Chapter 128: Mortals, Gods and Monsters(3)

Click Click

"So, how old are you exactly, Gudako?" Zenkichi asked after taking a picture of the beautiful lake and mountains, turning towards her with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." He shrugged, just wanting to start a conversation since they had some downtime during their journey.

Gudako chuckled lightly. "Well, I'm seventeen, turning eighteen in a couple of months... when we fix human history and all that."

Zenkichi blinked.

"W-Wait, seventeen? You're seventeen?!"

Zenkichi scratched his head, a sheepish expression crossing his face. "Well, yeah, kind of. I guess I just assumed you were older, considering everything you've been through... and that you're in Chaldea. Don't they have an age requirement or something?"

"Right? So I was pretty surprised when I found out too! But hey, since it pays more than what my parents make in a year, even though it sounds dubious as hell, I said to myself, 'why not?' And here I am," Gudako replied with a chuckle, shrugging off the peculiarity of her situation. "And, do you wanna know how I even got to apply? I just found a recruitment flyer at a train station!"

Zenkichi blankly stared at her before turning towards Mash, who looked back at him with a confused expression.

He let out a sigh. "Well, setting aside Chaldea's unconventional recruitment methods, Gudako, what do you plan to do after this whole debacle with the singularities? You just gonna head back home, finish your studies?" he asked, keeping a completely straight face. He knew that she wasn't going to have any peace after all of this, having heard about Lostbelt but he never continued playing the game after Solomon.

Was it wrong of him not to tell her? No, as she has a lot on her plate right now to worry about additional threats beyond the singularities. Probably tell her after she defeats Solomon.

'If only I could completely remember the events of this singularity, we could've probably cleared this in just a couple of days. But whether it's because its my own fault or the interference of outside force, I can't completely remember all of the events that happens.'

He rubbed his head. 'Well, I did skip some of it because it was just getting too boring. With how successful the game was, the least they could do to improve it was adding some voicelines during the storyline. Oh well, it's not like I knew I was getting isekai-ed into the world I was just playing on my phone.'

They all continued with their arduous journey in ancient Mesopotamia until the next day, as they walked up by the mountainside, Zenkichi and the others were treated to a shocking and magnificent sight of thousands of demonic beasts running towards a big and long castle wall that stretches across the horizon.

Gudako's eyes widened as she took in the scene before her, the others feeling the same. "That is..."

"The last hope of humanity. The final and largest fortress to protect the four corners of the world... Absolute Demonic Front, Babylonia!" Zenkichi muttered under his breath, but everyone still clearly heard him.

"Babylonia... then beyond is Uruk?" Gudako asked.

"Yeah," Zenkichi nodded.

"Huh. For a moment there, I thought we were in China." Brunhilde commented with a chuckle. She then turned towards her partner. "So, how are we going over there? Fly up?"

"Yup!" Zenkichi nodded enthusiastically, without any hesitation, he used Vollständig to bring out his Quincy wings.

"W-Wait, what if they'll try and shoot us down with their catapults?" Gudako questioned, a hint of concern in her voice.

Zenkichi smirked confidently. "Don't worry, Gudako. I know how to use these, I can fly as fast as lightning and avoid any projectiles they throw at us. Besides, we'll be flying high enough to stay out of their range," he reassured her.

Gudako nodded, trusting Zenkichi's confidence. "Alright then, let's go!" she exclaimed, determination shining in her eyes.

And so, with a flap of his bat-like energy wings, Zenkichi lifted off the ground, soaring effortlessly into the sky, his Quincy powers propelling him forward with incredible speed. Gudako and the others followed suit, the former sat together on Altria's horse while Mash hugged Brunhilde tightly as they ascended into the air.

As they soared higher, the landscape of ancient Mesopotamia unfurled beneath them, revealing the vast expanse of Babylonia and the sprawling battlefield below. The demonic beasts surged against the towering walls of the fortress, their numbers seemingly endless in their relentless assault but many felled as the soldiers defending the wall fought bravely.

Zenkichi gazed down at the chaotic scene below, his eyes wide with amazement and awe. The scale of the battle was staggering, and yet, amidst the chaos, there was a sense of unity among the defenders of humanity. They fought with unwavering resolve, their spirits unbroken despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them.

'With a seemingly endless horde of demonic beasts, with just primitive tools and weapons, they defend the last bastion of humanity for so long,' Zenkichi thought to himself, a newfound respect welling up within him for these brave warriors and the commander leading them.

'If I remember correctly, the person or servant that's commanding these people is...'

"Master!" Altria's voice snapped Zenkichi out of his daze, as he turned to ask why she was calling for him, a big blazing ball of fire hurtled towards him from the fortress walls. Zenkichi's eyes widened as he quickly maneuvered to dodge the incoming projectile, his Quincy wings propelling him to the side with agility.

"Woah! Everyone, watch out!" He shouted to the other, but not a second later, a flaming spear came hurtling towards him from the same direction. It came towards him with incredible speed, its fiery trail illuminating the sky. It appeared in front of him almost an instant.

"Tsk! Haa!" With a fierce roar, Zenkichi abandoned any notion of defense and instead channeled his strength into a single, devastating punch. His fist collided with the flaming spear head-on, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

'Holy shit! Its strong!' His eyes widened in surprise but he remain steady, clenching his fist further that his blood vessels bulged.

The force of Zenkichi's punch shattered the spear into fiery fragments, scattering them in all directions, the flames danced around him.

"W-What the heck was that?! Zenkichi, you alright?"

