Challenge start

After the said that, the others all agreed. They then check the time and realized that it was still early, only 12pm, so they decided to have some lunch. After they ate, they went to the library and read some to waste some time, after awhile they got bored with the books so they went to the arcade to play some games. They played until it was 1:30pm. Only then they start heading to the dojo. When they reached there, there was still another 10 minutes till the challenge start. So they went to search for old man Min first.

When they found him, they saw him with the other masters chatting with a boy and a girl. The twins and Norman recognized all of the boys talking to the masters. So they walk up towards them.

"Hello, Emma, Gray....", said the twins and Norman

The two of them turn and saw the twins with Norman. They then went to them. Emma then hug both the twins.

"You two are back....!", said Emma happily.

"Not really M.... we're just visiting. And we brought our cousins and friends too.", said An

The twins then introduced them to the others.

"We are so going for a meal together later.", said Emma

"Of course we are.....", said Gray

"I'm so in....", said Norman

"Gray... M..... how was your acting audition?", ask Han

"We aced it....", said Emma

"It was so easy..... it's like those others are just newbies.", said Gray

"Ok ok.....", said An

"I got the female lead and Gray got the male lead.", said Emma

"What's the story?", ask Han

"Some action and sci-fi story.", said Gray

"Sounds fun and interesting....", said An

"Maybe I'll join too...", said An and Han

"There is still one last audition for those last minute deciders.", said Emma

"Brother.... should we join?", ask An

"Sounds fun.... why not? It's been a long time since we acted.", said Han

"The audition is tomorrow. And you two won't get the leading roles anymore. At most is the second lead.", said Gray

"It's good too.", said An

"Then that means we'll be staying back for one more day.", said An

"Yes!!", shouted all the others

"Fine then..... if we get the roles, we'll be staying even longer.", said Han

"Yes!!", shouted the others again

The twins look at them and could only shake their heads. They then remembered something.

"But if you all want to stay, you all got to give reasons to the school too. For Zen, Ken, Percy, Leo and Zacken, they already have the excuse of guardian in Starkom can't stay alone maybe for Matthew we could give the same excuse putting his dumb brain into account.", said An

"Hey...!", complained Matthew

"But for Liam, you can't. So you also need to look for something to do.", said Han

"Then I'll just go for the audition too. My acting skills can still be counted good enough for the background actors. Or those that only come up a few times", said Liam

"Sounds good.....", said An

She then took out her phone and called Principle Long and told him their plans. And that they won't be going to school and also ask him to help with the middle schooler's absent slip. He agreed to help. She thanked him and hung up. When she was done, the challenge was about to start.

A man came to the middle as everyone else went to the bench and sat down.

"Hello everybody, thank you for coming. I'm sure most of you came to see an exciting match. Between Forest dojo master and our forth ranking Kungfu master.", said the man

The whole crowd was cheering in excitement.

"If so then let the challenge begin.", shouted the man

After he said that, he went to the side as another two men walk to the middle. One of them was old man Min and the other was the forth ranking Kungfu master.

They both took their stances and when the referee begin the match, they both start attacking at the same time. They were in a tie, so they continue fighting, blocking and dodging until the first person to get tired. Slowly time passes and old man Min was getting tired already. Soon enough, old man Min was hit hard at the stomach. He spit out blood due to the force of the hit at his stomach. He tried to get up but he couldn't.

As the twins was watching it, they were getting more and more angrier. Because the forth ranking Kungfu master didn't even hold back during that hit. And didn't even consider old man Min's old age. Right after old man Min got hit, An stood up.

"Stop the challenge.", shouted An

Everyone looked at her, even the fight stopped.

"Who are you little boy to stop the fight?", ask the forth ranking Kungfu master

"I'm of course the boss of forest dojo. So I'm going to represent my own dojo to fight you this ruthless man.", said An

When Han heard what she said, he stood up.

"An let me fight him.", said Han

"I want to do it.", said An

"You might just send him to the hospital in the first hit.", said Han

"I'll make sure to hold back.", said An

"Hold back how much?", ask Han

"I'll only use 20% of strength.", said An

When the others heard what she said, they stood up.

"No...! Hold back more. If not let Han fight...!", said all of them together

"Fine.... I'll use 10% of strength. No less.", said An

When they heard that, they sighed but agreed. So An then walk towards the middle.

"Old man Min, go back.", ordered An

"But young An...", old man Min started to say

"No buts..... go back.", said An

"Yes...", said old man Min

Old man Min then stood up slowly and went to the place that the other masters were waiting. An then stood at his place.

"Little boy..... even though you're the master of forest dojo.... you're just a boy. You won't be able to beat me.", said the forth ranking Kungfu master

"Quit barking and more biting unless you're scared that you'll lose to this boy.", snapped An

The forth ranking Kungfu master then got angry and start attacking. But An just dodge it and she suddenly disappear in front of him and reappeared again behind him and just chopped the back of u his neck. He immediately lost his consciousness and fainted. The crowd was speechless except for the forest dojo masters, the Qi family, Zacken, Percy, Norman, Emma and Gray. Aden and Adriana was shocked and scared but also amazed at the same time.