Chapter 112: Meeting Last Master

"Have mercy..."

"Food... water... please..."

Zenkichi had a blank expression as he and Brunhilde navigated through the sea of people begging for help. The sorrow and despair in the air was palpable, and the cries for aid echoed in the air. Zenkichi felt a pang of guilt in his chest, knowing that he couldn't provide for everyone. He glanced at Brunhilde, whose eyes mirrored his own sense of helplessness.

She shook her head, "We can't. You know that this place, this time, is only temporary and..." she sighed, a look of nostalgia flickered in her eyes. "nothing would change, I guess. If this era is around A.D. 1200, then these people are already suffering from the harsh realities of their time."

Zenkichi nodded solemnly, understanding the limitations of their current situation. "I know," he said softly, his heart heavy with the weight of their inability to alleviate the suffering around them.

For all the power, the confidence and arrogance that he has, he was still a teenager(his past life didn't count much as it only gave him vague recollection of his life and information about anime, games, movies, etc.) and seeing such suffering weighed heavily on him. Despite his formidable abilities, he felt small and powerless in the face of such overwhelming despair.

It just reminded him of that time, of that past he erased from existing.

'Since I have the holy grail already, I only need to get rid of the Lion King and properly restore the singularity into proper human history.' He trekked forward, heading towards the Last Master's location, with the sole reason that they can help him in his battle against the Lion King, specifically a certain shielder.

The Lion King is a Goddess, if he remembered the storyline correctly, with the power of her lance that had the power of a orbital laser that can easily wipe out a city! Even Zenkichi couldn't do it, probably. He hasn't really fully explored his divinity as it was deteriorating.

'Divine Reflection and The End sounds useful but only if see skills and/or abilities of users, not powers that belonged to a weapon. If I could, I would've managed to copy the abilities of Tristan's Noble Phantasm and Ozymandias' Noble Phantasm. Though if I can recreate Tristan's bow with the help of Brunhilde...'

Both continued on their way, laying low and trying to keep their faces hidden from everyone. They froze as they soon heard the sound of footsteps approaching. They glanced at the source of the noise and saw multiple knights gathering on some stall, the people around looked on in curiosity and hope.

But some looked at the in doubt and suspicion, after all, they had cancelled the once a month Holy Selection yesterday; their only hope for salvation and paradise into the Holy City, and the knights never do provide any provisions or aid unless it served their own interests.

Zenkichi's thoughts raced as he watched the scene unfold before him. Judging by their lack of hostility and killing intent, they probably haven't found them yet.

'But then, why are they here?'

That was when everyone noticed a very appetizing aroma wafting from the stall where the knights had gathered. The scent of freshly cooked food drifted through the air, causing the hungry crowd to stir with renewed hope. Zenkichi's stomach rumbled involuntarily at the enticing smell, but he remained focused on the situation at hand.

"Food! Water! Everyone, come and get your fill!" someone called out from the stall, their head lowered as they prepared a new meal for people to enjoy. The knights mechanically moved to distribute the provisions to the crowd.

Zenkichi narrowed his eyes, his suspicions grew stronger as he observed the scene. He remembered much of the world-line and he knew for certain that every knight of the roundtable in this timeline didn't give a damn about the well-being of the people, except for a certain few "pure ones" that would be chosen in the so-called Holy Selection.

Seeing that the knights were really giving out aid for them, the people began to cautiously approach the stall, their hunger and desperation overriding their suspicions. Each person was given hearty meals that looked suspiciously familiar to Zenkichi.

'Is that... Yakisoba?' Zenkichi's eyes widened in recognition as he caught sight of the familiar dish being distributed. Yakisoba, a popular Japanese street food, was not something commonly found in this era. The realization made him squint his eyes, raising even more questions about the person behind the stall; the cook.

Without making eye contact, he immediately flagged the cook as a servant. Because there was no way in hell that there'd be a british knight that knew how to cook noodles!

"...Let's get out of here," Zenkichi muttered to Brunhilde, who nodded back in agreement. They lowered their hoods, using the crowd of people as cover, they quietly slipped away from the stall and the knights, not noticing the sharp silver eyes of the man manning the stall.

'Killing intent?!' Zenkichi paused, his jet-black eyes narrowing as he sensed the dangerous aura emanating from the cook. He grabbed Brunhilde's arm and pulled her into a nearby alleyway, away from prying eyes and used Hirenkyaku to get away in a blink of an eye.

'Archer' stared at the place where his targets disappeared to and closed his eyes, continuing to provide meals for the unfortunate people.

"...You're just going to let them go like that?" An irritated voice spoke from behind him, Archer didn't need to look behind him too see a knight decked in full armor with horns on their helmet. Their voice was filled with annoyance, anger and suspicion. They had their sword unsheathed, poise to pierce Archer's back with just slight nudge. "Archer, are you going against father?!"

