Forth years

After they were gone, Aden walk towards Matthew

"How's your head?", ask Aden

"It still hurts if course but I'm used to it.", said Matthew

"How come.... it looks very painful. To the extent that it could actually make people lose conscious.", said Aden

"Haha for you guys normal people then yes it will. But for us Qi family, it don't it's like a scraped knee or a small deep cut that's it.", said Matthew

"How come?", ask Aden

"We were trained to be immune to pain since very young. I got longer training than the others since I'm the elders cousin of all of us that are still alive.", said Matthew

"What do you mean by still alive?", ask one of the classmate

"It means that our whole family is dead and only left us few cousins.", said Matthew

"The three that came here just now we're my younger cousins, there's still another three more younger ones other then them.", said Matthew

"Then why are you the one being bossed at and not the other way round.", ask another classmate

"That's because I'm not smart and my younger cousins are better than me at Kungfu too except for one and that's the one that was just standing at the door. He's the weakest but at the same time, he's the one who can tolerate the most pain. He can even tolerate electric shock and still be conscious.", said Matthew

"Wow..... your family is amazing.", said one of the classmate

"Then who's the strongest one in you family?", ask Aden

"The one that challenged you.", said Matthew

When Aden heard that, he got scared immediately.

"Don't worry, he'll only use about 5% to 6% of his strength so you won't get hurt. But if you manage to get her to use more than 10% she..... he'll even compliment you.", said Matthew almost saying she instead of he

"What!! 5 to 6% of strength. I thought I at least can already make him use 10% of his strength. But looks like I underestimated him.", said Aden

"A lot of people do. Because of his body size.", said Matthew.

"Anyway what do they mean by open a business...?", ask another classmate

"It literally means by what it was said, they open their own business.", said Matthew

The whole class was amazed,

"What business do they do?", ask Aden

"The twins opened a dojo in Starkom.", Matthew started saying.

"Cool.....what's the dojo's name?", ask one of the classmate

"I think it's call forest dojo.... or something like that.", said Matthew

"The super famous dojo that lets us learn two different kind of martial arts?!", exclaimed the whole class

"I don't know about the details but I know that it's very famous.", said Matthew

"It is..... it's the best dojo in the whole 5 countries.....", said one of the classmate

"Wow.... I didn't know that...", said Matthew

"What other business do your other cousins do?", ask Aden

"The two youngest opened a restaurant in Moonkom called Qi restaurant. It's very famous there.....", said Matthew

"The new opened restaurant that was just opened last year?", ask one of the student

"Yea....", said Matthew

"I heard the food is very delicious and a lot of higher status people goes there....", said another classmate

"Well that's true....", said Matthew

As soon as he finished talking, the teacher went in but before the class started,

"Teacher how was the food at Qi restaurant?", ask one of the classmate loudly

"The food there is really delicious and expensive. But even though it's expensive, a lot of people still eat there.", said the teacher dreamily

"Next time I'll go there and eat more.", said the teacher

"Teacher don't, if you go you'll just help Matthew's family earn more money.", said another classmate teasingly

"Huh....? What do you mean?", ask the teacher confuse

"Matthew's cousins opened that restaurant. So if you go, you're helping them make money.", said one classmate

"We even thought that he was poor with no parents and only living with his cousins.... but who knew his cousins are all millionaires.", said another classmate

"Okay stop talking about his now.... we need to start class.", said the teacher

But again was stopped by another student

"Teacher..... are you going to Starkom to see the battle between forest dojo and Stardom dojo?", ask the student

"Yes I am", said the teacher

"Bring us along..... we wanna see the battle between one of Matthew's cousin's dojo master and Stardom's dojo master.", said the student

"What do you mean by Matthew's cousin's dojo master?", ask the teacher

"Forest dojo belongs to Matthew's cousins.", said the student

"Wow..... Matthew your family really is a millionaire.", said the teacher

"No teacher you got it wrongly, it's my cousins... not me. I didn't do anything, can't earn or make money. So my cousins always give me allowance for me to save up.", said Matthew

"Then study well and find a good job so that you can earn money then.", said the teacher

The teacher then started class with no interruptions. While class was starting, the twins went out to walk for awhile since their legs were almost asleep. So they went out of the classroom to have a walk. They went to the forth years building to check on Matthew but before they reached the most topped floor, Han accidentally hit a boy since he was focused on chatting with An. He almost roll down the staircase but before that could happen, he backflip all the way down and landed safely on his feet.

"Hey... watch where you're going. My brother almost rolled down the whole fleet of stairs because of you. It's only thanks to his smart and quick reaction that he's not injured.", said An

"How about you watch where you're going, I almost fell because of your stupid brother.", said the boy

"Hey dude.... I dare you to say that again. My brother is a hundred times smarter than you. Even I'm a hundred times smarter than you.", said An

"Yea right.... I'm older and I learn more stuff. Not that you understand anything.", said the boy

"I already self- learned until university things so why don't I understand simple forth years stuff.....?!", said An mocking him