Hammering nails in the school dojo

The next morning, after the Qi family did their usual morning routine and went to school. When they reach there, Uncle Leong, Norman, Fletcher, Gray and Emma went to the art department while the others went to class but the twins just went to the dojo and start practicing since it's been a long time since they last practiced.

As they were practicing, An's phone suddenly rang. They stopped and An reach for her phone and saw the caller ID. It was an unknown number, but she still answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hello, is this An?", ask the caller

The twins both recognized the voice at once, they then got angry but An still answered him.

"Hello. It's me An. What do you want Prince Arthur?", ask An

"Good, I just want to make sure that you're going to go to my birthday party.", said Prince Arthur

"Since you took your time to find my phone number just to call me to ask, won't it be rude to decline?", ask An

"Hehe.....", said Arthur softly

"And how did you find my number?", ask An

"My Butler is a hacker and he could get very good information on the internet. As long the info is on the internet, there's no way that he could not find them. He's also the top one hacker in the kingdom since A and H suddenly disappear.", said Arthur

"Wow, good to know. Now bye we're in school and I'm busy.", said An

And she immediately hung up the phone before even letting him say a word. She then turn to Han and start calming him down.

She went to her bag and pulled out two hammers and a small box of nails. She then passed it to Han.

"Let's go make a place to hang our bag and coats at the roof.", said An

Han looked up and knew why she wanted to do that so I agree. He then took a hammer from An and they both climbed up, they then found a few good spots to hammer the nail and so they hammer a few big nails. They hammered it till half the nail was in and the other half was out. They grab their bags and hang it on the nails and it work great, so they made a few more.

After a 2 minutes, they've nailed five nails. They then hang it and went back down and start practicing again until school ended.

They then went out and head to the gate to wait for Liam and Matthew. But when they reach the gate, they saw Principle Long standing there. When he saw them, he walk towards them.

"We're you two at the dojo again?", ask Principle Long

"Yea.... why?", said An

"The exams are already coming soon and you two still don't want to study?", ask Principle Long

"We've already learned up all the way to college standard. If anyone want to teach us, they have to be college teachers.", said Han

"It's not like Liam was studying anyway even though he's in class. He's studying his own thing.", said An

"I think he's studying medical things.", said Han

"Should be the second year one or the third.", said An

Principle Long was dumb founded when he heard them.

"Then what college studies did you two study?", ask Principle Long

"I studied Art, Acting, psychology, technology, sports and a bit of medical.", said An

"I studied the same thing as An just not the art. And I also studied education", said Han

Principle was also dumb founded by them because he can't believe that they high school student already studied college level things. And also not just one topic but many others.

"Then did Liam studied anything other than medical?", ask Principle Long

"I think he did. Education, psychology and maybe a bit of acting.", said Han

"Me and An used to sneak in a college and listen to the teachers there teaching.", said An

"Now not that much. To be honest me and Han already passed out acting, sport, psychology, technology, Education and art.", said An

"That means we already finished college. But we still came here. After Matthew finish his high school, we will drop out with Liam.", said Han

"We'll also send Liam to college to let him finish his studies and stuff. Same goes to Matthew. While we will also go to college to finish those that we haven't finish.", said An

"How can one person even go to many colleges in one life time?", ask Principle Long to himself softly

The twin obviously heard what he said and they just smiled at him. They then turn back to wait for the others and realized that they were already walking towards them. Principle Long then left quietly.

"Where were you two?", ask Liam

"We were in the school dojo practicing.", said An

"Why didn't you bring me along?", ask Liam

"We weren't allowed to let anyone know we're there. It's not allowed.", said Han

"Then why did you two go there then?", ask Liam

"Because we know how to hide at moment noticed.", said An

When Liam heard that, he can't refute so he just gave in.They then went back home. They went and bathe and they rest for awhile and waited for the younger ones to come back. Minutes later of waiting, the younger ones have came back. Ken quickly bathe and went to cook lunch for them. While Mariam just clean the house and went back to her room.

When Ken finished cooking, he placed the foods on the table. Everyone hurriedly went to the table and eat the food. They also made sure to leave some food for both Miriam and old man Joe. They then went out and practiced their Kungfu. Leo teaching them techniques while Zen just train them in strength while the twins stays in their room and start investigating the X association again.

After a few hours later those outside came back in and they went to bath. The twins also came downstairs after offing the computer. Ken then cooked dinner for them again and all of them eat the food and went back to their rooms once they were done and slept.