Chapter 87: Aftermath

*Gasp!* *Cough* *Cough*

"Ugh..." Kirigakure snapped her eyes open, groaning as she tried to sit up. She blinked, looking around as her vision slowly cleared. "What...what the hell? What happened?"

"I knocked you out." Zenkichi said with a straight expression, his eyes closed while everyone else sat in some chairs in the Freedom Clubroom with various expressions.

Kirigakure blinked. ".... Please tell me nobody kissed me."

"Oh, I did, Kirigakure-sensei!" Kumagawa cheerfully raised his right hand.

"..." Kirigakure stared at him with dead eyes. "Please don't tell me that you're all gathering here to wait for the police to come and get me."

"That's not why–"

"Yup~ We're totally all waiting here for the police because you made out with a minor!" Shibuki interjected with a wide grinning, stifling her giggles.

Kirigakure was still bewildered by what was happening that she subconsciously replied. "T-That can't be right... I'm eighteen! I can't get arrested for kissing someone a couple years younger than me!"

Everyone turned to her with a flat expression. There was a moment of pause before they unanimously said,

"Stop the cap."

Kirigakure flinched and finally seem to be fully awake now. She blinked her eyes, turning towards Zenkichi and started pointing at him, completely flabbergasted. "Y-You... You knocked me out!"

"Yes, yes I did. I did not deny it." Zenkichi flatly replied.

"And you're... normal now? Huh!? Weren't you in your demon form, specifically in a unstable situation because you had awakened your demon blood and started attacking students?"

Zenkichi let out a sigh. "No and yes. This isn't the first time I've used my demon form and although I was attacking them, I voluntarily attacked them because they attacked me first and that douchebag over there..." He pointed at Kumagawa, who waved. "Is a tough son of a bitch that can't be easily killed."

"Yeah, I unfortunately got that Affection of the Goddess stat." Kumagawa let out a long sigh.

Naze crossed her arms, coldly snorted. "Enough with the jokes, Kumagawa. You can't die, because of that ridiculously powerful ability you have called the All Fiction."

Medaka blinked turning towards her. "As expected of you, Kujira-nee. Even though you were late, you still managed to know about the entire situation."

Naze grumbled, looking away from her supposed little sister. "Don't call me that!"

She and Koga had only returned to school because they went back every night to get some of their stuff from the underground facility before it get confiscated when they heard a commotion in the main school building.

Being curious, they coincidentally encountered both Nabeshima and Shiranui just after they escaped their clubroom when they sensed something was wrong.

And because Naze felt it was particularly hot this evening, she didn't put up her bandages as usual. So Medaka immediately recognized her long lost older sister's face.

'... It isn't like it's a lie. Considering that Goddess interjected.' Zenkichi thought to himself, narrowing his brows, he massages his closed eyes and momentarily opened them.

'Fuck... Am I just going to stay like this until I get myself killed? But what if even after I do get killed by something and resurrect with Cattish Tale, my vision still won't come back?' Although he could see using his spiritual sense and magical sense but it was still better having working eyes, what if he runs out of energy?

"Ah, sorry about that. I forgot to compensate you for your trouble~" Suddenly, that same female voice that butt in Zenkichi's burning of Kumagawa sounded in his mind once more.

'You–!' Zenkichi blinked, feeling his vision returning and...more? It felt like, he could see more. But more than that, what the hell was this strange feeling on his lips?! Was that strawberry?

[Ding! New ability gained, Parasite Seeing(Abnormality)]

•Parasite Seeing(Abnormality)[New]: User's now restored and enhanced vision grants him the ability to see what others see through their own eyes. This also allows him to see how others view the world and understand how they think.

"Hmhm. See you later, Zenkichi~" There was seductive giggle as her voice disappeared once more.

'... I seriously have no idea how to deal with you.' Zenkichi rubbed the back of his head in confusion.

"–Zenkichi. Hey, Zenkichi!"

"Huh?" Zenkichi turned to the side to find an annoyed Nabeshima, her fists on her hips, smiling sweetly at him.

"About time you responded." Nabeshima said, pouting.

"Ah, sorry about that. I just went deep in thought."

"About what?" Shiranui asked, showing up with her chin resting on his right shoulder, shocking Zenkichi.

"Ah! Shiranui? What, what the hell are you doing on my shoulder?!"

Shiranui shrugged and continued hanging by his shoulder, eating dumpling. "Just let me rest on you, I got tired playing all day..."

