Chapter 12: Zenkichi vs Takachiho


There was a loud sounding ding echoing throughout the hall as Moji and his gang went wide-eyed when they saw Takachiho disappear and reappearing in front of Zenkichi and punched his face.

'S-So fast!'

'Was that flash step?!'

'Za Warudo?!'

'Just what is with this school?!'

Their jaws then dropped when they saw Zenkichi's skin turned into metal.

'You've gotta be kidding, is this some kind of shonen manga or something?!' They all simultaneously thought, sweatdropped.

Zenkichi was knocked back, his skin a metallic sheen, his feet skidding back, a few feet away from the impact of Takachiho's attack, fortunately he quickly found his footing and immediately went into a boxing stance, albeit basic, but he put up his guard.

'He's fast, and packs a mean jab. If I didn't turn my skin in metal in time, the bastard would've broken my jaw and destroy some of my teeth.' He grimaced, glaring angrily at the aloof looking Takachiho.

'I got attacked by Hyuga and now another bastard is targeting me, just what is with my luck?'

"Tres Bien! So it's really true." Takachiho muttered out excitedly as he shook his right hand around as he sees Zenkichi's skin become metal, even though he's strong enough to break the trees in the forest of their school in half with a couple of strong punches, he couldn't see any sort of scratch on the latter's metallic skin. "Goddamn your skin is tough! Man, I knew I should've worn boxing gloves. That metal skin of yours is no joke. You didn't show such an ability in the past, according to your records and other accounts, just as she had said."

Takachiho then went into a boxing stance, which immediately made Zenkichi wary even more.

But he didn't attack. Instead, his eyes then glanced towards the badly wounded body of Hyuga, remarking, "Though, she was also wrong on one thing as well. She said that you had a great control of your emotions–holding back the urge to smack the absolute shit out of that bitch when she started threatening you."

'Naze Youka...' Zenkichi's eyes sharply narrowed. There was only person that fit that description, and the only person he'd ever made an enemy of after just a day of his reincarnation.

He had expected her to send someone after him, or even just herself, but he never thought he'd be targeted now!

The man tilted his head and hummed.

"No wait, she's probably right and... you're one cunning motherfucker if I think about it more. You didn't attack her yesterday, not because you were holding back your anger, but because you were wary of the consequences. Because she was unknown to you."

"But that guy," he pointed his thumb at Hyuga over his shoulder. "he's just a nobody with a bad personality that no one would give a damn. It's clear why you didn't hesitate to attack him. Am I right?" He raised an expectant eyebrow.

"..." Zenkichi was silent, he didn't want to talk. He slowly edged one of his feet forward, lowering his upper body, he prepared to rush in but also to defend. But in this situation where he wasn't able to track his movements, he had to go on the defensive.

Takachiho's grin widened. "Not gonna talk? No matter. You'll be giving my colleagues and I a lot of information when we start "interrogating" you."

Zenkichi narrowed his eyes, clenching his hands, muttering, "You talk too much."

Takachiho shrugged, chuckled, and said. "Anyone would be if they saw someone having a power similar to Armament Haki."

"You a fan of One Piece?"

"Tres Bien!" Takachiho laughed. "You kidding me? I've been watching it since I was a kid. Anyone who's Japanese knows what One Piece is, why are you asking that anyway?"

"..." Zenkichi didn't reply, but it was to lower his guard. Continuing to play on the defensive would reveal Takachiho's cards but it came at the risk of him being unable to continue to tank his attacks. He had to take an opportunity if there was.

If he could make Takachiho talk more than he would slip up his defense and he would use that opportunity to deliver a punch strong enough to knock him out.


Zenkichi clicked his teeth. He had seen a moment of showing an opening but he had seen the smirk crossing the bastard's mouth, showing that Takachiho knew what he was thinking about doing.

Choices. Choices. What should he–wait a minute.

Why is he being a bitch about this? The guy literally only has fingerless gloves, his fists, to attack him but his fist couldn't even do shit against his metal skin earlier.

He's cautious but unless that bastard has a lightsaber or uses some sort of forbidden mystical technique that can cut through metal with his fists. But if something does go wrong, he still has his today's lottery prize...

Well, as some would say, "Fuck it! Let's go, motherfucker!" he then rushed towards Takachiho with large strides.

