Dine with the royal family

About an hour later, it was finally time to go to the restaurant. So An immediately brought them there. When they reached there, they found Han and the others already there. They looked like they were already stuffed with food.

"So how are you all going to eat later?", ask An sternly

Han and the others look at her guilty. And wouldn't dare to say anything. So An could only shake her head at them. She then bring them to the counter.

As soon as she reached the counter, a smaller group of people came in. When they came in, they caught a everybody's eye. They later then reached the counter at the same time as An.

When she look at them, she was surprised to see Prince Arthur. He too was surprised that he'll see her this quick.

So he went up to the man in the group.

"Father, could we invite me and Merlin's savior to dine with us?", ask Arthur

"Well, is you savior here too?", ask the king

"Yes he is. In a matter of fact, he has a group with him.", said Arthur

"Then in that case, you may invite him and his group to dine with us.", said the king

"Yes father. Thank you father.", said Arthur.

He then went up to the twins. As he walk toward the twins, everybody was looking. When he saw the twins at first, he was amazed that the person who helped and saved him have a twin brother. But somehow he still managed to tell the difference between them that nobody could. So went in front of An.

"An, may you join me and my family to dine with us?", ask Arthur

"It would be an honor but I'm with my friends and family.", said An trying to decline

"No matters. I had already ask my father, the king of that matter. And he agreed to allow you and your family and friends to dine with us too.", said Arthur

With so many people looking at them, it'll be very impolite to decline the royal prince's invitation. So she could only accept it.

"If that is the case, then please pardon us.", said An

As soon as he have walked up An, the rest of the Qi family there all have hatred in their eyes. But they made sure to not show it on their face.

The king then took to number one private room and An and the others have no choice but to follow them.

When they reached the room, they went in. After the royal family has sat down.

An and the others stood before them and greet the king,

"We're honored that his majesty had invited us to dine with his majesty but please forgive us of our dressing.", said An

"Hahaha no worries. I'm just thankful that you have save my son.", said the king

"Your majesty, I have done no saving. I only helped a person who I see that is getting bullied or ganged up.", said An

"Haha, so modest. But no matters, the fact that you have helped my sons the princes, stays the same. So please sit.", said the king

"Then I'll pardon your majesty then.", said An

She then made them sit at the table.

The table sitting went from the royal family sitting together with Arthur and Merlin sitting at the both sides and An sitting next to Han while Zen sat next to Merlin. Hatred was still in their eyes but they act politely.

"An... is it?", ask the king

"Yes, your majesty.", said An

"May you introduced your group of people to us?", ask the king

"Yes, your majesty.", said An

"Beside me is my twin brother Han and next to him is Gray Lim, and next to him is his cousin Emma Lim, then Norman Leong and his cousin, Fletcher Leong and Norman's father, Andrew Leong and beside him is Adriana Wong, Zacken Long and Percy Zhang, then next to him are my cousins, Leo, Ken and Zen.", said An

The king then nod his head in satisfaction.

Soon the food have arrived. But they still have to wait for the king to allow them to eat. When all the food arrived, the king announced for them to eat and so they did. Since Han and the others ate a lot, they weren't really hungry. So they hardly eat anything. While An and the others ate quite a lot, since it was really delicious.

After all the food was gone, and they had finished eating. The king looked at them in satisfaction,

"Was the food good?", ask the king

"Yes your majesty but in my opinion the food in Qi restaurant is still the best.", said An

"Yes.... that I have to agree.", said the king

"Too bad we still do not know who the boss of that restaurant is, or we'll have invited them to open a branch here.", said Arthur

"I heard that the boss decided to open one here. Tho he's still need time to open it.", said An

"You know who is the boss?", ask Arthur

"Yes, your majesty. But I'm was told not to let anyone know about it.", said An knowing what they'll ask

"I see, it's fine then.", said Arthur disappointed

"I'm sorry.", said An insincerely

"Never mind, it's just a pity.", said Arthur

"An, I heard from my sons that after a few seconds of seeing him use the royal family martial art skill, you've already learned it and mastered it", said the king.

When he said that, the others at the twins' side was all surprised except for Han

"Yes... I did. Sorry if that offended you.", said An

"Well it's okay, it's just a pity that you aren't from the royal family, or you'll already be a wonderful prince.", said the king

"I thank you your majesty for your praise.", said An

"Even our most talented prince could only mastered it after 3 months.", said the king

"Your majesty is too modest.", said An

"Hahaha....", said the king

After chatting all that, the royal family came to like An.

"Which school do you all go to?", ask the king

"Kungfu High School. And the younger ones goes to Diakom Middle school, your majesty .", said An

"Ah good.... how old are you An?", ask the king

"I'll be fifteen soon, my birthday is right around the corner.", said An

"Ooh.... when is it?", ask the king

"It's two weeks later counting today, your majesty", said An

"Ah.... just two days before our older son's birthday.", said the Queen for the first time since they start dining together

"Yes your highness.", said An

"Since Arthur is going to held a birthday on his birthday, why not let's invite all of you.", said the Queen

"Um.... my family was already invited.", said Zacken, Adriana and Uncle Leong

"Ah... I remember, Andrew Leong. You're already a noble, same as the son of the Long family and daughter of the Wong family.", said the Queen

"Oh yea.... we haven't asked.", said the Queen

Everyone then looked at her.

"An, Who are your parents?", ask the Queen

"My other family members had already passed on only leaving me, my brother and 5 of my cousins.", said An

"Oh, I'm sorry for your lost my dear.", said the Queen

"Thank you.", said An