Chapter 124: Briefing

"Hey system, can you ask you something important?" Zenkichi said aloud, looking at himself in the mirror and rubbing the small stubble around his jawline, feeling a bit surprise that he was getting facial hair. Sure, it was normal for male teens to get facial hair when they hit puberty, he's sixteen but this is the first time he's noticed any significant growth.

'Is it because of stress?' He thought to himself, reaching for the razor.

[Depending on your question, user, I will answer to the best of my ability. So, what might the question be?]

"...My arrival in this... universe? I can't understand why I was summoned here, at the sixth singularity, and somehow as a temporary servant. Why didn't you sent me straight into Chaldea?"

For the last few days of staying in Chaldea, besides training and bonding with everyone, he had always had this thought: why sent him into the sixth singularity? Why not into Chaldea? Where he could be prepared and summon servants to help him.

The thought brewed in his mind and he would have just forgot about it... if he hadn't thought about his conversation with Goetia.

"I had only dropped by when I noticed... an anomaly, greater than anything I've ever seen in my infinite lifetime, in Chaldea, which is you..."

He had only noticed him when he arrived at Chaldea, not in the sixth singularity.

The system processed Zenkichi's question, understanding the weight of his confusion and concern. After a brief pause, it responded,

[Answer: Because out of all the possible scenarios to put you into this world, the sixth singularity is the most safest and controlled environment for your initial entry. While it may seem unconventional, there are factors at play that influenced this decision. First off, the space-time continuum in this world is completely unstable, due to the Incineration of the Human Order with the exception of Solomon's Temple, the singularities and Chaldea."

[Sending you to the temple is not optional, Chaldea's enchantments would make your entry into their facility... difficult, to say the least, which leaves the singularities as the most viable option.]

[The sixth singularity, in particular, differs greatly from any other singularities as instead of something like a parallel timeline that singularities usually are, the changes sixth singularity had in in history has made it more akin to a parallel world than a mere singularity. It operates under its own set of rules and conditions, making it a safer environment for outsiders like yourself to adapt and learn without being overwhelmed by the complexities of world laws or the dangers posed by other outside force]

[Furthermore, your presence in the sixth singularity may hold significance beyond what is immediately apparent. There may be factors at play, unknown to us at this time, that necessitated your involvement in this particular location and time. In essence, while it may not have been the most intuitive choice from your perspective, there are reasons behind why you were summoned to the sixth singularity. Trust that those overseeing your journey have made this decision with your best interests and the greater good in mind.]

"So that's why..." Zenkichi murmured to himself, processing the system's explanation. The weight of understanding eased some of the confusion that had been gnawing at him since his arrival in the sixth singularity. He had been grappling with the why of it all, but the system's response provided some clarity.

Knock! Knock!

"Zenkichi? They're calling for us at the command room," a voice called from outside Zenkichi's room, interrupting his thoughts.

Zenkichi straightened up, letting out a soft sigh as he examined his lean and muscular build. Marveling at how after how much crap he took over the last few... months? Okay, wow. Now that he thought about, it hasn't been over a year since he reincarnated and accepted his new life.

He took one last look at his reflection in the mirror, his now clean shaven face reflecting determination and resolve.

"Thanks, I'll be right out!"


The door to the command room opened up. Zenkichi, Brunhilde and Altria entered the quiet command room, greeted by the sight of the staff diligently preparing for the mission.

"Oh, hey guys. Good morning!" Gudako greeted warmly as Zenkichi, Brunhilde, and Altria walked up to her, Mash and Romani. The latter two also greeted them with smiles, and Romani added, "Good to see you all come in."

Zenkichi wryly smiled, "Though we're a few minutes late, sorry about that Doc."

Romani smiled reassuringly. "No worries, Zenkichi. We're just about to start the briefing."

Tap Tap

Zenkichi's eye twitched, composing himself and not show any discomfort as that... thing appeared from out of nowhere and jumped on Mash's shoulder.

"Ah..? Fou!"


A small animal, which almost resembles a squirrel but with white fur, long ears, and thick hair on its tail, back and ears. It innocently purrs against Mash's face before turning to stare at Zenkichi innocently.

While it might seem cute from an outsider's perspective, Zenkichi inwardly panicked and gave a strained smile.

'Stop staring at me, you beast!' he thought, and as if the small beast could hear him, it snorted and curled by Mash's neck.

"Why are you so scared of that little animal? Do you have some phobia with squirrels or something?" Brunhilde whispered, noticing his discomfort.

Zenkichi shook his head. "Or something..." he wasn't going to tell anyone about Fou's real identity, else he gets killed by it. It's known as Primate Murder for christ sake, Cattish Tale probably won't work if he gets devoured by it. Or worse, it does.

Imagining himself trapped in a literal beast's abomination of a stomach was enough to make himself distant from it.