Takachiho was admittedly shocked at the sudden shift of his behavior, with wide eyes, but he quickly got over it and immediately rushed over to interrupt Zenkichi's momentum. He was way faster than the latter so he got in front of him first and sent a flying knee towards his face; specifically his eyes.

See, from what he analyzed, Zenkichi Hitoyoshi's ability seemed to only coat his "skin" in metal while other outer parts of his body like his nails, hair, and eyes didn't seem to be able to turn into metal.

So he only had to hit his vital weakpoint; his eyes, it wasn't like they needed them either for their plan. And Naze could remake his eyes if Zenkichi whines about it.

But as he sees his knee hit Zenkichi's face and felt only the pain of hitting metal than a squishy eyeball Takachiho grimaced, finding his knee hit a metallic eyelid while Zenkichi's other stared straight into his eyes.

"My turn." He growled, grabbing into Takachiho's thigh with both hands, holding him in place with a literal iron grip, he raises leg and pistons his right foot into the lower right leg of the latter and hitting him with his heel.

Savate Move: Chasse Bas. It was a move that just won't knock an opponent down, but with the right force it could permanently damage his opponent's kneecap. And with an iron foot, it wouldn't be a surprise for the bone in Takachiho's leg to snap.

But something unexpected happened. Takachiho's right leg, bended to the side, completely dodging his attack!

'What the fuck? How is that possible!?' With his current position, his other leg stuck in a grapple, it would've been near impossible for him to move his other leg, much less moving it! There's just no way he's that flexible.

"I almost forgot. You studied savate, right? Nice. Hey, despite how I look, I'm more proficient in kickboxing." Takachiho said, with his mouth opened into a grin, showing his sharp teeth, looking completely smug. "Also, does your skin also prevent you from taking any damage of impact to your innards? How fascinating."

That was close. Takachiho didn't dare take on a metallic foot to the thigh with full force. He had naively thought that the blond would be some dumb brute without any proper fighting experience; as his record was said that he had only partook some street level fighting against kids his age.

But what the records didn't take into account, or were deleted to be exact, about the little war Zenkichi had against the most evil bastard he had ever knew.

Even still, Takachiho is still confident of his victory against him. Why? It was because of his ability. His blessing and his curse in life.

"Now you might be thinking, "how in the hell did he do that?!". Well, it's all because of my ability called, why the hell should I tell you? Idiot! Hahaha!" Takachiho said, sticking his tongue out, taunting him.

"..." Zenkichi glared at him and immediately headbutted Takachiho's knee on his face down, making him lose his balance but he clasped both of his hands and raised them over his head to hit the former, but Zenkichi ducked, pivoted his hip on the front leg, forming a solid whip handle; bending his knee upwards and sent a roundhouse kick towards the latter's head.

Savate: Fouetté. This roundhouse kick is designed for maximum impact to the head, it doesn't just carry enough force to break an opponent's nose, it can drive the nose bone back up into their brain.

But Takachiho dodged his attack by falling backwards and countered Zenkichi's kick with his, knocking it back, he then twisted his body and stood right back on his feet but before he could do or say anything, Zenkichi immediately rushed back towards him and started punching out several fists and kicks to his body but Takachiho quickly and fluidly dodged all of them without receiving a single scratch; as if he had predicted all of his attacks.

'Just what is with his speed! No matter how many times I attack him, it's like I couldn't touch him! Like he's several steps ahead of me. No, don't panic, I just have to find out what his ability is.' Zenkichi narrowed his eyes as he stared straight at the amused gaze of Takachiho as they continued on their battle. '...He isn't looking where my fist or kicks are going to hit him. This isn't just mere speed or some movement technique like Medaka's, it's something like–'

He widened his eyes and thought, 'I have to test it out first, luckily, I just got the tool for the job.' he multitasked, as while he was fighting Takachiho, he also summoned his system and opened up the inventory to take out the item he got today.

Using a spinning roundhouse kick to Takachiho's face, Zenkichi used that moment, when his hands weren't in view, to take it out and threw it towards his direction and he immediately took a step back, separating himself from the former by a few feet.

Takachiho was visibly confused, he didn't understand why Zenkichi had suddenly retreated. But he then closed his eyes as well and covered his ears.

'Why is my abnormality, Autopilot, reacting and made me close my eyes and ears?'

It didn't take even a second for his answer to come as a sudden bright and ringing sound was heard in the hall.

As the bright light and ringing noise vanished, so did Zenkichi.


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