School starting

While she was sleeping, the twins went to the garden. The garden looks like a mess. Weeds everywhere. But it also looks a bit nice like a forest. They wanted to clean the garden a bit but they don't know how to do they didn't touch it and left it the way it was. And then they went back inside. Once they were inside they felt bored so they went to their grandfather's office and explore.

Since when they were younger and their grandfather were still alive, he never allow them to go in. They only knew that the phone book was inside his drawer since creep in a long time ago and look around in the dark when they were 6 years old. But they were found out after that and were never allowed to get near the room ever again. And when they keep asking why, their grandfather would only say that all his precious documents and possessions are inside and that they could easily break and mess up so the twins weren't allowed in.

They look around the room and check every drawer. They even found a big piece of paper full of their family members' name. Then they realize that this piece of paper is actually their family tree. All of the Qi family members. They then put it back to where it belongs and later found another drawer that have all of their family photos inside. The twins decided to buy photo frames to put the photos inside later. They also search his bookshelf and found different types of books. Documents, stories, poems and etc they also found a small box behind the book hidden inside the bookshelf. They took out the box and found that it is all their family member's bank account. Each holds a billions of money. But they decided not to touch it and they hid it in their room underneath their double deck beds there is a loose tile and underneath there is a small space for you to store things. So the twins decided to hide it there. Not letting anyone know about it. They then went back to the office and explore but there was nothing else in the room. So they just sat at the office table sharing the chair and looking through the computer after guessing the correct password only after one try. They then start looking through everything. But there was also nothing so they gave up. Only then remembering the school letter that they haven't read nor open. So they ran back downstairs, grabbed the file and ran upstairs into their grandfather office. They open the file and found the two letters each addressing each of the twins. They open their own letter and read it.

'Dear, Mister Qi,

You have been accepted to Kungfu Master High School. We look forward in meeting and cooperating with you tomorrow. Your class starts tomorrow, Tuesday, at 7:15 in the morning. Please wear your school uniform. Your classes is shown together with the timetable. And your class timetable is attached behind the letter.

Yours truly,

Principle Tang of

Kungfu Master

High School. '

After reading the letter, they both have shocked written on their face and also the same thing in their mind, as they lay look sad but they just sigh underneath their breath put the file in the bookshelf and went back to their room and put the letter into their bags. And lay down on their beds.

After awhile, Miriam woke up and went upstairs to find the twins. She found them looking dead one their beds.

"What happened to you two?", she asked curiously.

"School starts tomorrow.", said the twins in union sounding disappointed and sad.

"Isn't that a good thing?", she asked

"No. It just means more boring stuff and also more annoying and arrogant idiots that we have to deal with.", said An

After am hearing that, Miriam finally gets what she means. But she couldn't help them even if she try so she just left them be and went downstairs to cook dinner for them.

After cooking, she placed it down on the table and also finish setting up the table. Then she went back into the kitchen to wash the dishes first. When the food was place on the table. The twins immediately smelled it even though it was downstairs and their room door was close. That then quickly got off the bed and went downstairs and gobbled almost everything up leaving only Miriam's share and then quickly went back up to their rooms and showered. While they were showering, Miriam was done washing and when she came to the dinning table to eat she saw the same scene as in the afternoon. But she couldn't do anything but shake her head and sigh. And quietly eat and clean the table then going back to her room to shower and sleep again.

After the twins were done bathing,?they immediately went to sleep after brushing their teeth using the new toothbrush that Miriam bought for them. A green one for An and a blue one for Han.

The next morning, the twins once again woke up at 5 in the morning and went running around the family property until 6:00 then only going back in to shower and changed into their school uniform. They then quickly pack their bags and slide them over their shoulders. Then they went to the kitchen to grab a piece of bread that Miriam bought yesterday. And quickly wear their sneakers. And they gps their school. After finding its location, they start running to school. It was 10 km away from their home. The twins can run 1 km within 6-7minutes.