Chapter 52: Fighting Medaka

'...Life never goes as you planned.' Zenkichi thought as he hurriedly parried Medaka's hands with his Reishi constructed sword, she struck him with so much ferocity and power that they were like the claws of a dragon. True to his suspicion, when he dodged another of Medaka's attacks and her hands instead hit the metallic wall, she ripped through it with large claw marks and tore it apart like it were a piece of paper.

"Zenkichi... Why are you running? Why are you fighting me? Don't you want to be with me?"

Zenkichi gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the pitiful tone of Medaka's voice and raised his sword to block a high right kick heading for his neck while he tanked on the punch that struck his solar plexus, thankfully he had activated The Iron so a hole didn't appear in his body.

But the force of her punch was still strong enough to make him flinch in pain, making him stumble a step back and stare at Medaka with widened shocked eyes.

'How is that possible? She shouldn't have been able to inflict any pain on me while in The Iron mode. Just how is she doing that?!' He thought as he dodged a straight punch for his head, bending his back into an arc, he lashed out a kick at Medaka's chin with all his strength.

Zenkichi hoped that would've been enough to knock her out, only for him to tilt his head to the right as another punch almost hit his face... a sharp cut suddenly appeared on his metallic cheek, blood began spilling out.

God. He envisioned all kinds of situations when he would finally fight Medaka, one was her using War God Mode while he acts like Colossus from that one Marvel movie...but this one was not what he envisioned.

'I had only wanted to enjoy my second life, embracing myself as Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, amd to live beyond your shadow as part of the original and my own desire. Sure, I wanted to maybe hurt you a bit...' Zenkichi narrowed his eyes as Medaka hurled another fist towards his face.

Only for him to grab her wrist, pulled her towards him, raised his head high up as he concentrated in a split second on focusing all his The Iron power into his forehead and headbutted the back of her head, sending her face planted onto the ground.

Zenkichi grimaced at the blood dripping out, not just out of her head, but also from the numerous cuts and lacerations he inflicted on her for the last several minutes since she started attacking him.

'But I never wanted to hurt you like this.'

He jumped back when Medaka suddenly flew up, sending debris from the ground flying out, and landed back up on her feet.

She stared at him blankly, her wounds healing up almost immediately. Zenkichi could see the blood on her face disappearing, absorbed back into her skin as though it was never there.

"Zenkichi, you can't run from me. You can't escape me," she proclaimed, her voice eerily calm and composed. "You will always be mine."

Her words sent a shiver down his spine. It wasn't the words themselves that terrified him, but rather the manner in which they were delivered. It was as if she was stating an irrefutable fact, a universal truth that couldn't be questioned or contradicted.

He tightened his grip on his sword, sweat collecting on his palms. 'I can't back down now,' he told himself, 'no matter how bad it gets, no matter how much she hurts me... I have to keep fighting.'

'For her, mom, Shiranui, Nekomi, Naze, Ryota and....everybody else in this goddamn school.'

His eyes glinted with determination. "Oh trust me, Medaka-chan. I do want to be with you, I want to give you a hug and probably cuddle together in a couch as we watch some Netflix. But we won't be able to do that. Not as how the way you are right now. I won't let you hurt anyone else. Especially not yourself."

Medaka's eyes narrowed at the determination in Zenkichi's voice. Her swirly eyes stilling for a moment, "Do you not want me, Zenkichi?" Unexpectedly, tears started trickling down her cheeks.

"Fine, fine. I already knew that you've hated me for a while now..." She had a sad smile on her face, tilting her head back, as she stare blankly at Zenkichi. "I mean, why would you reject my offer as part of the student council? We've been together for almost our entire lives and distanced yourself from me."

"Medaka-chan..." Zenkichi said with an awkward expression. He...did not how to react to this. What happened to her bloodlust?

"Shut up." Medaka coldly spat out as she swung her hands out with even more ferocity, her fingernails unexpectedly leaving deep cuts in the walls and floor, but Zenkichi took them on with either The Iron or dodge it if she went for his vital parts... he didn't want to take any chances with how she managed to pierced through his impenetrable defense.

He could use the Liquid Morph skill he got from that chick in the hot spring floor... but what happens if Medaka copies that? Fighting her would be more difficult than before.

"Gotcha!" He muttered as he grabbed both her arms, only to feel a tingling feeling from his lower... head. He was stunned and unconsciously let Medaka go and was soon kicked to the sternum, sending him flying across the corridor.

"F-Fucking hell... going for the balls... That's just low, even for you medaka." Zenkichi groaned, cursing out as he grabbed the destroyed wall to try and pull himself out.

