Old man Joe

The twins look at each other and sigh.

"Looks like not everyone is an idiot. Sis we've underestimated their intelligence now.", said Han

"You're right brother.", said An

"You're right principle Long. I'm girl and me and my twin brother is the son and daughters of Jay Qi our father.", said An

"How... how did you survived??", ask principle Qi after he resisted the shock of the twins from the Qi family were still alive.

"Hmm... that's because we escaped to the forest and head towards Starkom.", said An

"Then how did you learned those different martial arts?", ask Principle Long

"While passing the forest, we met many different kinds martial art masters and learned from them.",said An

"Now that you know our secret. You better not tell anyone. Or I'll personally come and fight with you.", said Han coldly

"No brother, it'll be two on one. We stick together...remember?", said An

After hearing that, Principle Long was having cold sweat. But he still nod at them. He then divided to tell them stories about the time he had with their parents and how he felt. The twins listen attentively and laugh when it was something funny. Time passes by and the bell for home rang.

"Why not you two come to my place to have dinner?", ask Principle Long

"No thanks, we already have to go to your family mansion this Saturday already. Thanks to your scheming son.", said An

"It's your fault you fell for it.", said Han

"Shut up brother.", said An

"Zacken invited you two to come?", ask Principle Long

"Yup....because I'm too nice and soft hearted.", said An

"Okay then I'll see you two there then. Be sure to be there by 5:00 in the evening sharp. I'll send you a chauffeur to pick you two up.", said Principle Long.

"Ok.....do you even know where we're living?", ask Han

"Isn't it the the Qi family mansion?", ask Principle Long.

"How did you know?",ask An

"Because you two are form the Qi family.", said Principle Long.

"Sigh..... we can't argue with that now.", said An

"Bye. Make sure to get home safely.", said Principle Long

"Ok. Bye bye" said the twins as they walk out.

And just to make sure that no one will notice them. They ran out of the school compound. After running out, they didn't stop but continue running all the way home. Once they reach back home, they saw Micheal's car outside of their home. So they knew that he must be inside.

When they went in, they saw Micheal sitting on the sofa talking with an old man whose in his fifties opposite him. Miriam was also sitting in the sofa with them. They all turn to see the twins when they heard the door open.

When the old man saw them he cried.

"Young master Han and young mistress An. You... you're still alive. When I heard that your body was not found. I prayed for you two to be alive and alright. It looks like god have answered my prayers. Please don't suddenly disappear ever again. This old mans heart is very fragile.", said the old man

"Old man Joe..! How are you here?", ask An

"Lawyer Bai found me and invited me back to work here and he also told me that you two were still alive. And also that little An has cross-dressed in to a boy and also the reason for that.", said old man Joe

"Glad you came back.", said Han

"The garden was very beautiful being wild. I already pulled out all the weeds to make it even nicer.", said old man Joe

"Really...? That's great old man.....!", said An.

"Now we finally got our gardener and also our driver back. Sis... we should get a chauffeur for ourself. Maybe our old one. And we can just ask old man Joe to drive us.", said Han

"That's a good idea, brother.", said An

An then turn to Micheal,

"Old man Bai.... help us get our old chauffeur.", said An

While Han turned to old man Joe,

"You'll still be able to drive us around right...? Old man Joe??", ask Han

"Yes, sure thing. Your old chauffeur is with me now. So I'll just pass it back to you.", said Micheal

"You two are really not giving this old man any peace huh..? But..... yes I'll still be able to drive you two.", said old man Joe.

"Thanks old man Bai and old man Joe.", said the twins

"Oh yea... old man Joe you can have your old hut in the garden or you can choose a room here downstairs if you want.", said Han

"Thanks young master. But I'll choose my old hut.", said old man Joe

"Ok..", said Han

"Old man Joe.... you know the new rule?", ask An

"Yes. Miriam has told me about the rule already. Young master.",said old man Joe

"Ok, we'll go upstairs now. Old man Bai, help us take a leave from school for the whole week.", said An as she stood on the staircase.

"Yes, young master.", said Micheal

Micheal then left the mansion with old man Joe to get the chauffeur. After they left, An turn to Miriam.

"Miriam..... help me buy a few bandages and some monthly girl things please. I think my chest is growing now. There's two small lumps now. It started hurting a few days ago.", said An as she took out some money from her pocket and pass it to Miriam.

"Yes miss. I'll go get the things for you.", said Miriam as she took the money from An.

"Wow.... sis you managed to keep a straight face and continue practicing with me even though you felt pain. You're really better than me.", said Han

"That little bit of pain won't be able to hinder me.", said An

"Haha of course sister. We've always been able to tolerate pain. No matter how painful it is.", said Han