The Plan

Once they reached home, the others haven't came back yet. So they went to their room and put their things on the table then they went and wash up. Afterwards, they went downstairs to the living room and watch some tv to relax.

After some time, the others have came back. They quickly went to their rooms to put their stuff down and they also quickly wash up. They then went down to the living room and sat at the sofa. When all of them were finally seated.

"What have you found out?", ask Liam

"At most we only found out the way their using to get around the five countries without being spotted.", replied An

"How?!?", ask the others nervously

"The sewers.", replied Han

The others were shock by his reply. But after thinking awhile, it made sense to them. But it also made it harder to locate them or even find out what will their next moves be.

"Urggh.... now how are we suppose to locate them????", whined Zen

"Don't worry about it. I managed to hack into their system and planted a virus specialized in spying and tracking. It's also a virus that I personally invented.", said An

"Are you sure you won't get caught?", ask Liam

"Lee, that's not the point here!!!!!", exclaim Matthew

"Yea Lee, the point is that big sis An managed to hack thorough the association.", said Zen

"No lil bro, even though what big sis did was amazing, it's also dangerous.", said Ken

"Don't worry about it. I've cleaned all traces. And the virus don't do any harm to them except for spying on them. So they won't even realize it. Even if they do, they won't be able to find it.", said An

"How come??", ask Leo

"When I made the virus, I made it to be able to move around and not stay at one spot.", said An

"In other words, An made it so that if they think there is a virus in their system, they won't be able to successfully locate it since it never stays in one place.", said Han

"Even a skilled hacker needs time to locate the virus. And for that to happen, the virus needs to stay still for at least more than 30 seconds so that they could successfully locate it and eliminate it.", said An

"30 seconds was the fastest record for one hacker to locate and eliminate a virus.", said Han

"You all would definitely be interested in who the hacker was. The person who got the highest record on decoding and eliminating the fastest virus.", said An

"Who was it??", ask the others in excitement after hearing the tone of how the twins were speaking about the person

The twins smiled at them and said,

"It was Axel. Axel and Hawk was a team hacker. Axel in charge of defense and Hawk was in charge of attacked and gathering info.", said Han

"So in other words, Axel was in charge of locating, decoding and eliminating viruses. While Hawk was in charge of gathering info, breaking through firewalls, planting viruses and creating them.", said An

"But apparently right now, hacker A and H are professional in both defending and attacking. With the acceptance of A creating virus while H just plant whatever A created.", said Han

After hearing what the twins said, all of them started to cheer. They were jumping in joy, as if their wish have finally come through. Tho it's not really finish tho as they still have to capture the whole association and find who's behind their family's death.

"Hey An, doesn't this mean that you created to fastest virus ever to be created?", ask Matthew.

"Yup, my virus only stop for 0.00000000001 second before it move again. And it also doesn't go in a pattern. It moves around like a lucky draw.", said An

The others look at her very curiously, wanting her to explain.

"Basically, it's like the virus is having its own lucky draw session on where it should appear next. For example like a box full of 1 billion pieces of paper and u have to draw one. After drawing it, it'll appear at that spot but that piece of paper wouldn't go back into the box unless 80% of the papers has already been drawn out.", explain An

"In other words, the possibility of it appearing in the some place before 80% of the other places is non.", said Ken

"Yup.", said An proudly

"Then what's our next step gonna be?", ask Liam

When he ask that, the others all became serious. Even the dumb fool Matthew.

"Our next step is to record and memorize all the passages and routes in the sewer. That way we can capture them more easily.", said An

"And of course we should also go check out their past hideouts.", said Han

"First we'll have to split to two teams. First team is in charge of checking out all the other hideouts. The second team is in charge of drawing the routes and passages in the sewer.", said An

The others nod. Waiting for her to give the next order.

"First off, we need a hacker in the search team. To hack off all the cctvs. But now we only have two, me and Han. But both of us need to be together in the routes team since I'm the only one good at drawing and only Han can help me with the routes, we also need Liam since he can memorize the routes well too and can help me with the map. I need Han and Liam to exchange telling me the routes so that we can work faster.", said An

"In other words we have to teach Leo, Ken or Zen hacking. Matthew will definitely be in the search team since he got better instincts than all of us. And his instinct has always been right when it comes to searching or danger.", said Han

"But two person have to follow him. The others can follow my team.", said An

Leo, Ken and Zen look at each other. Then they decided that both Leo and Ken would be the ones learning how to hack, Zen will follow the twins. Since it's better for them to have more hackers. In case if emergency.

Since they had finished planning on how they're gonna act, they had to decide on when to act. Which in the end they decided to start on the day after Ken and Leo finally aced at hacking.