Miss idiots number 1 and 2

Time flies.., and the chauffeur stopped in front of a big mansion. The twins come down from the chauffeur and open the door. When the door opened, they saw many people already inside. All of them wearing very fancy and expensive clothing. They were either talking with other people or were eating and drinking. The twins went in and was greeted by a man and a boy who were wearing masks. The twins saw them and could already tell who were they.

"Hello to you too, Principle Long, Zacken.", said the twins together giving them a bow too.

The two of them look at the twins surprised, by they shook their heads thinking that they shouldn't be surprised by them anymore. For they were both full of surprises that could shock anyone.

"Zacken, you should take them around. Remember what I told you before about the twins.", said Principle Long

"Yes, father.", said Zacken

He then lead them towards the crowd.

"Your father told you our secret didn't he?", ask An

"Um... yes.", said Zacken

"Well fine.... I guess you're okay. But make sure you don't tell another soul.", said An

"Mm.... thank you", said Zacken.

"Oh well now we're really bored. What are we suppose to do little Zacky.....", ask An

"Little Zacky...?", ask Zacken

"Little Zacky....., Hmm.... that sounds nice?",said Han

"I know right.....", said An cheerfully

"But wait.... is he younger than us or older?", ask Han

They then turn to look at Zacken.

"I'm the 5 years younger than you two and my birthday is on the 5 of May.", said Zacken since he was listening to them.

"Great he's younger than us.", said An

"Yea.... but only by 5 years ....", said Han

"Younger means younger.", said An as she refuse to listen.

She then walk up to Zacken and put her hands on his shoulder.

"Little Zacky.... from today onwards you'll be our acknowledged little brother.", said An

"Yea..... that's good.... I always wanted a little brother. Good job finding a little brother An.", said Han happily.

"Um.... you want me to be your little brother by acknowledgement?", ask Zacken

"Yup... honestly you should be glad to have us as your older siblings. You get a lot of benefits. Right..... brother?", said An

"Yup.... we can help you beat up anybody who gives you trouble or even bully you. We can even teach you a bit of Kungfu in our free time.", said Han

"Um.... ok then.", said Zacken

"Good... now you have to call us big brothers.", said An

"Ok... big brothers.", said Zacken innocently

"Good boy...", said An as she rub his head.

As she was rubbing his soft and fluffy hair. A lady come to sight. The twins recognized her as the miss idiot that they met outside the restaurant that day. There was another lady walking towards her, they too recognized her. The arrogant girl in the class. Apparently, both the twins has already forgotten their names and they didn't even bother. Later after a few minutes, the two girls walked towards them. But the just ignore the twins since they did not recognized them. And just look at Zacken.

"Um..... Zacken.... would...., would you like to ... um..... sit with us...?", said Jocelyn

"Um no thanks... I wanna hang out with my older brothers.", said Zacken

"Older brothers....? Aren't you an only child?", ask Jocelyn

"Yes... but they are my older brothers in acknowledgement.", explained Zacken

When the twins heard what he said, An ruffled his hair again.

"Good boy.... you just made your older brothers happy now...", said An

When An starts ruffling his hair, Zacken was smiling with happiness like a cute little dog. Apparently, Zacken likes it when An ruffle his hair or rubbed his head.

When Jocelyn and Ashley saw this scene, they were speechless.

"We can ruffle your hair too if you want..", said Jocelyn

"No... I still don't like anyone else to touch me. I'll only let my older brothers to touch me. No one else. Unless it's fighting with someone in Kungfu.", said Zacken

"Oh.... my cute little brother is too innocents us as big brothers should never let out little brother dirty his hands.", said An

As she use one hand to ruffle his hair and use the other hand to touch his hand. Han also join in to ruffle his hair since he liked what Zacken said. And also nod his head in agreement to his sister.

"But I'm not a kid... I'm only 5 years younger...", whined Zacken even though he was happy to hear what the twins said.

"Our dear little Zacky..... you already know how much we wanted a little brother.", said An

"So you should just let us spoil you. Okay..... little Zacky.", said Han

"Okay... big brothers.", said Zacken happily like a little kid being love by his older brothers.

"Good boy..", said Han

The two girls saw this scene and was shocked dumb and speechless. The twins saw their reaction and smirk.

"And hello to you to.... miss idiots...", said An to the girls.

"You....!!", the two girls wanted to shout.

"Who are you?!!!", ask the two girls

"What?!? You don't recognized us??", ask An dramatically, pretending to be shocked.

"Of course they don't recognize us. They are called idiots.... remember.", said Han emotionless

"Well that's true brother. You want to give them tips.", ask An

"Sure.", said Han

"Miss idiot number one tried to stalked us when we were returning home but still can't manage to catch up even though she was riding a bicycle while we were only running.", said Han

"Miss idiot number two starts trying to act arrogant and ganged up on us after only seeing us on the first day we went to school. Though she lost in a battle of words to us. But that counts reasonable since she's an idiot.", said An

After hearing what the twins said, they immediately knew they were. But before they could say anything.

"You two better keep your hands off our dear sweet little brother. We'll beat anyone who have bad ideas of him and on him.", said the twins together at the same time.

"Let's go somewhere else, little Zacky.", said An as she lead Zacken to the garden that she found when she scanned the room.

"Okay..", said Zacken