Birthday party

"Looks like what Matthew wanted for his reward came true.", said An

"Though it's without our permission.", said Han

"Well looks like there will be 5 Qi that will be getting punished after this celebration end.", said An

The 5 Qi was scared after hearing them and they unintentionally made a gulping sound. They wanted to beg for forgiveness but they also knew that they were in the wrong.

They knew the reason why the twins don't want a party but they still couldn't help themselves. They just want the twins to relax once in awhile even though the twins don't look like they feel stress or anything. But in reality, they already taken up the role of the head of the family.

Even so they did almost everything the head of the family should do. So if they don't feel stress or anything, the Qi cousins really wont know whether they are monsters or not.

"Okay we'll explain the rules of the games.", announced An

"On each table is a different kind of game. If you don't know the game you can read the instruction or you can ask any of those with the name Qi.", said Han

"Beside the game there's a small box. Inside the box will have 3 bottles of some strange liquid. For every loser of the game, they have to pick one of the bottles inside the box and apply a little bit of the liquid onto your face.", said An

"Don't worry, the liquid inside the bottles are not dangerous. It will only be very painful since it's not poured into water.", said Han

All of them were scared when they said that and immediately use their hand to touch their faces.

"There are a total of 13 games. Three card games and the rest are board games.", said An

"And we still have one more game that will be played in the empty space in the middle of the dojo.", said Han

"And that will be martial arts competition. Losers still have to follow the rules.", said An

"And the foods on the table, you guys can take it whenever you want.", said Han

"And that is all of our rules and explanations. Thank you very much. Please enjoy yourselves.", said An

After saying all that, they received an applause from everyone.

When they wanted to go play, Emma noticed the Fu family. So she ask the twins,

"Hey twins! Who are they?"

"Their our grand aunt's family. But we call our grand aunt, grandma Lian. Her name is Xandra Qi. The younger sister of our grandfather.", said An

"She brought along her sons and grandsons.", said Han

"That's our her first son, Uncle Jue, then nest to him is her second son, uncle Hao, then that man over there is her third son, uncle Mo.", said An

"Then we got our older cousins, Kyle being the eldest, Kade his younger brother, then we got Damien, his brother Dany and Daken. And the last three siblings Bryan, Brad and Bill.", said Han

"They are all older than Matt?", ask Zacken

"Yup. They are all very old. Old enough that you can call them uncle.", said An

"Hey! We're not that old! I'm only 21 this year!", shouted Kyle

"Isn't that old? You're years older than us by 6 years anyways.", said An

After saying that, the twins walk towards grandma Lian and start chatting with her.

"An, Han, your parents's death anniversary is coming soon. Aren't you two going to visit their grave?", ask Grandma Lian

The twins just stare at her not speaking, she sighed and said,

"I know for a fact that you two didn't visit their grave at all for the past 3 years, your other cousins too."

And still the twins kept silent as grandma Lian went on,

"Even though you all didn't visit their graves, you all should at least go this year. How sad do u think they are knowing that the children that they've raised don't have the courage to even visit their grave."

The twins still kept silent, despite knowing that what grandma Lian said was true. They know that they don't have the courage to visit their grave, even talking about them had to take every ounce of their courage and acting to make it look like they were over with it.

But despite them acting so well that could pass off other people tricking them into thinking they were okay, grandma Lian still notice that they were still not alright, that they were still not able to get over the fact.

But she also knew that they were trying, the fact that they still kept practicing their Kungfu was because they were trying.

When she saw they practicing, she knew that even when they were just practicing they were still remembering everything that happened that night. They felt scared just fighting but they still continue.

Because of that fact, she was proud. Proud that they were trying, proud that even with much pressure they still took the lead to lead their cousins and also proud that they can still continue heading for the future despite their plan for revenge.

But she was still worried for them. As she wanted to say something to them, the twins interrupted,

"True to the fact that we're scared but at least we have a lead on the enemy. After we successfully destroy them would we be able to go visit them proudly instead of sadness.", said An

"If we visit them with sadness, wouldn't that just make them more disappointed with us?", said Han

"So obviously we have to go there with smiles and pride.", said the twins in unison

This time, grandma Lian smiled at them, she was very proud of them, proud enough that she want to brag about them.

"Good.", she said

"I'll make sure the Fu family helps you two and assist you too.", said Grandma Lian

The twins smiled at her brightly and thank her, she laugh at them,

"What is there to thank, we're all family. We share the same blood.", said Grandma Lian

The twins hugged her and went to join the others with the games.