19 Gems on the Town

After collecting the gemstones and taking them back to the cabin, Kaleb and Mr. Joseph put them into the sink to clean excess dirt off of them. Mr. Joseph, Jimmie and Kaleb could not stop smiling since the gems all kept laughing as the scrub brushes kept tickling as they were being cleaned. The others kept looking at them with weird expressions since they had no idea what they were smiling about, especially since they could not hear the laughter of the gems. Afterwards they gently wiped them all dry with soft cheese cloth.

Their true beauty came forth. The brilliant green of Emerald, scarlet of Ruby, and glistening, smoke gray of Essper came into its full glory. The other gemstones marveled at the freshness of their hues. Mr. Joseph brought out his jewelers loop once more to study each of them. Ooh's and awe's came from Mr. Joseph as he studied Emerald and Ruby. Essper was next and his eyes popped up in shock. "Did you all know that this smokey quartz is doubled? A true ghost quartz or phantom quartz. I have not seen such a fine example in my life." he exclaimed.

Mr. Joseph gathered together the ones that he intended to take back to the big city with him. Each gemstone was placed in a cotton lined box for transport. Carefully the family helped him to wrap each box and place them in his luggage.

After he was done he took out some of the money that he had on him and handed it to Jimmie. "I know that this is far too little for the amount of gems that I am taking back with me. So please consider this as a deposit. Once I return home I shall send the remainder to you." Counting the money Jimmie's eyes went wide. He had been handed $1000.00 (U.S.D.). He stopped Mr. Joseph and exclaimed, "Mr. Joseph you must be pulling my leg. How can you say that this is too little? I can't even make this much in a year. Let alone for some gems from the ground. Are you sure? I'm glad to receive this much." Mr. Joseph turned to reply, "Sir, I understand your misgivings. But I assure you that we pay much higher prices for the ones that we get from Europe and Asia. Besides the ones from here are not only very special but are of much higher quality. So what money is sent your way is absolutely worth it. Also since I am taking them back personally it saves on the shipping and insurance costs."

After staying the night Mr. Joseph collected his belongings and Jimmie took him to town. Next he collected what was left at the Inn. Lastly he boarded the train to head back home. Exhausted and happy he waved good-bye to the family as the train chugged away from the station platform.

Kaleb took Emerald, Ruby and Essper to the jewelry shop in the morning. He opened the display case and took out a velvet cloth. Placing it at the center of the display case he surrounded it with the cloth with rings and necklaces. Gently he placed the gems ever so carefully to show off their beauty. Even in their raw state they shone brilliantly. Surrounded by the glittering cut and polished jewels they felt a bit envious. These beauties would one day adorn classy ladies and gents as they went out on the town. They could only imagine for now being in a necklace adorning a Grand Dame to a gala sparkling and shimmering, interacting with classic gems from all over the world. Or going to a movie premier amongst the stars of stage and screen. All of the possibilities dazzled them as they discussed it amongst themselves.

Kaleb got back to work in the shop cleaning the floors and cases. Settling down in the workroom he started it intricately carve a beryl into a snowflake design to set into a commissioned necklace for the daughter of the mayor. His boss arrived and opened for business as usual. After he walked up to the counter he spied the display in the jewelry case and smiled. His cozy little shop was starting to change little by little to become stylish and modern. With having a top designer been to the shop, many customers came to glance at the jewelry and shop. Things were getting better.

Meanwhile Jimmie took the money that had been given by Mr. Joseph and went to town to purchase supplies to mend the home and placed the remainder into bank accounts under the names of each child in his care for safe keeping. Dowries for the girls when they get married and schooling fees for the boys should wish to continue their education in the future. He glanced at the sky and was thankful for the good fortune that had befallen his family over the past few days, as well as for gaining a new friend in the process. He felt really good. If not for keeping the family cabin these blessings would have never come his way. He mused over it all.