Qi family tree

After reaching home, they put their things into their own room. An put the small wooden box of the Qi family figurines on top of her table. Minutes later, Zacken went inside their room and saw the box.

"Now can you tell me what's inside the box....?", asked Zacken

"It's just the Qi family figurines. It'll be easier to explain our family tree with the figurines.", said An

"What.....?! Really?", ask Zacken

"Of course... since when did I lied to you....", said An

"Ah..... yea.. big brothers never lied to me before. So can I open it and see?", asked Zacken

"We'll bring it downstairs and open. The table downstairs is bigger.", said An

"Okay....", said Zacken excitedly

An then took the box and went downstairs with Han and Zacken following behind her. She then went to the living room and put the box on the table and sat on one of the sofa. Han sat right next to her while Zacken sat across them. An then open the box and took out all of the figurines. She placed it all nicely on the table. She took the two pieces of the twins when they were younger and put it in front of Zacken. Zacken pick it up and was excited. She then start explaining while picking up the figurines.

"Our grandparents have 5 children. One of them is our dad, he's the middle child, and the others are our uncles. Our dad married our mum and had us. Then our elders uncle, Jack Qi, also married and had 2 children, elders son is Axel Qi and the youngest son is Hawk Qi. Our second elder uncle, Jacob Qi, also married and had 3 children, elders son, Mark Qi, second son, Matthew Qi, and the youngest and also the only daughter and only other girl that is born in the Qi family, Mia Qi. Then our third uncle, Jason Qi, also married and have 2 children, elders son, Liam Qi and the youngest son is Leo Qi. Then our youngest uncle, Jaden Qi, he too got married and had 4 children, the elders boy is Ken Qi, the second one, also a boy, Ren Qi, the third son is Zen Qi and the youngest is Ben Qi. Axel is 6 years older than us, Hawk is 5 years older than us. Mark is the same age as Hawk. Matthew is 2 years older than us. Mia is the same age as us Liam too. Leo is younger than us by 2 years, he's the same age as Ken. Ren is 3 years younger than us. Zen is 4 years younger than us while Ben is 5 years younger than us.", said An

"Axel and Hawk isn't good at Kungfu at all and spend most of their time in their rooms but their exam results are always the top in their school. Me and An is the best at Kungfu in our whole family and we also get the top in our school. Mark and Matthew are always dedicated to surpassed us since we were younger than them but was also better than them. Mia is not really good at fighting but she is flexible enough to avoid any hits. Liam is better at studies and he always get the top in his school while Leo is better at Kungfu than him. Ken, Ren, Zen and Ben is always training everyday and only taking about one hour to rest and also take 2 hours to study. They managed to get average in their school.", said Han

"Wow.....", said Zacken in amazed

The twins look at him and smiled. An then went to their grandfather's office and took out a transparent case that she found inside, on top of the shelf. She then put the figurines nicely inside the case and put it on the shelf in the hallway. Zacken then slowly felt sleepy so he went to his room and bathe then he went to sleep even though it was still counted as early. The twins then went to their own room to bathe them after that they went to their uncle and aunties rooms and they found that they too have left a letter for their own children under their bed, the same as their parents. The twins then took the letters with them to their own room and sat in front of the computer. They put the letters on the table and they then start playing games on the computer. An then got curious about the Qi family accident so she went and research on it. She read the whole information provided on the internet and found out that not only her's and her brother's body wasn't found, there was also, Matthew's, Liam's, Leo's, Ken's and Zen's body wasn't found. So that means that they are probably still alive. She then got up from her seat.

"Han, help me see wether Matthew's, Liam's, Leo's, Ken's, and Zen's phone are here or not. They are probably still alive somewhere.", said An

When Han heard what she said, he immediately got up and start looking all around the house with An. They look inside all their rooms, they first started with Zen's room since it was right across to theirs. They found his phone on the bed with the blanket covering over it. They then went upstairs to the third floor to Matthew's room, which was nearer to the staircase, they found his phone inside his pillowcase on his bed. They then went to Ken's room which was beside Matthew's and found his phone in the bathroom on top of the sink. After that they went to Leo's room which is across Ken's room and they found his phone on the table. Later they went to Liam's room which was across Matthew's but they couldn't find his phone anywhere. An then took out her own phone and find Liam's phone number on her phone. When she found it, she then called him. And put it on speaker.