Chapter 95: New Teacher

"Your Demon Heart is weakening?!" Lilith exclaimed, abruptly standing up from the couch in disbelief. "Y-Your Highness, please excuse my outburst. I didn't mean to be disrespectful. But if your Demon Heart is weakening, we need to act quickly. The Demon Heart is the source of your power, and without it, you are vulnerable to any threat."

Zenkichi sighed and elegantly chewing on his dinner. "I know, Lilith. That is why I am asking for your advice. I need to find a way to keep my Demon Heart alive, permanently. And as far as I know, there's only person that can help me right now. So, what should I do to resolve this issue of mine?"

Lilith looked to be deep in thought and slowly sat down on her chair across from Zenkichi. "Your Highness, as a demon myself, I should have the solution for your problems... However, therein lies the problem Your Highness. I'm a full-blooded demon, born native in Gehenna while Your Highness is a Nephilim; a half-human, half-demon, a spawn of the Great Lord Satan as well as a God Slayer. Not only are we biologically different, but also strictly speaking, you are an extremely superior being compared to me. I fear that my knowledge and abilities may not be sufficient to resolve the issues with your Demon Heart. Truthfully speaking, this is the first I've heard about a demon losing their demonic powers."

Zenkichi leaned forward, his expression serious. "Lilith, you are my only hope to helping me retain my power, and as my assigned assistant I believe your knowledge surpasses that of most demons. Please, share with me what you know."

Lilith hesitantly looked down on her meal and let out a sigh. "Well, this is just a theory, the best one I could think of, but I think the reason that you're losing your demon powers is because you're not in touch of your demon self; simply put, you haven't truly embraced your demon side."


"She's probably right, as much as I hate to admit it." Brunhilde grumbled by Zenkichi's side, eating her meal. The two met each other's gazes and narrowed their eyes.

Brunhilde was certainly not the jealous type, considering she let Zenkichi date other girls, nor was she aggressive but there was just something... off about the demoness. Having lived for so long, she knew to trust her instincts. But without any evidence and she can help out Zenkichi, she'll be patient with Lilith for now and wait until she screws up.

She then turned towards Zenkichi and said, "Out of any reasons as to why you're slowly losing your demon powers, denying your demon side is the most likely. Though, there's also the possibility that since you recently awakened your demon heritage that your Demon Heart is still unstable and adjusting to sharing your body with another source of power. It could be a combination of both factors."

Zenkichi nodded, considering their words. 'So I just need to accept myself as being part demon? That's all I gotta do to stop this deterioration?'

Yeah right, there's no way it's going to be that easy, right? Though now Zenkichi thought about it, he never really did look into his demon powers except using the blue flames that he instinctively conjured up.

'Ah whatever, it seems like there's no other solution except self-acceptance for my demon side. But that still leaves my Divinity, can I truly act the part of a God and inspire faith from people?' Zenkichi thought and let out a sigh.

"I'll... try to accept my demon side later on after eating. I have another question for you, Lilith."

"What is it, Your Highness?"

"Where do you intend to stay the night?" Zenkichi hesitantly asked, already expecting her answer. Brunhilde seemed to understand as well and turned to stare at Lilith.

Lilith tilted her head, with an expression that said "isn't it obvious". "Here."

"Here... Where exactly?"

"Your house, Your Highness. If you want, I can sleep by your side and act as your body pillow–"

"Sorry but that place has already been taken by me," Brunhilde interjected, a popping vein on her forehead.

Lilith turned towards her with a similarly pissed expression. "I'm sorry but, who the fuck are you anyway?"

"I'm Zenkichi's partner, I'm Brunhilde."

"Tch. A Norse huh. Shouldn't your people be at Scandinavia and deal with the whole Ragnarok thing coming up soon."

"Well, well, well. Looks like someone here knows her history. My... people can handle Ragnarok without me for a while. But how about you? Hm? Shouldn't you be out there in hell, pumping out succubi?"

"That's the great mistress Lilith! I'm just named after her you dumb bitch!"

"Oh I see. Now, if you're not her, then what use are you? In fact, what kind of bimbo demon are you?"

Zenkichi calmly ate his dinner and ignored their banner, knowing full well that unless they were in a full blown argument of malice that would lead to blood and limbs being torn off, he'd best stay out of it. He'd learn that lesson when his mom and a woman, their neighbor, were having an argument and he intervened he ended up getting scolded by both of them.

So, he took another bite of his dinner and continued to enjoy his meal in silence, leaving the two demoness and Valkyrie to sort out their differences on their own.


"Hmm." Zenkichi let out a yawn, crossing his arms on the table and rested his head.

He followed Lilith's advice and well, it was easier said than done.

He had stayed up all night meditating to accept his demon side and... it kinda worked? His demonic energy seemed to be a bit stronger than before but it was still slowly dissipating.

