Chapter 12

The first major meeting for Loyd's corps, Legion, was underway and each group was getting their share of the resources.

"Now, since we start with one thousand tons of material, each group is in charge of one-hundred and fifty, that way we can reserve some in case of emergencies," explained Jim.

Loyd scrolled through some of the questions that were asked since his first meeting three days ago.

"Commander, didn't you have something you wanted to say?"

"Yes, I did." Loyd stood up to make sure that everyone could see him.

"There are a few changes to the training schedule, and there's some stuff you specialized pilots need to be aware of."

He scanned the crowd to make sure everyone was paying attention, then continued.

"Friday will be a free training day, that should give you guys a break to have some fun and work on anything you might not have mastered yet. Thursday and Monday will be corps training days and the rest of the days are reserved for private training. Sunday is a special case though, as it will be free time in order to give you guys a day of rest after the weekly events. I don't plan on letting anyone slack off during this Saturday's event and if that means I have to get in your simulator with you, I will."

Everyone laughed.

"Are there any questions on the new schedule before I continue?"

No one stood or said anything.

"Then let's move on. Those of you in specialized groups will need special training to make you better at your job. For example, Sara's team is very good at hit and run tactics and Mark's group is good at keeping an enemy pinned down. If we have Mark's group pin the enemy, while Sara's group moves in to engage them, we can wipe the enemy out faster than if we stick with the simple charge in and shoot strategy that everyone is used to. We're also having target practice for the better half of Thursday's training. I was disgusted with everyone's accuracy during our training today. If there are any questions, or complaints, about this let me know now."

Loyd waited for someone to say something but they all knew they couldn't hit the broadside of a barn if it tried to dodge at all, they had all been pretty reliant on volley fire to take out their enemies before now.

"Then we can-" One of Loyd's commanders stood.

"Sir, I noticed today that the simulator no longer has neural comms. Is this a glitch, or is this intentional?" The boy was younger than any of his other commanders and he had asked something everyone thought was just an error with the new simulation equipment.

"Why do you think I gave you those comms?" The look of shock on everyone's face, as Loyd said that, let him know none of them had access to the documents he did.

"If any of you want in on the new system's ins and outs, let me know and I'll send you a file. I assumed it was public knowledge." Loyd smiled. He also had the resource expenditure catalog, for everyday use. "And I will also be giving you access to our catalog." Loyd watched as everyone's eyes widened.

"Wait, what do you mean catalog? Like we order things?" One of the sub-commanders, Loyd had never really met, stood up to ask the question.

"Yes, and everything on it is supposed to improve our combat capabilities and resource usage during the time we are here."

Loyd watched a few of the noble girls sink back down in their seats.

"It also includes free cosmetic changes for your new types, and clothing if you're into that kinda stuff." This had those same girls perk back up.

"Girls and their dress-up." Loyd's sister stood next to him, giggling.

"You can't say anything." Loyd snickered to himself before returning to the topic at hand. "Now, on to the next order of business. Our corps needs a proper name. I am tasking all of you to send in suggestions as to what we should name it and I will choose from the one that I think fits us best. Are there any questions regarding this?" Loyd looked around the room as people started getting excited.

"Now, on to the topic of what we're doing during the second half of the corps training period." Loyd paused for dramatic effect. "The Saturday event involves us coming against a heavily dug-in enemy, that outnumbers us nearly three to one and is packing far larger guns than we can carry." Loyd turned around and pulled out an air-writer to draw his plans.

"I plan on using some super heavily fortified CTAS with massive shields in order to mitigate casualties from the enemies' direct fire weapons. This will still leave us open to plunging fire from mortars and such."

Loyd had drawn a side-on view of the heavy CTAS with their shields and the arcing lines of fire.

"Now, we will either need to take out the projectiles before they land, or build a ceiling over our mobile bunker. I plan on having us shoot down the plunging fire, that way we don't have to spend nearly as many resources on converting CTAS for carrying such heavy loads and taking the impact of heavy mortars." Loyd turned back to face his corps. "This means that some people will need to be equipped with laser weaponry, as it is far more effective at detonating artillery rounds, then trying to hit them with a simple submachine gun."

"Sir, no one here is used to handling laser weaponry. Heck, some of us have never even fired a laser weapon! How do expect us to shoot down heavy mortars before they get close enough to cause damage!?"

"Oh, don't worry. I plan on getting you all to the point where you could hit a gnat several hundred kilometers away." Loyd turned back to his drawing. "That leaves about three squads of us left to actually attack the base. These pilots are going to have to be our fastest ones in order to close the short distance between the shield wall and the gun emplacements, since they will be able to take out the shields if we get to close."

Another corps entered the cafeteria and sat across the room from Loyd's corp. "Hey, look! The idiots plan on actually trying to take that base out Saturday!" Laughter ensued from the rest of the guy's group.

"We don't just plan to; we will destroy it!" Jim had stood and was rather annoyed. The rest of his squad stood and backed him up.

"We have the Twins, and the number one pilot in the entire academy, if you don't plan on taking out your assigned target, then that's just more resources and salvage we get to take back with us." Jim's lowest-ranking person, a rather small boy named Griffon, had come forward, crossed his arms and smirked. "Heck, I bet even I could kick all your asses in combat."

"Oh, shorty wants to fight, does he?!" The guy was almost seven foot, so everyone was a shorty to him. "Well, there's plenty of time before the nightly broadcast to smash your CTAS to powder."

Loyd stepped in between the two as they got closer. "If you two are going to fight, then why not have this be a regulated squad versus squad match. The winner takes the harvest area of the other at the end of the event Saturday?" Both sides looked at Loyd. "And we can have both groups commanders as the referees, so that we have an equal amount of bias."

"That sounds fine with me, you just need to get your squad together and we can do this." Deric, the commander of the group, had arrived late. His wet hair laid back after his evening shower.

"Why not increase the wager? The loser has to trade his top five people for the weakest from the other person." Deric smiled in his evil way.

"Sure, I've already got my squad picked out, so why don't we get to the simulators?" Loyd was now just as pissed as Jim looked.

"After you." Deric stepped aside and opened the door as Loyd's corps walked out.

"Can you believe these jokers?! There's no way we're going to lose this match!" Griffon had his hands behind his head, very much sure of himself. "So, who else am I fighting with?"

"You're it. You said you could beat them all yourself and I plan on having you keep your word." Loyd glared at Griffon. How could he be so stupid as to challenge so many people?

Loyd's sister was actively trying to tear Griffon's hair out but being confined to Loyd's head, meant no damage was actually done.

"Right, then…" Griffon looked nervous now. No doubt his opponents would be the strongest Deric could throw at him.

"I will give you a tip, before we begin though." Loyd turned to Griffon who waited expectantly. "Deric will regret this." Loyd smiled. "And I'm giving you access to my newest prototype."

"Really?! What is it? How heavy is it? Is it fast or slow and heavily armored?" Griffon was acting like a boy trying to figure out a Christmas present.

"You'll see when we get you loaded in my sim pod."

"Wait, what? I've never used a CTAS without limiters! How am I going to be able to use your pod?" Griffon looked scared.

"Because you can. I pulled up your information during training today and tested your sync rate without limiters, you had almost the same score I do." Loyd pushed the doors open to the sim building and walked inside.

"What?! How is my score that high?" Griffon was back to being happy.

"Mind if I ask how old you are? That's the one thing they left off all your guys' forms."

"I'm fifteen. And yes, I know I'm roughly a foot short for my age."

Loyd opened his pod door and stepped aside. "Well, then I don't need to hold your hand."