Sudden Visit

As soon as they were in the hall. They sat down and Principle Long went up on stage. He picked up the microphone and stood on stage.

"As you all know the new released movie play. We had three of our students who played in the roles. Let us welcome them up on stage to introduce themself to everyone and tell us about their experiences. And also to receive a certificate.", said Principle Long

When he said that, everybody clapped but Matthew rolled his eyes within the crowd.

"Let's invite An Qi, Han Qi and Liam Qi up on stage.", said Principle Long

As soon as he said that, Liam, An and Han stood up and went on stage. As they went up on stage, everyone clapped and cheered for them. Only a few glared and cursed at them in jealousy. But they ignored them.

As soon as they were on stage. They received their certificate and An was handed a microphone. She then step forward with the microphone in her hand.

"My name is An Qi. 15 years old from 2B class. These two are my brother and cousin. They are also from class 2B. Han Qi and Liam Qi.", said An

The other two nod their heads. As they hear their names. After that, Han stepped forward and An passed the microphone to Han. Han took the microphone from An.

"We managed to get in because of our excellent acting skill. And it was really hard work acting the scenes but it was also fun. Since our friends were there with us.", said Han

"Who are you friends?", asked Principle Long curiously

It was not just Principle Long who was curious, everybody in the hall too were curious. They looked at them intensely intimidating them to say who their friends were.

"Our friends are Emma Lim, her cousin Gray Lim and also Fletcher Leong,", said Han wondering why they wanted to know.

As soon those words came out of his mouth, the whole school was shocked except Matthew and Aden.

When Han saw their expression, he didn't know why they were showing those kind of expression.

"What's with those faces?", ask Han through the microphone

An then laughed at the own brother.

"Brother, remember their identities..", said An

Han then thought for a second and knew why they had that kind of expression. When he finally knew why he saw his sister shaking her head at him. He then pass the microphone to his sister. She received it. But as soon as she took hold of the mic.

Someone shouted from within the crowd,

"You're lying."

"How would the number 1 actress and actor, Emma Lim and Gray Lim be your friend?!?!?"

"How could the son of the director, nephew of Andrew Leong, be your friend?!!!"

An wanted to say something, but before she could even say a word.

The door suddenly opened wide, and there was a group of people standing there but only one adult. The twins immediately recognized them.

An then hold the mic near her mouth,

"Uncle Leong, Norman, Emma, Gray, Fletcher..... what are you guys doing here?", ask An

"We decided to visit you guys", said Emma loudly as she and the others came in.

They then head for the stage and went up. She hugged the twins as soon as she reached them.

When the rest of the school saw them. They were shocked by their sudden visit. Even principle Long.

As soon as they were up stage, Uncle Leong took the mic from An.

"Good day everybody. Sorry for the sudden visit. But we're just here to visit the Qi family. But we only knew which school they go to and not where they live. So for apologies I'll personally have a look through this school's art department.", said Uncle Leong

"Mr Leong, you don't have to. This school will welcome you no matter what. So you don't need to do this.", said Principle Long

"It's okay. An told me to find other painters to paint so that I could put their paintings in the art gallery back in Starkom.", said Uncle Leong

After hearing that, the principle was shocked. He then look at the twins. Uncle Leong saw his reaction and was amazed.

"Haven't you heard of the name An Qi from the art society?", ask Uncle Leong

"I might have but I didn't know that it was him.", said Principle Long

"Hahaha...", laughed Uncle Leong

"He did indeed was only inside the art society since a year ago or so...", said Uncle Leong

Everyone was shocked when they heard that. They look at the twins in shocked. Now they felt admiration towards An for being so good at Martial Arts, painting and also acting. They also felt envy and jealousy. But they do not dare to do anything or voiced out their feelings for they knew that they could not beat them in any of those things. So they could only watch in envy and jealousy deep within them.

After Uncle Leong was done talking, Emma snatched the mic from him.

"Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all. I'm Emma Lim. Hope everyone watched the new released movie play and enjoyed it.", said Emma

Gray then snatched the mic from her.

"Hope you all will like the movie. If so you all should also watch the past few ones.", said Gray

Fletcher than snatched the mic from him

"If some of you all are already supporting us. I hope you all continue supporting us.", said Fletcher

After he said that, he, Gray and Emma bow to the crowd. An then snatched the mic from Fletcher.

"Now no one can say that we were lying since now the prove is right here.", said An

Everyone kept silent for they could not refute even if they wanted to. Since they really spoke the truth.

Seeing their silence, An was satisfied. She then pass the mic back to Principle Leong and went downstairs the stage with her brother, cousin, friends an uncle Leong. As they went down, everyone was dismissed and they went back to their classrooms.

The twins, Liam and Matthew spend the rest of the school day touring around the school with the Norman and the others.
