The Dragon Arrives to Take His Damsel Back

I managed to kick his shin.

"Ouch! You little shit!" He crouched down again and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at his ugly mug. His irked scowl promptly turned into a taunting smirk. "You know, I think I get why the Dragon keeps you around." He turned my head left and right as he studied me. "You do look like girl. Maybe I should mess with you, too?" Shivers of revulsion ran through my body.

"Let go, you pervert!" I reared my head back and started wildly kicking my legs.

"Woah, now!" He nimbly pinned my legs by pressing my knees onto the ground. "Calm down, doggy. I know you're excited." Shuu put a shit eating grin on as he leaned closer.

I backed up as far as I could and turned my head away, but I was stuck! As his face neared mine, I squeezed my eyes shut.

Ryuu!!! Now would be a good time to butt in!!!!

Just as I felt his nasty ass breath on my cheek, yells interrupted him.

"He's here!"