something I could never stop, even if it was considered "wrong." The feeling of having a life of something cute in my hands was just too addicting! So, in order to stay loved, I kept my hobby a secret. That way, I could get the best of both worlds!"

"Then, you came into my life."

Yuu reached out a hand to softly stroke her cheek.

"You, the most adorable specimen I ever laid my eyes on. Once I saw you, I knew you had to be mine."

"I watched you everyday, all day. Your expressions, your reactions, your every single move. It was so amusing, so entertaining, but I wanted more. I started thinking about how your other expressions would look like. I couldn't stop imagining more and more and more and more until I realized."

"If you were mine, I could do whatever I wanted. My parents always taught me that my toys are for me to play with however I wanted. If it wasn't mine, then I couldn't do as I pleased because that was inappropriate. So, I planned to make you mine."

"I worked hard. I even made sure others stayed away, so they couldn't get you before me! And when I finally thought I had done it, you said no. You actually said no. To me! The most perfect and loved person ever!"

"Ah, I admit. I lost my rational thinking there for a moment after you rejected me. How could I not? The result was so unexpected! So shocking! But, now I know what to do~"

Yuu's hand moved from her cheek to her chin, grasping it tightly.

"I tried it the nice way, but that didn't work. That only leaves this way." 

Yuu's strength increased to bruising levels as he moved his face closer.

"I'll make you mine, even if I have to break you."

Then, it started.

The brainwashing.

Unlike his good ending, where it's implied Yuu just does some dissection and some added torture, his bad end was more explicit. We only caught glimpses of the process, though. Yuu kept the player under some heavy drugs to keep them disoriented and continuously fading in and out of consciousness.

"How could you not love me? That's ridiculous! Everyone does! They all beg to be mine! You're being stupid!"

"How could you r-reject me? Do you know how s-sad that made me? Even now, I'm c-crying!"

"Ah, you seem a little thirsty. See how nice I am to give you some water. You should be thankful to me. Sorry to me. Guilty."

"Bathroom? What's stopping you from relieving yourself there? Is it shameful? Embarrassing? Well, that's your punishment for rejecting me."

"Have you reflected on your wrong decision? If not, you're disgraceful. Disgusting. Horrible. Shameful."

"Starving? Mm, I don't think so. But since I'm so giving and benevolent, I'll get you a snack."

"Have you come to your senses yet? I've been so generous and kind to you! I'm doing all I can to help you, you know?"

"You don't look so good. How about I clean you up a bit? You'll feel much better! I promise!"

"I know I said you've done me wrong, but you can fix it. You can fix it so easily! How? I'll tell you another time."

"I brought you some dessert! I actually had to sneak this out my house, which was really hard. Oh, you're thanking me? Haha, you're welcome!"

"I can see you've been repenting your sin against me. That's such great progress. Good girl!"

"How can you make it up to me? Ah, I guess I could tell you now. If you become mine, I'll forgive you, and you'll be so happy!"