Sayaka walked up to Nabeshima and asked whisperingly, "Aren't you jealous? I heard from Kikaijima that you're dating Zenkichi-kun..." Her eyes were full of envy as she glanced at Shiranui and then at Nabeshima.

Nabeshima softly chuckled and explained. "Well, we're not... officially a thing yet, I mean, we haven't put a label on our relationship. Though I could say that we're... friends with benefits?"

"E-Eh?" Sayaka blushed.

Nabeshima softly smiled. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But, if we we're dating, I wouldn't really thought much of the intimacy between Zenkichi and Shiranui-chan."

"Huh? Why?"

"Eh, I don't know. When I see them together and Shiranui being close to him... It sorta looks they're siblings to be honest. It's just cute to see them together, than envious." Nabeshima shrugged. "I mean, c'mon, you don't see it as well?"

"I..." Sayaka turned to look and reluctantly agreed a moment later. "Yeah, you're right. Shiranui looks and acts like Zenkichi's little sister than some thirsty girl in love."

"Yeah, she isn't like Medaka or you."

"Yes–uh... I, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Unknowingly, everyone in the clubroom started talking randomly. Even the Minus trio started chatting with one another and with Lilith.

The only one who seemed out of it was Kirigakure, who looked at them as if they were all crazy.

"Enough!" She yelled, catching everyone's attention. Her breathing became haggard, her firm large breasts, confined by only a revealing swimsuit, swayed uncontrollably which caught the attention of... a few fellows. She looked up towards Zenkichi and demanded, "You, answers! Now!"

"Ah, excuse me for interrupting but..." Lilith, a incredibly beautiful and voluptuous young man, stepped forward with a sweet smile and continued, "Bitch, who the fuck are you to start demanding answers from my Prince?!"

"Huh?!" A vein popped on Kirigakure's forehead, purple lightning started emitting between her breasts. "I was ignoring you demon slut because I wanted to know everything about what's going on from my handsome student civilly, but if yer wanted to get your ass cheeks clapped that badly..."

"Hehe. You sure it's not going to be yours, cursed hag?" Lilith chuckled and suddenly brought out two pistols from... somewhere.

"*Whistle~* Man, she can whip out a lightning sword out her boobs? She's becoming more and more my favorite teacher!" Kumagawa muttered, vibrating excitedly in his seat.

"Both of you, that's enough!" Suddenly, a overwhelming sense of heat engulfed both Kirigakure and Lilith. Both of them felt as though they were being stared at by a killer beast that wouldn't hesitate to burn them into a crisp if they don't submit.

"Yes, Your Highness." The first to back down was unsurprisingly Lilith, bowing down, not showing her flustered face and bloody nose.

"Tch. Just start explaining," Kirigakure clicked her tongue and aggressively sat down on a chair.

Zenkichi nodded, looking at everyone in the room he saw his clubmates and Kikaijima, the minus members, Lilith and Kirigakure all gathered around him, listening intently.

The atmosphere was incredibly tensed and serious. After all, from the bits they've seen and heard, whatever they were going to hear was something that was going to blow their minds.

"... Alright, first off. My mom banged the devil."

There was a moment of stunned silence.

"Boo! Already knew that! Next!" Shiranui yelled out, snapping everyone out of their dazed.

"Wait, you already knew?!" Medaka asked in shock.

Shiranui looked proud, crossing her arms. "Of course I already know, I'm Hitoyoshi-kun's best friend."

Somehow, that ticked off a couple of people. Especially to the girl she said it straight to her face.

Zenkichi let out a sigh, "Alrighty then... Next is that this... is another timeline that I wished be created."

"... Okay, I didn't know about that."


AN: Short chapter for today because I was thinking on how this Arc is gonna go down and how I'm making it head to the next one.

Ah, right. Sorry for the late announcement but the poll that I set up a month ago is finally over. It was a poll that decides the next world Zenkichi is gonna visit and the winner goes to....

Drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁


Yay, which strangely feels like it's fate, pun unintended. Because due to my phone getting drown, it had to be factory restarted and the dumbass that I was, forgot about my account number and password...

So, yeah. I'm playing FGO all over again.🥲

My two years of data... all washed away...

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon:

•terrence L mccall

•swift arrow



•Nawaf Rashed

•Davide Cordivani


•Maxwell Sarabi


•Edgar Osvaldo Chavez Sacramento

❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Daniel Reis

•Luis A Montoya


Wanna read unreleased chapters and support me? Head on over to my patreon! And wanna know something exciting about it? It's four chapters ahead and there's some pics and bio about certain characters in a future arc.