Bathing Zacken

When they went upstairs and ending the call, Zacken was still asleep. So they first went to shower and brush their teeth changing into jeans and their basketball shirt that they have when they were still in the other country. On the shirt behind their backs has their name and number. An, 7, while Han, 8. They then put their jacket around their waist. An's jacket was white while Han's was black. And then they went to the room to wake Zacken up.

"Little Zackey... it's time to wake up....", said the twins together while shaking him when they reached the room

But he still didn't wake up. The twins then look at each other and have a plan form inside their minds. First they went to the bathroom and prepare the tub full of cold water. Then Han took out his jacket and place it on the bed then took a bathrobe and put it over his clothing and princess carried Zacken and went inside the bathroom while An went to the his room and look for some clothes suitable for what the twins planned to do inside Zacken's bag. When she just entered the room, she could hear Zacken's screaming.

"Ahh...cold.... cold.....", screamed Zacken

She later then found a pair of jeans, a sky blue t-shirt, a dark blue jacket and also his toothbrush and toothpaste inside the bag. So she took it out. She also randomly take out a pair of underwear for him. And went back to the room. When she was in the room she could hear the water running and Zacken screaming.

"Cold.... cold.... big brother.... the water is really cold. Can I get out now...?", ask Zacken also begging him at the same time.

"No my dear little brother. Right now I'm going to help you bathe so be good and just sit there okay...", said Han

"Huh... but I can bathe myself.", whined Zacken

But Han just ignored his whining and took out all of Zacken's clothes even though he always struggling for Han to not but still unable to stop him. After five minutes, Han managed to take out all of his clothing and Zacken immediately try to hide all his intimate parts with his hands but Han just start putting soap on his hands and start rubbing it all around Zacken's body. Even pulling Zacken's hands away from his intimate part.

"Don't worry little brother. I'm a boy too. And what you have I for sure have the same. So stop being so shy.", said Han softly to Zacken.

But Zacken still blush but he nodded his head. After he nod his head, Han kiss his forehead.

"Good boy... now get up and dry yourself. An is outside with your clothes all ready.", said Han

And Zacken just nod in understanding. Then Han suddenly open the bathroom door and went out. An was sitting on the bed busy looking through her phone. So Han just went to the bed and grab the clothes and also the toothpaste and toothbrush that An left on the bed and pass it to Zacken before closing the door. Then he walk towards An while taking out the bathrobe and pick up his jacket and tie it around his waist again. An felt his presence coming nearer to her

"Looks like someone is messing with our dojo at Starkom.", said An to Han

"Hmm..... who?", ask Han

"A very jealous number 4 ranking Kungfu master.", said An

"Why?", ask Han

"He's jealous that our dojo managed to get more people than his and better than his and also our dojo became the most famous one in the whole 5 countries.", said An

"Well it's too be expected that our dojo is better than his or anyone else. Since we hired all of the martial art masters that we may and had taught us to work in the dojo to teach others. Also putting a rule saying one person can only choose two different martial art to learn.", said Han

"Well that's true brother. No dojo in the whole 5 countries can beat our dojo.", said An

"Well what kind of trouble is he trying to cause.", ask Han

"He's trying to say that the dojo is not real and saying that the masters are all of geezers that don't really know how to do martial arts and only know the techniques inside their heads but not knowing how to really do it. He then challenge one of them to a fight. Using his ranking spot as a bet if the master win but if master lost they have to disband the dojo and get lost.", said An

"When is the challenge starting?", ask Han

"The next Saturday about 2 in the afternoon at Stardom dojo. The dojo that runs by that number 4 ranking idiot.", said An

"Then we'll bring little Zacky along to see the fight then. He did want to go to Starkom so why not just bring him there then.", said Han

"Yea ok. We'll make it a surprise for him.", said An

Han then nod in agreement. Then the bathroom door suddenly open and they saw Zacken coming out from the bathroom in his jeans and and t-shirt looking very handsome. He then walk towards them shyly. Han then pick up Zacken's jacket which was still on the bed and pass it to him. Zacken then copied how the twins tie their jacket around their waist.

"Why are we dressed like this?", ask Zacken

"We're going to bring you out to the mall to buy things that you want to redecorate your room. We'll also buy anything you want for you. We'll be spending the whole day outside.", said An

"Really...?", ask Zacken

"Yes... you have to get more sunshine to stay healthier. So we'll be bringing you out.", said Han

"Ok big brothers. But I have my own money too.", said Zacken

"Then you better save it. Your father will be giving us your monthly allowance and also some money every month for your daily needs anyway and I'm sure it's going to be more than enough. So why not just spend it all. It'll be no difference to us.", said An

"Okay big brothers.", said Zacken excitedly when he heard that he was going to spend his own father's money.

They then went out of the room.