Gudako yelled, looking down at the fortress wall then towards Zenkichi in concern.

"I'm fine! Just caught off guard..." He replied as he looked down to see numerous other large fireballs coming their way. With a cold snort, he waved his hand in a sharp cutting motion, slicing through the incoming projectiles with ease.

As the fiery onslaught was cut down, Zenkichi's confident smirk returned. "Piece of cake," he remarked, his eyes narrowed as looked down at the fortress walls and reinforced his eyes.

'Ah, so it is him. One of the most famous hero-king in history, the one who repelled an army of 100,000 soldiers with just 300 men. The King of Sparta, Leonidas!'

Standing the edge on the top of the wall, a muscular man with a golden helm with a red mohawk on top, stood proudly, his gaze piercing through the chaos of battle with unwavering determination. He wore no armor, except for gauntlets, greaves, a long flowing red cape and black brief; completely showing his ripped physique. And in his hands, he held his spear and shield, the weapons that Spartans was renowned for. Leonidas, the legendary king of Sparta, stood as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of battle, his presence inspiring courage and determination in those around him.

Zenkichi's gaze hardened as he locked eyes with the Spartan king, a sense of respect and admiration welling up within him. Despite the overwhelming odds, Leonidas remained resolute, his unwavering resolve serving as a testament to his legendary status as a Heroic Spirit.

'Does he want to fight?' He thought, preparing himself but stopped when he saw Leonidas raise his shield, causing the catapults to change their directions back to attacking the demonic beasts.

'Huh. So, not a total battle junkie. Well, as a former king and a commander, he knows where to prioritize his efforts,' Zenkichi mused, impressed by Leonidas' strategic acumen.

Gudako's voice broke through the tension, her tone filled with admiration. "He's... incredible. And it looks like he wants to speak with us," she added, her gaze fixed on Leonidas. "Should we go down and meet with him?"

Brunhilde nodded in agreement, "He doesn't seem to be looking at us in hostility." she squinted her eyes, muttering. "Huh. So that's what this world's Leonidas looks like. Gotta say, he looks better than my world's Leonidas."

"Eh? You know who that is, Brunhilde?"

"... I can never mistake a Spartan's fighting spirit. Also, it's just a guess. Because out of all the Spartans in history, Leonidas was the most well-known."

"What was your world's Leonidas like, Brunhilde?" Mash curiously asked.

"...." Brunhilde made a face that seemed to have sucked a bunch of lemons at once. "To put it simply, he was an "American veteran" you'd see in movies."

"Isn't he Greek?"


Zenkichi shook his head and flew down to meet with Leonidas, Gudako and the others following closely behind. As they landed on the battlements, Leonidas turned his gaze towards them, his expression stern yet not hostile.

"Strangers from a distant land, welcome to the Northern Wall that defends Uruk!" Leonidas' boisterous sounded out his helm, which was covering his face, catching off Zenkichi and the others of his courtesy. "I am Leonidas, summoned as Lancer. You may call me whichever name is comfortable to you. I apologize for that rough welcome. We've been under constant assault, and our senses are on high alert."

Gudako stepped forward, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. "We understand, Leonidas. Actually, we're Masters from Chaldea and we've come to offer our assistance in helping you all from these demonic beasts. We fight for the future of humanity."

Leonidas nodded, laughing heartedly. "Your offer of aid is most welcome, Masters of Chaldea! It warms my heart to see allies from distant lands willing to stand with us in our darkest hour." he slammed his spear on the ground before turning to face the horde of demonic beasts. "We near culling them off! Men, do not falter in the face of this darkness! For today, we shall emerge victorious, and tomorrow, we shall continue our fight until the last of these beasts are vanquished from our lands!"

"Haaaa!" The soldiers of Uruk roared in response, their voices echoing across the battlefield with a fierce determination that sent shivers down the spines of Zenkichi, Gudako and Mash.

To Zenkichi, this was the first time he's ever been in a real battlefield of numerous soldiers fighting against a common enemy. The intensity of their resolve and the unity they displayed left a profound impact on him.

'This... is a true war!' he clenched his hands.

Brunhilde crossed her arms, smirking. "Heh. Though they look different, they have that same trait of inspiring soldiers to fight with all their might. Truly, a remarkable sight."

Altria nodded in agreement, a soft smile appeared on her face, a look of nostalgia flashed across her eyes. "Their bravery is truly admirable and a very competent commander. It's no wonder they've held out against the demonic invasion for so long."

Zenkichi looked around and whispered to Gudako, "Aren't we supposed to just head straight to Uruk and get information? Staying here and helping them..."

Gudako bit down on her lower lip. "... I can't just leave them be. Although we can't completely annihilate these demonic beasts, we could at least help lessen their burdens." she looked up to Zenkichi, staring straight at his eyes. "Will you help?"

Zenkichi went silent for a moment, staring back at her with a blank expression. He let out a sigh and smiled.

"Of course, Gudako. We'll lend our strength to their cause," Zenkichi replied, his expression softening. "I can't say I'm a saint or hero, but I believe in doing what I feel is right." He grinned, blue flames emitted from his body, causing the temperature around them to rise exponentially.

Raising his left hand towards the horde, he clenched his hand, and a huge pillar of blue flames erupted from the middle of the horde.

"And right now, I feel like roasting some demonic beasts."


AN: Last chapter of the week...

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators who arrived in my patreon! 

•terrence L mccall




•omar amurrio

•Knight Wolf

•Mohammad Chammaa

•Vin Sokphearon

Stephen Scott

❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Adrian Durand


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