Test result

After they finished eating, they left the restaurant. They then went to town with Leo, Ken and Zen in the lead. They showed the twins everywhere around the city.

An then found a jewelry store, she went in and the others followed after her. They then saw many beautiful necklaces. She found many necklaces with many different pendants.

Moon, star, sun, diamond, different animals, flowers and also alphabets.

She decided to buy, a moon one for herself, a sun for Han, a lion for Leo, an elephant for Ken, a Lily flower for Liam, an alphabet Y for Zen and an alphabet S for Matthew.

One necklace cost a 200 dollars even though its just a small pendent so she payed 1400 dollars to the person at the cashier.

An found it worth the money since all the necklaces were made with with silver or gold.

The sun, lion and the alphabet S pendants were all made of real gold while, the moon, elephant, lily flower and the alphabet Y were made of real silver.

After she bought them, she gave it to them. After they received it, that all thank An but Liam looked at his with a weird expression.

"Why is mine a lily flower?", ask Liam

"Because you're Lily.", said An

"I told you to stop calling me that. That's a girl's name.", said Liam unamused

"Too bad.", said An

"Big sis An, why is mine an elephant?", ask Ken

"Because Xiang reading it in another way sounds like the word elephant.", said An

"Big sis, can you stop making fun of our name?", ask Ken

"It's big bro Kenken, but anyway no I won't.", said An

"Sigh...", sighed Liam and Ken

All of them then wore the necklace that An gave them, around their necks. And they continue touring around. When they reached a big shopping mall, An's girl instincts went up. and she want to go in. But was stopped by the boys, the boys just dragged her away from the shopping mall.

After they were 3 km away from the shopping mall. They let her go. She was disappointed but did not complain but just pouted.

They continue walking, and after 10 minutes or so, they stopped in front of a white color house.

"This is our place. And like we said last time, it's smaller than your house.", said Ken

He then took An's bag and start searching for something, when he finally found what he was looking for. He took it out and pass An's bag back to her.

After passing it back to her, in his hand was keys. He use the keys to open the doors to the house.

After he was done unlocking the doors, he let everyone in. And lock the doors again.

When the twins were in, that start exploring the house. After 5 minutes they finish looking around and went back to the others who were in the living room.

When they were satisfied, they decided to go back to the tents. So they came out of the house, and ran to the entrance of the country and went out. They then ran back to the forest and back to the campsite.

When they reached the campsite, it was just 3pm. So they decided to play games.

They climbed trees, ran around, played card and board games, they also slept in the trees or in the tents. And they also practiced their Kungfu and the twins just practice against each other while the others watched them.

When it was 6pm, Ken, Leo, An and Han start preparing the food while Liam use a torch to read his book that he brought along. And Matthew just slept in the tent.

When the food was done,( rabbits meat ), Matthew woke up and went to them. Liam too. And everyone then start eating. After they finished eating, they pack up all their things. And start hiking back home.

They didn't camped far from their home, just about 20 km away. So they just ran home.

Good thing that their house it's near the forest and there's no country walls there or they'll need to go through the gate guards. And that will be very annoying.

About 2 hours, they reached home, and it was already dark outside. So they quickly went inside the house.

Once inside, they put down all their things and went up to their rooms. When they just touched the bed, they immediately fell asleep.

The next day, they woke up. After they did their usual morning routine, they went to school.

Upon reaching school, they saw Aden walking into the school.

"Hi, Aden!!", said the twins, Liam and Matthew

Aden stopped and turned around, he then saw them.

"Hi An, Han, Liam and hi Matthew!!", said Aden

"You're coming back to our place today right?", ask An

"No, me and my sister would be coming back after this week.", said Aden

"Okay.", said An

Matthew and Aden then start walking towards the forth year building. While An, Han and Liam walk towards the second year building. They then walk to their classroom. When they just sat down, the teacher came in.

"All your text results have been mark already. Later you all may go and check which place you all got.", said the teacher

"Teacher, did anyone get full marks this time?", ask one of the student in the class which the twins don't know and didn't bothered neither did Liam

"Of course there is.", answered the teacher

"Who?", ask the student again

"An Qi, Han Qi and of course Liam Qi.", said the teacher happily

After the teacher finished handing out the papers, the other teachers came in and did the same. The three Qi s, all got full marks on test. Which is not surprising, but it brought jealousy to the other students.

When the recess bell rang, all of them came out from the classroom.They then went to the notice board at the first level to check their place.When they squeeze through the crowd and see. They found their names,

Top scores in school:

1 - Han Qi

2 - An Qi

3 - Liam Qi

After seeing, they just shrug and and walk away.