#15 Odd Visitor

Days seemed to go by quickly as Kaleb learned his new craft. He changed the gemstones that he had brought from the mountain he called home into sparkling treasures. Many young people of the town who could not afford high class jewelry due to the depression flocked to buy the ones he and the old jeweler had made using the gemstones. The proposals in town had gone up in this sweet little town and so did the weddings. Many of the quartz crystals were facetted in ways that could rival the fancy diamonds seen in catalogs and big city shops. All of this was due to Kaleb honing his craft and listening to the spirits of the stones to make them their most splendid shapes and glimmers.

On a rainy day a man dressed in rather strange clothing stepped into the shop. He was wearing khaki pants with loads of pockets and a shirt that matched along with a turtle shell shaped hat. He looked as if he was going on a safari rather than coming to shop for jewelry. He started eyeing the display cases and stopped looking at a quartz and ruby paired ring. Staring at it intently as of ingraining its image into his soul. The old jeweler came out from the back room and just about fell over at the sight of this man in the rather odd get up in his shop. Choking down his wish to laugh, he approached the counter. "May I be of assistance Sir?" he merrily asked. "Yes, indeed Shopkeeper. I wish to inquire about this particular ring. Could you tell me if it is genuine?" replied the man. The old jeweler took a moment to register the question before answering. "The ring is made of genuine of a genuine .995 silver band, one quarter carat ruby, and a flawless clear quartz, with a .895 pure gold filigree accent on each side. Would you wish to take a closer look at it Sir?" Shocked the man could not utter the words, but smiled widely and nodded. Taking a jewelers loop from a pocket of his pants he studied it for a long time. He even took it over to the window to see it in the natural light. All the while the jeweler kept his eye on him to make sure the man did not walk off with it. Thankfully in all of the years he had been in business he had never been robbed and the only person to walk off with an item from his shop without paying for it soon after had become his wife.

Bringing it back the man laid it on the counter top. Still smiling he asked the price of it and who had made it. The jeweler explained that it was the first collaboration piece made by him and his apprentice. Also that the boy was due back to the shop any time now as his lessons for the day should be ending. Just as he had said this the boy came through the back door of the shop. Awestruck at the sight of the man talking to his boss he stopped in his tracks.

"Awe, here he is now. Come, Come boy. We have a guest who is very interested in our ring. He would like to know if he may buy it. But I didn't have the heart to sell it without you being here. So what do you think?" said the old man. Kaleb looked up with a mix of emotions as he took in what his boss had just said. With shaking voice he greeted, "Hello Sir, W-welcome to our S-shop. M-y name is Kaleb and I am the jeweler's apprentice here. How m-may I be of service?"

"Good-day young man. My name is Joseph and I have come to your town upon my travels. I noticed the exemplary craftsmanship on the stones of the ring here. Is this your work?" the man replied, "And may I say bully on the wonderful greeting and polished manners."

"Yes sir I was the one who worked the stones while my boss made the band design and adjusted the placement of the stones in the setting. It took me a very long time to get the shimmer just right. I am very glad as well as very blessed that my boss has been patient in teaching me. Even my prototype and learning stones have sold quite well in a short time" Kaleb said.

"Not to be imprudent, but can you tell me, how do you know how to make just the right cuts and polishes to these stones to get these kind of results?" asked Joseph, "Don't tell this old rock hound that you just wing it or are a natural." Joseph laughed warmly as he studied Kaleb.

"I know you may think me to be crazy or daft Sir, but I listen to the life force or the spirits of the gems to bring about their best and most beautiful presence." Kaleb straight-forwardly answered.

A knowing gleam seemed to radiate across Josephs face. "Oh is that so? Then you must be a hidden talent then my lad. Very good indeed. What if I tell you that I will buy this ring here today for $3000.00, would you sell it to me?" Floored Kaleb mulled the number in his mind. '$3000 for a ring this man must be off his rocker. Most men right now are lucky to be making $150 a year to feed their families. This must be a joke. Yes it must be.' As Kaleb was processing the information laid upon him the man pulled gold coins, a roll of cash, and a business card out of his pockets and placed them on the counter. The card read, "Master Jeweler Joseph", "Tiff.....", was all that Kaleb was able to read as his legs went weak and he passed hitting the floor.