Romani coughed lightly, drawing their attention back to the briefing. "Alright, let's get started. As of 7 AM today, we at Chaldea have successfully completed preparations for the rayshift to the seventh singularity." Holographic images of data appeared before them.

"The final one… This last singularity is the seventh Grail that Solomon sent into the past himself. My hopes for its recovery rest with you all." he solemnly said, looking at them.

Gudako swallowed, clenching her fists. "I can't believe the day's finally here."

Mash nodded in agreement.

"The lost year 2017 is fast approaching. No matter the cost... we must eradicate the cause of the incineration of humanity."

Romani nodded. "Right. That's the goal of the Grand Order. Orlean... Septum... Okeanos... London... the American Continent... and Camelot. We've made all sorts of journeys and made it this far... picked some surprising new allies." he glanced at Zenkichi and his group, who gave a thumbs up. "But now, we're attempting to go even further. You'll go to one of the world's oldest civilizations in 2600 B.C., the end of the age of gods, the land of ancient Mesopotamia."

"A world before the Christian era..." Mash muttered.

"A time when Gods and monsters freely roam the land..." Zenkichi added and asked Brunhilde, who was standing beside him. "You know any Gods of that time?"

"Unfortunately, a few. I just hope they aren't as annoying as the ones at my world." She wryly replied.

Romani interjected, "Um, actually, according to legend, this was when the era of gods began to fade."

"Doesn't that still means that they're still around?"

"Well, yes. But not entirely. Gods there are no longer roaming around exactly, with some just sticking to their territory or the realm equivalent to heaven. Monsters on the other hand, they're the ones you guys have to cautious about. They're more dangerous than any monsters you've ever encountered before, not counting servants."

"Master, will you be okay going there?" Altria asked, surprising Zenkichi.

"Hm? Of course I will. Why do you ask?"

"Your heritage and strange... condition." She didn't specified and just looked at his eyes, hoping he understood.

And he did. "Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, I'll be fine," Zenkichi reassured Altria with a confident nod. "Besides, if there's anything I've learned from my time here, it's to adapt and overcome."

As his servant and growing bond, Zenkichi didn't hide anything from Altria and told her almost everything about him just a day after he summoned her. And like the king(queen) that she is, though surprised, she was quick to understand and accept his situation, offering her unwavering support.

At that moment, the door opens, letting in a strong breeze.

"Exactly! This singularity is the most perilous yet because of the dangerous process of rayshifting yourselves there!" Da Vinci walks in a swagger, grinning.

"Da Vinci-chan!"

Zenkichi smirked, "Show off."

She walks in, and the door closes. "I always love how all of you react. I appreciate it. I mean, genius is measured by how much surprise one can generate."

Zenkichi blinks, pointing at himself. "Wait, doesn't that include both me and Brunhilde? We totally surprise you all with our unexpected appearance, didn't we?"

"This and that are different," She waved him off. "Anyway, listen closely. Time for a lecture. Mesopotamia is an ancient civilization that flourished between the Tigress and Euphrates Rivers, which flowed into the Persian Gulf. The age of the first kings… That's our destination."

She clapped her hands together, "Alright everyone, get ready. Adventure awaits!"

Romani shook her head, "In any case, good luck to Fujimaru and Mash. Once we finally put an end to everything, I want you both to tell me what you've learned on this journey."

"Fufu..." Da Vinci giggled and turned around, heading towards the door. "Fujimaru, Zenkichi. Both of you, come with me. I have gifts for you two. It's something to definitely look forward to."

Both masters glanced at each other and shrugged, following after Da Vinci, with Brunhilde and Altria coming from behind. Leaving behind Mash in the command room with Romani and the staff.

"Um, Dr. Roman, may I please ask you... one question?"

Sometime later. Zenkichi, Brunhilde, Altria, Ritsuka and Mash prepare to transport to Mesopotamia. They all each enter a capsule that slowly begun to be filled with liquid.

"Ray shift preparations complete. Destination set to Uruk, 2600 B.C."

"Unsummon program start. Begin spiritron conversion."

"Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, Brunhilde, Altria Pendragon, Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash Kyrielight, cleared all stages of ray shift."

They all closed their eyes, waiting for the shift.

"Ready, sir?" One of the staff asked Romani.

Romani nodded. "Seventh Grand Order, initiate."

There was a moment of anticipation before the room was filled with a brilliant flash of light. The air crackled with energy as the rayshift process commenced, transporting Zenkichi, Brunhilde, Altria, Ritsuka, and Mash to their destination in ancient Mesopotamia.

Swoosh Swoosh

'Did the rayshift succeed?' Zenkichi opened his eyes, and went wide-eyed as he and his friends were now falling from the sky.


AN: Sorry for the late upload, was too tired and a bit sick yesterday. So, thoughts?

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators who arrived in my patreon! 

•terrence L mccall




•omar amurrio

•Knight Wolf

•Mohammad Chammaa

•Vin Sokphearon


❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Adrian Durand



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