'Looks like I really need to head to Gehenna and meet either my... siblings or my father to help deal with my problem.' He closed his eyes and slept, uncaring if the teacher caught him. He'd already memorized all the materials for the the year and next anyways.

"Hey Zenkichi!" Unfortunately however, a familiar voice woke him up.

"Hm?" Zenkichi grumbled, and turned his head to find Shiranui standing before him eating buns. "Shiranui? What's up? Shouldn't you be paying attention?"

Shiranui raised an eyebrow with a blank expression. "Shouldn't YOU be paying attention?"

"Quiet," Zenkichi smirked. "Alright, what is it?"

Shiranui let out a sigh and used the chair beside him, uncaring for the owner that was reaching to use it, and said. "Is it wrong for me to check up on you?"

"Uhm, excuse me. That's my–"

"Can't you see I'm busy here? Go use my desk instead." Shiranui shooed the guy before turning back towards Zenkichi. "Geez, the nerve of some people. Alright, so spill. Why were you absent yesterday?"

"Didn't Medaka-chan already explained it to you?"

"Yeah, I'm not buying that bullshit." Shiranui scoffed, wholly eating her bun, she crossed her arms. "You, the guy who can–"

"Shh!" Zenkichi's eyes widened in alarm and almost jumped out of his seat.

Shiranui rolled her eyes, "You what I mean, so hurry up and spill."

Zenkichi narrowed his eyes, staring at Shiranui's neutral expression.


"H-Huh? Why not?" Shiranui looked at him in surprise.

"And why should I tell you? Hm?" A teasing look appeared in his eyes.

Shiranui pouted and looked away. "T-That's..."

There was a moment of silence and Shiranui finally responded with, "Aren't we friends...?" her face was slightly red.

Zenkichi blinked.



"Ack!" Shiranui groaned, holding her foot in pain after kicking Zenkichi's leg, which felt like she had kicked an iron door! She looked up at him, teary eyed.

Zenkichi's lips twitched.

"Are you trying to cheer me up or something?"

"No! I was trying to make you feel pain!"

"And look how that turned out."



Both Zenkichi and Shiranui were suddenly hit with a chalk to the temple, the former easily caught it while the latter's face snapped to the side, twitching.

They then turned towards the blackboard to find a teacher of theirs, Shizuka Hiratsuka, looking pissed off as all hell.

"You two loverbirds, shut up! Shiranui, go back to your proper seat. Hitoyoshi, sit up properly! I don't care if you know the shit I'm spouting or not, I want you to pay attention."

"Yes, ma'am." The two discreetly muttered their apologies and obeyed the teacher's instructions. Zenkichi sat up straight and focused on the lesson, stealing a quick glance at Shiranui who was now seated a few rows away.

Hiratsuka nodded and said. "Good. Now, I have an announcement to make–"

"Sensei, are you finally getting married?" A brave soul interjected, raising his hand.

Everyone turned towards him.

Hiratsuka's face turned dark, veins started popping.



"Now, anyone want to say something?" Hiratsuka calmly said.

Everyone shook their heads, ignoring the broken window.

"Good, good. As abrupt as this is, but this and other classes have a new teacher starting today."

"A new teacher?"

"That's a surprise. I've heard how hard it is for people to apply in the academy as a new teacher, generally speaking, only famous professors or alumni are hired."

"What I wanna is if they're hot or not..."

Expected, everyone in the classroom burst into whispers and excited chatter, speculating about the new teacher.

'A new teacher? It can't be, can it?' Zenkichi broke into a cold sweat.

Hiratsuka cleared her throat to quiet the class. "Enough with your speculations, let me introduce the new teacher." she turned towards the door. "Hitoyoshi-sensei, please come in."

"Oi, oi. Did she say Hitoyoshi?"

"Are they Hito–eh, Zenkichi-kun's relative?"

"Please be his hot mom, big sister, aunt..."

'Huh? Is it mom? No, mom never mentioned ever wanting to teach kids. Could it really be...'

The door slides open and Zenkichi's gut feeling turned out to be true.

It was Brunhilde, dressed in a professional teacher's outfit, complete with glasses and a stern expression on her face.

The entire class fell silent, jaws dropping as they stared at the intimidating woman standing before them.

Brunhilde glanced around the room, her eyes meeting Zenkichi's for a brief moment before she turned her attention back to the class.

"Good morning, students," she said, her voice calm and authoritative. "My name is Brunhilde, and I will be your new teacher for this semester."


AN: ...Bad luck is coming for me. I played Genshin Impact and started rolling for Raiden, Yoimiya and Raiden's signature weapon. I got all three plus a standard five star weapon(Amos Bow), in 40 pulls(10 pulls on Raiden, 10 on Yoimiya, 10 on weapon, and 10 on standard). I'm both happy and scared...





should I try for a c1?

Btw, read my author's thoughts if you're curious.

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon:

•terrence L mccall








❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Daniel Reis


•Adrian Durand

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