'Archer' scoffed, paying no heed to the blade that would surely kebab him, he replied. "Me? Going against Sab... her majesty? Surely you jest, seeing as I have been given her greatest Gift that also acts as my leash. Even the thought of betraying her would cause me to explode."

The helmet withdrew back, showing Mordred's face. Her mouth opened, baring her teeth. "Then why have you let the fugitives go?!"

"And start a fight around civilians? No." He simply replied.

"Who cares about some civilians? The fugitives were right there!? They're much more important than some-"

"And as her majesty had ordered, you are to obey my words as if they were her own." He glanced back Mordred, who was taken aback by the sternness in Archer's voice. He continued, his tone unwavering. "Her majesty was disappointed in both you and sir Gawain from failing to get rid of the Divine Spirit before he made contact with the Sun King and made their way here. If you don't want to further disappoint her majesty, then you better listen me!"

Mordred trembled, not only from his words, but also the pressure he was emanating.

Archer's gift, Beloved of the King. It grants him a deeper connection to the Lion King, not only can he delve into her magical energy and have seemingly endless magical energy, but he could also possess her divine aura, use some of her skills and can instantly teleport to her side at any time.

The greatest blessing yet also the greatest curse, as Archer wanted this connection to be with the right King.

His sword, and the true king he served and loved.

But that would have to wait until that Brother of the Flowers, which was certainly Merlin, finally decided to get him outta here. And since he was here, though he tossed aside his dream for his beloved, that didn't mean he shouldn't try to help the people here. Especially the Lion King.

Though, judging by his lack of progress, guess he'd have to wait a bit longer and... set up a few pieces.

It was true that the gift can kill him if he thought for a moment of betraying the Lion King, but he wasn't betraying her. He was doing this for her sake.

'Welp, only time would tell.' Archer shook his head and continued on providing for the people, forcing Mordred to help him.

As for Zenkichi and Brunhilde, they were already somewhere far away. The former looked up to see constant ruined buildings and saw numerous tents perched up.

He felt inside of him throb and already knew that the Last Master was in one of them. They exchange a look and nodded, walking forward. It didn't take them long to sense someone... not human.

"This presence... I guess one of the two of you is the servant we were expecting?"

Zenkichi looked up to see a incredibly beautiful lady, with delicate fair skin and long, flowing dark-brown hair that seemed to shimmer in the dim light. She wore clothes similar to that of a magic scholar. She had an air of elegance and power about her, her blue eyes shimmering with great intelligence beyond average people, unmistakably that of a Servant.

She tilted her, tapping her chin. "Your features... are you an Asian? No wait, you have blond hair though."

Zenkichi didn't deny it, "I am the servant that you were expecting. And I'm guessing that you're one of the servants affiliated with my... master."

She nodded. "That's right. Since we're allies, my true name is Leonardo Da Vinci. And yes, I am the great genius himself that you're thinking off, pay no mind to the small details whatsoever. And please, you can call me Da Vinci-chan."

'Huh. No wonder she looked familiar,' Zenkichi thought, while Brunhilde stared at Da Vinci in disbelief and shock.

The great artist and inventor, was a woman? What?! She had met the Leonardo Da Vinci in her world and he fit the same as he was portrayed in history, not... someone who looked like the Mona Lisa or something! Sure she was warned by Zenkichi that the world's portrayal of historical figures here was different but... this?!

"They're here?!"

Zenkichi turned his head to find a girl with shoulder-length red hair, that seemed a bit orange, tied in a side-ponytail on the left side with a usually yellow hair band and a cowlick, and light orange eyes. She wore a black colored uniform with a short skirt and black gloves, which had a gap behind the hands that showed the Command Seals on her right hand.

There were other people coming out of the tent, curiously looking at him and Brunhilde.

They both stared at each other, stunned. Moreso for Gudako, she absolutely has no idea on who this guy was or the woman besides him.

Zenkichi blinked, he should say that he was surprised but... considering the interactions they've had, he kinda already expected it'd be the female version. He heard people say that the female version was more... unhinged to say the least. That was the feeling he got from her when they chatted.

He smirked, "Hey Last Master, funny running into you here."

Gudako blinked, confused at the moment. "Huh? W-What are you-"

"C'mon now, I know it's been a while but don't tell me you've already forgotten about me? About this little ol'lucky devil?"

Gudako was confused for a moment before Zenkichi took out his phone and waved it around.

Her eyes widened. "Wait, what?! YOU?! HUH!!?"


AN: For those wondering, the FGO arc would probably last until chapter 125, and that's just a maybe if I don't go with the eroge route(he picks up girls like it was pokemon).

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators who arrived in my patreon! 

•terrence L mccall






❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!


•Adrian Durand

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