"Why? Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why? WHY?!" She repeated with a dull, cold expression as she started barraging him with punches and kicks.

'Why what?' He instantly pulled himself out of the wall when she pulled back her arms to pummel him with her bloodied hands, mostly from her. This was probably the first time he'd ever seen her, the most fearless and confident in the entire planet, to throw a tantrum.

Although he could feel her punches, it didn't mean that it was doing a whole lot of damage than it should. Medaka's attacks could effortlessly punch through several thick, hardened metal walls and easily pulverize any adult human with a single punch. But for Zenkichi it felt as if about 80-90% of her damage was absorbed by The Iron, making him only feel 10% of her strength but that 10% was like getting punched by a heavyweight boxer in his normal form.

As punches and kicks landed on Zenkichi, which he countered as well with the strength to even break the bones of a bear, he realized something was wrong with Medaka. Well, more than she already is.

'What's going on here? Doesn't the Despair Video make the victims insane and want to spread out fear and despair in their path of world domination? So why is Medaka...all sad and angry?' He was baffled and was hopeful that the despair video hadn't properly worked on her.

But he couldn't properly analyze her situation unless he knocks her unconscious.

'Alright, time get even more serious.'

His eyes lit up with Divine Reflection as he continued to dodge and weave her every attack before attacking her with the same attack patterns, but much more powerful and deadlier as it would always strike her and left bloody gashes before her healing factor kicked in.

The constructed Reishi sword lit up with an intense blue glow, with the skill Swordmaster, Zenkichi hurled fast and powerful sword strikes at Medaka. It was a series of attacks that made even her healing factor was having trouble keeping up. He was doing this for the purpose of making her bleed out.

"ZENKICHI!!" Medaka let out a blood curdling scream, with red flowing blood covering her entire naked and worn out body, she recklessly charges at Zenkichi.

"Dammit, Medaka-chan!" He clicked his tongue as he dodged and parried her attacks, each clash sending shudders through his body. Medaka was becoming stronger, faster, relentless as the fight continues. But it was also gradually killing her through blood loss.

Even though he was dishing out devastating attacks every second, her healing factor seemed to kick it up a notch and seemingly healed her wounds in a split a second.

"God, dammit! Just stop. Just freaking stop, Medaka-chan! I don't want to fight you anymore or hurt you! I know you're in there, so if can hear and see me, please wake up. Wake up." Zenkichi pleaded for her stop but Medaka, her eyes completely white and face feral, seemed as though she couldn't hear him. "Wake up, Medaka!"

Medaka let out a inhumanly roar towards him and kicked him to his side, sending him flying towards another wall. Blood still covered her body but the wounds and cuts that Zenkichi inflicted on her had all disappeared by the time the latter got up from the wall.

'Just why the fuck is her healing factor this powerful?! It wasn't this op back in middle school!! Fuck! C'mon and wake up, Medaka!' Zenkichi inwardly cursed as he shot forward and immediately went to grab her left arm, turned his body, and slammed her into the ground once more.

But that didn't even faze her as she shot up from the ground, her hands and head on the ground, and she started spinning with her strong beautiful long legs kicking out.

'Capoeira? When the hell did she learn that?' Seeing her continuing to fight him inexhaustible and still laying out with heavy ferocious attacks nonstop, the sight almost made him just quit and retreat back towards Naze and Ryota.

But he had to keep going. He couldn't give up now. He couldn't let herself get hurt any longer.

"Dammit Medaka-chan, if you can't wake up then just go down!!" With a loud yell, Zenkichi shot out a kick towards her neck.

Suddenly, there was a clang. A familiar sound of metal hitting metal.

Zenkichi's eyes widened in horror, as his worst fears were realized in front of him.

'You gotta be kidding me...'

Her white creamy neck turned an oddly smooth and shiny grey skin, as if it were metal.

Medaka managed to copy The Iron.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, from her hands dark motes of light began to gather around her hands. Her glowing red eyes intensified and a pleased smile appeared on her face.

'...Just how much of a fucking cheat are you?!'


❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon:

•terrence L mccall

•swift arrow

•Edward aguirre


❄️Shout out for the Ones Above All of my site of patreon, the goats:

•Juul T.F



Author: ... No Grind, No life. Gimme materials and Saint Quartz. Freaking hell, just why won't they feature a sweep option!!

Edit: Heyo! So, wrote this with a frustrated brain of grinding for hours in FGO and Honkai Impact Star Rail(I'm waiting for an excellent fanfic of this to drop) so the entire fight scene in this chapter absolutely made no sense until I read the comments and started to rewrite the whole damn thing. Sorry about that!